erikxiv / cmdb-model

A module to retrieve Configuration Item information from multiple repositories and consolidate it into one or more repositories following a common model format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Important Note: This module is not even remotely finished.


  • Existing CMDB implementations often try to do all, but fail on a few fronts
  • Existing CMDB implementations often focus on mostly networks and servers (and thus fail in other areas)


  • For those who easily want to capture configuration item information from multiple sources easily
  • For those who flexibly want to restructure information from multiple sources to create actionable data for the CM team
  • For those whose datasets are relatively small (fits into memory)

Installation & Setup

  • npm install cmdb-model (TODO)
  • Configure (see below)
  • node lib/cmdb-model.js

Information Model


Basic building block of any Configuration Management Database (CMDB). An item that we want to keep track of.

Standard properties

  • id - unique, persistent identifier for this configuration item (unique within the specific repository). May not be changed once created.
  • revision - The current version of this specific configuration item. Any update will increment this value by one

Custom properties

Any properties you like, most likely different for each type of configuration item (e.g. IP, DNS, port, endpoint etc)


Relationships from this particular configuration item to other configuration items.

Javascript syntax

    id: 'importantMachine',
    revision: 3,
    properties: {
        type: 'machine',
        ip: '',
        name: 'importantMachine'
    relationships: {
        dns: 'dnsMachine',
        router: 'routerMachine'

RDF/Turle representation

    rdf:type cmdb:ci;
    cmdb:id 'importantMachine';
    cmdb:revision 3;
    repo:type 'machine';
    repo:ip '';
    repo:name 'importantMachine';
    repo:dns repo:dnsMachine;
    repo:router repo:routerMachine .


Represents a cmdb repository

Javascript syntax

    id: 'domainX',
    revision: 234


Represents an atomic change to a CMDB repository, including modifications to one or more configuration items.

Javscript syntax

    revision: 235, // new revision for the repository incurred by this change
    updates: [ // a list of configuration items that have been modified (added, modified or deleted)
            id: 'newMachine',
            operation: 'create',
            before: {},
            after: {
                id: 'newMachine',
                type: 'machine',
                properties: { ... },
                relationships: { ... }
            id: 'newMachine',
            operation: 'update',
            before: {
                id: 'newMachine',
                type: 'machine',
                properties: {
                    ip: ''
                relationships: { ... }
            after: {
                id: 'newMachine',
                type: 'machine',
                properties: {
                    ip: ''
                relationships: { ... }
            id: 'newMachine',
            operation: 'delete',
            before: {
                id: 'newMachine',
                type: 'machine',
                properties: { ... },
                relationships: { ... }
            after: {}

RDF/Turtle syntax

    rdf:type cmdb:change;
    cmdb:revision 235;
    cmdb:update _:1;
    cmdb:update _:2;
    cmdb:update _:3 .
    cmdb:id 'newMachine';
    cmdb:operation 'create';
    cmdb:before _:b1;
    cmdb:after _:a1 .
    cmdb:id 'newMachine';
    cmdb:operation 'update';
    cmdb:before _:b2;
    cmdb:after _:a2 .
    cmdb:id 'newMachine';
    cmdb:operation 'delete';
    cmdb:before _:b3;
    cmdb:after _:a3 .
    cmdb:id 'importantMachine';
    repo:type 'machine' .
    cmdb:id 'importantMachine';
    repo:type 'machine';
    repo:ip '' .
    cmdb:id 'importantMachine';
    repo:type 'machine';
    repo:ip '' .
    cmdb:id 'importantMachine';
    repo:type 'machine' .

cmdb interface

  • createRepository(name) - create a new repository
  • getRepository(name) - get an existing repository
  • deleteRepository(name) - delete an existing repository
  • deleteAllRepositories() - delete all repositories
  • searchRepositories([options]) - search for repositories

repository interface

Configuration Items

  • createCI(ci[, options])
  • getCI(id[, options])
  • updateCI(ci[, options])
  • deleteCI(id[, options])
  • searchCI([options])


  • createChange(change[, options])
  • getChange(change[, options])
  • searchChange([options])


Returns a change with differences. Useful when (1) updating the repository from a source where the full data is extracted periodically and (2) to compare as-is, to-be scenarios. Requires ci ids to be the same (use ci id to diff individual cis).

  • compare(otherRepositoryName)
  • compare(Array of cis)


CMDB Discovery

Service Interface

  • Updates are published to interested subscribers (CUD)
  • Queries over the data model can be made
  • (Invalid entries are published as part of the data model)

Adapter Interface

  • Updates are published to main data model

Data Model

  • Resources -- Required properties: id, repository, version (..., using subversion model? branching?) -- May have other properties (primarily primitives, possibly complex primitives)
  • Relations -- Subclass of Resource -- Required extra properties: fromResource, toResource
  • Change (e.g. update, think RSS feed) -- Linearly counted for the specific repository -- Contains resources affected and whats changed (CUD + details)

Adapter Process

  • Updates from source repositories using available mechanism (custom)
  • Adapter stores current state, and can use that for extracting updates or comparing to baseline
  • A new set of changes is persisted and published to interested parties


A module to retrieve Configuration Item information from multiple repositories and consolidate it into one or more repositories following a common model format.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%