ericleong / powerdash

Dashboard for energy consumption at 41 Cooper Square.

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Tracks energy usage at 41 Cooper Square, the engineering building of The Cooper Union.




After you clone this repository, navigate to the root directory of this project in your terminal and run

$ npm install



Retrieving Data

To retrieve data, either:

  • Set the environment variable NODE_ENV to production and create an environment variable named AUTH with a json string with the data below. Make sure the string does not have newlines!
  • Create a file named auth.json in the root of the repository with the data below.

The format of the file or string must be:

  "modbus": {
    "name": "<modbus server name>",
    "ip": "<modbus ip address>"
  "ntlm": {
    "auth": {
      "password": "<password>",
      "username": "<username>",
      "domain": "<domain>",
      "workstation": "<workstation>"
    "type1_msg": "<ntlm type 1 message>",
    "request": {
      "hostname": "<server hostname>",
      "path": "<path to query>",
      "method": "<http method>",
      "port": <port>,
      "headers": {}

Storing Data

Retreived data is set up to be stored in a mongodb database. The database is accessed via a url which could either point to a local or remote database instance. By default, mongo.js loads from a locally hosted database. If you want to load from this database, make sure to run mongodb beforehand with

$ mongod

If you want to connect to a remote database,

  1. Set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production
  2. Set the MONGOLAB_URI environment variable to the url of the database server
  3. Set the MONGOLAB_DB environment variable to the name of the database

Optional Configuration

The http port can be set by changing the environment variable PORT to the desired port. It defaults to 8080 otherwise.


To launch the server locally after following the previous steps, run

$ node ./app.js

then visit localhost:8080 (or the domain you set) in your browser.


The application program interface (API) is how external software can communicate with this program. The frontend code running inside the brower also uses this interface to query for data.

/recent - query for recent datapoints

This method returns a set of recent datapoints. For example, it can be used to query for data recorded during the previous hour.


/recent GET

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Required
elapsed Number Number of millseconds before the latest entry 60 * 60 * 1000 (one hour) No
dgm String Collection to query x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm No
variables String Comma-separated list of fields, or all kW-only fields No
format String Response format, either csv or rickshaw rickshaw No


rickshaw is intended to be used by the Rickshaw charting library. The csv format also supports a comma-separated list of collections.

/recent/diff - change in value

This method returns the difference between the current and a past set of datapoints. For example, it can be used to query for the amount of water collected over the previous day.


/recent/diff GET

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Required
elapsed Number Number of millseconds before the latest entry 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (one day) No
dgm String Collection to query x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper/greywater.dgm No
variables String Comma-separated list of fields, or all all No

Example Output

  "time": 86400000,
  "ART9 Result 1": 280,
  "ART8 Result 1": 0,
  "ART8 Result 2": 280

Note that the time is not the current time, but the time elapsed between the data points used for the calculation (in case the time difference is not exactly 24 hours).

/range - query for a range of datapoints

This method returns datapoints recorded during a time interval. For example, it can be used to query for data recorded on a certain date.


/range GET

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Required
start Number Start of desired range as a unix timestamp None Yes
end Number End of desired range as a unix timestamp the current time No
dgm String Collection to query x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm No
variables String Comma-separated list of fields, or all kW-only fields No
format String Response format, either csv or rickshaw rickshaw No


start must be earlier than end. rickshaw is intended to be used by the Rickshaw charting library. The csv format also supports a comma-separated list of collections.

/upload - upload new datapoints from a file

This method allows new datapoints to be uploaded to the server.


/upload POST

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Required
collection String Name of the collection the data belongs to, before it is "cleaned" None Yes
data Binary CSV file with header row None Yes


A webpage with the upload form, number of lines correctly parsed, and any parsing errors.


This cannot be used to update the meta collections because it is assumed that the first column represents time. Time should follow the CSV format created by this application. This route is intended to be used by the form obtained by doing a GET request on /upload.

