erizocosmico / ci-1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

source{d} CI

This project contains the common CI configuration for all source{d} Go projects, including the following functionalities:

  • Automatic docker image upload on tag. It will upload the image to $(DOCKER_ORG)/$(PROJECT) on the given DOCKER_REGISTRY.
  • Automatic upload of built binaries to GitHub releases on tag.
  • Tests with coverage (using

Right now, this has only been tested with TravisCI.

  • Makefile.main: a common Makefile that should be included in all source{d}'s Go projects. Just set up some variables:

    • PROJECT: the project's name (mandatory).
    • COMMANDS: packages and subpackages to be compiled as binaries (mandatory).
    • DOCKERFILES: dockerfiles presents in the project (optional).
  • .travis.yml: config file used by TravisCI to create the build and such. Ideally, it's just necessary to specify the CODECOV_TOKEN and the proper project's name under the deploy section.

Use the files under examples as a template.

You will need to configure the following environment variables and make them available during the build process:

  • DOCKER_ORG: docker organisation name.
  • DOCKER_USERNAME: username of the registry account.
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD: password of the registry account.
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY: docker registry where images will be pushed.

Also, for publishing to GitHub, you will need to provide a GitHub API key.

For that, in travis, you can use the env. If your project is public, make sure to use secrets.
