erikhpalmgren / LCC_setoids_in_Coq

Coq proofs of categorical properties of setoids: local cartesian closedure and existence of coequalizers

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The following files contains Coq proofs for the fact that
the setoids form a locally cartesian closed pretopos and
in particular a locally cartesian closed category. Categories
are here defined without assuming equality on objects 
(so called e-categories).


This file contains notations in UTF8 for propositions
as types notions at the Set level. Author: Olov Wilander 2012.


A collection of basic definition and lemmas for Propositions
as types at the Set level. Author: Olov Wilander 2012


This contains definitions and results relating to setoids
where the equivalence relation has truth values in Set 
(and not in Prop as in the standard Coq library). The binary 
sum, binary product and the coequalizer constructions for
the category of setoids  are established. Author:
Olov Wilander 2012.


Contains a proof that the setoids form a locally cartesian
closed category, using Pi- and Sigma-constructions for
families of setoids. Author: Erik Palmgren 2012.


Coq proofs of categorical properties of setoids: local cartesian closedure and existence of coequalizers


Language:Coq 100.0%