Realtime Updates

Clients can receive realtime updates using, a library for real-time communication. Upon the first connection, clients should emit load with an object that contains dgm, variables, and elapsed (the same parameters as the /recent api). The server will then emit a dataset event with the corresponding recent data. This is similar to directly calling the /recent route, but perhaps works better with a realtime workflow. Here is an example object:

  "dgm": "x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm",
  "variables": "all",
  "elapsed": 3600000

Note that variables should be an array instead of a comma-separated string of desired fields. The output is in rickshaw format.

To subscribe to realtime updates, emit update with the desired dgm. If no dgm is specified, x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm is the default.

To unsubscribe from realtime updates, emit pause with the desired dgm to unsubscribe from. If no dgm is specified, x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm is the default.

Data is emitted via the update event. Here is an example update:

    "name": "SRV1KW",
    "data": [
        "x": 1427942712,
        "y": 252
    "name": "SV2KW",
    "data": [
        "x": 1427942712,
        "y": 62

Note that name corresponds to the raw field in the rickshaw response.

How it Works

Retreiving Data

The configuration information specified in auth.json (or the AUTH environment variable) dictates the source of the data. modbus and ntlm are the two types of protocols supported. The data itself is retrieved by scrape.js. The frequency and parameters for retrieval are specified in scrape.json.


Modbus is a communications protocol commonly found in industrial environments. It features a variety of "function codes" used to specify the type of action to be performed. In this particular application, only "Read Holding Registers" which has a function code of "3" is used to query data from a Modbus server, with this application serving as a Modbus client.


Modbus itself has no authentication scheme, but there are a couple bits of information that are still needed:

name example use
name cogen an alias for this server in the database
ip the ip address of the server

The specified IP address is then queried at the default Modbus port (502) and 41 registers are read.


The data retrieved by Modbus needs to be massaged into a more useful format. modbus.json specifies how to interpret the data retrieved. It has three fields:

field value
name name of the register
unit the units of the value
scale the retrieved value is multipled by this number

Once the data is retrieved, it is stored in the database with the time the data was retrieved.


NTLM is an authentication protocol created by Microsoft. In this application, it is presumed that the server that is being queried for data requires NTLM authentication.


This application logs onto the server with the credentials provided in auth. type1_msg is the initial authentication message sent to the server, and can usually be sniffed (though the credentials must match the credentials provided in auth, including the domain and workstation). It can also be generated by python-ntlm and other software. It is specified here for reproducibility reasons.

The request field specifies how to contact the server, and is directly passed as the "options" argument of the corresponding https.request() call.

scrape.json also specifies a couple other parameters that are passed as the body of the request. These specify the data to be retrieved. Here is a sample request body:

  "dgm": "x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm",
  "id": "",
  "node": "COOPER.41COOPERSQ"

Here is an example of a response from the server (given the sample request body above):

  "d": "<DiagramInput savedAt=\"2015-04-01 22:45:12\" xmlns=\"\">\r\n  <Items nodeName=\"COOPER.41COOPERSQ\" status=\"succeeded\">\r\n    <Item h=\"18573\" dt=\"0\" un=\"CCF\" l=\"SRV1GS_CCF\" r=\"0\" v=\"676,701\" rv=\"676701\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"18577\" dt=\"0\" un=\"CCF\" l=\"SRV2GS_CCF\" r=\"0\" v=\"630,386\" rv=\"630386\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"22656\" dt=\"0\" un=\"kW\" l=\"SRV1KW\" r=\"0\" v=\"252\" rv=\"252\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"22657\" dt=\"0\" un=\"kW\" l=\"SV2KW\" r=\"0\" v=\"62\" rv=\"62\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"22672\" dt=\"0\" un=\"kW\" l=\"SRV1PKW\" r=\"0\" v=\"248\" rv=\"248\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"22673\" dt=\"0\" un=\"kW\" l=\"SV2PKW\" r=\"0\" v=\"62\" rv=\"62\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"22674\" dt=\"0\" un=\"CCF/HR\" l=\"SRV1PGS\" r=\"0\" v=\"0\" rv=\"0\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"22675\" dt=\"0\" un=\"CCF/HR\" l=\"SV2PGS\" r=\"0\" v=\"0\" rv=\"0\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"23362\" dt=\"0\" un=\"kW\" l=\"Total KW\" r=\"0\" v=\"311\" rv=\"311\" />\r\n    <Item h=\"24286\" dt=\"0\" un=\"sec\" l=\"SD1 Time Left\" r=\"0\" v=\"593\" rv=\"593\" />\r\n  </Items>\r\n</DiagramInput>"

