Astro Build using TypeScript plus TailwindCSS
VS Code + Development Containers ( Customizations | VS Code Extension )
- [GitHub] erkobridee/devcontainer-hello - Learning about Development Containers
It's commonly used the pattern @* -> src/*
, but this approach annoys me due to the current npm package namespaces ( scopes | npm docs ) which normally starts with @{user_name/org_name}
So to avoid that I tested the pattern ~/* -> src/*
, inspired on Unix OS, but those 2 caracteres for a lazy person like me it's too much.
So later on, I saw some cases where it's been using the pattern #* -> src/*
( tsconfig.json ) which avoid the issue from @
[YouTube] Astro in 100 Seconds | Fireship ( 2021-07-15 )
Deploy your Astro Site to GitHub Pages | Astro Docs
[GitHub] withastro/github-pages - Automatically deploy an Astro site to GitHub Pages
Get VSCode, eslint & prettier working with Astro | Geek's blog (2023/02/11)
Effortless Code Styling: Configuring Astro with Prettier, ESLint, and Tailwind CSS | Raj Vadeghar (2024/03/03)
You can use the Use this template
npx degit erkobridee/astro-ts-tw-hello {project_name}
npm create astro@latest -- --template erkobridee/astro-ts-tw-hello