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Uncertain graphs clustering

This repository contains code and data used in the paper Clustering Uncertain Graphs.


Building the code

To build the code you need

  • CMake >= 3.0
  • Make
  • OpenMP
  • Boost >= 1.58 with the following components
    • graph
    • system
    • filesystem
    • date_time
    • program_options

From the root directory of the repository, run the following sequence of commands to build the software

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..   # configure with all optimizations enabled 
make                                  # actually compile the code

At this point you should have the following binaries

  • build/core/ugraph-mcpc: implementationof the MCP clustering algorithm
  • build/core/ugraph-acpc: implementation of the ACP clustering algorithm
  • build/core/ugraph-gmm: implementation of the classic GMM algorithm, adapted to work with probabilities, to be used as a baseline.
  • build/core/ugraph-scores: executable to compute scores given a clustering

Data format

The software works on undirected graphs, represented in a very simple textual format. Each line represents an edge, with a source, a destination, and a probability of existence, as in the following example

0 1 0.64
0 2 0.89
2 4 0.45
1 2 0.13

Reproducing the results of the paper

TL;DR: run the script

The directory Reproducibility contains instructions and data to reproduce the experimental results described in the paper.

To simplify bulding and running the code on several platforms, a Dockerfile configuration for building a docker image is provided. If you already have docker, then running the script will perform the following actions:

  • Build a docker image containing the compiled code and all necessary utilities to run experiments and plot figures
  • Run the docker image, which will execute the script Reproducibility/
  • Copy the resulting files in the newly created directory reproducibility-results

In the directory reproducibility-results/imgs you will find three PDF files, named figure-1.pdf, figure-2.pdf, and figure-3.pdf, each corresponding to a figure in the paper.

The last console output of the execution will be Table 2 of the paper.

The execution of all the tests will take a long time, so run it on a machine that can stay dedicated to the task for around one day. If you prefer, you can change the number of times each experiment is run by changing the first couple of lines of the script Reproducibility/

Result files

All programs produce as a result a compressed json file containing a JSON object with the following structure.

  • an object "tags" listing the configuration of the run, from the git-revision of the code to the input parameters, including the seed used for the random number generator
  • the date of the run
  • an object "tables" with the following fields:
    • "scores": a list containing a single objects with several scores on the quality of the clustering
    • "clustering": a list of objects, where each object represents a node of the input graph and has the following fields
      • "id": the internal identifier of the node
      • "center": the internal identifier of the center this node has been associated to
      • "label": the label of the node in the input
      • "center label": the label of the center in the input
      • "probability": the estimated probability of connection between the node and its cluster center

These files are suitable to be further processed with software such as pandas.

The scripts/ script is a wrapper around the MCL executable that presents the clusterings computed by MCL in this JSON format, thus allowing uniform analysis.

Citing the work

If you find this software useful, please acknowledge its usage by citing

Matteo Ceccarello, Carlo Fantozzi, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Fabio Vandin. Clustering Uncertain Graphs. PVLDB, 4(11): 472-44, 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3164135.3164143

  author    = {Matteo Ceccarello and
               Carlo Fantozzi and
               Andrea Pietracaprina and
               Geppino Pucci and
               Fabio Vandin},
  title     = {Clustering Uncertain Graphs},
  journal   = {{PVLDB}},
  volume    = {11},
  number    = {4},
  pages     = {472--484},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {},
  biburl    = {},


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Language:C++ 93.5%Language:Python 4.7%Language:CMake 0.9%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.0%