Inside the d field is just XML. Reformatted:

<DiagramInput savedAt="2015-04-01 22:45:12" xmlns="">
  <Items nodeName="COOPER.41COOPERSQ" status="succeeded">
    <Item h="18573" dt="0" un="CCF" l="SRV1GS_CCF" r="0" v="676,701" rv="676701" />
    <Item h="18577" dt="0" un="CCF" l="SRV2GS_CCF" r="0" v="630,386" rv="630386" />
    <Item h="22656" dt="0" un="kW" l="SRV1KW" r="0" v="252" rv="252" />
    <Item h="22657" dt="0" un="kW" l="SV2KW" r="0" v="62" rv="62" />
    <Item h="22672" dt="0" un="kW" l="SRV1PKW" r="0" v="248" rv="248" />
    <Item h="22673" dt="0" un="kW" l="SV2PKW" r="0" v="62" rv="62" />
    <Item h="22674" dt="0" un="CCF/HR" l="SRV1PGS" r="0" v="0" rv="0" />
    <Item h="22675" dt="0" un="CCF/HR" l="SV2PGS" r="0" v="0" rv="0" />
    <Item h="23362" dt="0" un="kW" l="Total KW" r="0" v="311" rv="311" />
    <Item h="24286" dt="0" un="sec" l="SD1 Time Left" r="0" v="593" rv="593" />

The data is then parsed with xml2js. The savedAt attribute is parsed using moment to a timestamp. For each Item, only some of the attributes are used:

attribute usage
l name of the item
un unit of the value
rv the actual value

Storing Data

Data is stored in mongodb, a NoSQL document database. The database consists of a set of "collections", each of which contains a series of "documents".

Configuring MongoDB

By default, this application connects to a MongoDB instance at localhost:27017 and the database named powerdash. If a different database location is desired, set the MONGODB_ATLAS_URI and MONGODB_ATLAS_DB environment variables to point to the respective MongoDB instance and database name. Also set as NODE_ENV to production to make sure the mentioned environment variables are checked first.

Storage Format

For Modbus queries, the name specified in auth.json is used as the name of the collection.

For NTLM queries, each dgm specified in scrape.json corresponds to another collection in the database. Note that the names are "cleaned" by replacing colons (:) with underscores (_) and forward slashes (/) with dashes (-). This facilitates saving the database to a file using mongoexport.

Additional metadata for each collection is specified in another collection, named by prepending meta_ to the name of the collection it corresponds to. Therefore the list of collections for the above NTLM query (where dgm is x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm) would be

collection name
data x-pml:-diagrams-ud-41cooper.dgm
meta meta_x-pml:-diagrams-ud-41cooper.dgm

Data Collection

Each document in a data collection corresponds to a successful data retrevial. For the example data retrieved above, the resulting document would be similar to this:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "551c9f1c9d368103000a918b"
  "time": {
    "$date": "2015-04-02T02:45:12.000Z"
  "SRV1GS_CCF": 676701,
  "SRV2GS_CCF": 630386,
  "SRV1KW": 252,
  "SV2KW": 62,
  "SRV1PKW": 248,
  "SV2PKW": 62,
  "SRV1PGS": 0,
  "SV2PGS": 41,
  "Total KW": 311,
  "SD1 Time Left": 593

_id is a field generated by mongodb that can be used to uniquely identify a set of data. time is UTC equivalent of the current time for Modbus queries or the savedAt attribute for NTLM queries.

Meta Collection

The meta collection contains information about each of the fields in a data document. Each document corresponds to a field in the corresponding data collection

For example, this is a sample document that corresponds to the SV2KW field in the x-pml:/diagrams/ud/41cooper.dgm collection (so this document would be found in the meta_x-pml:-diagrams-ud-41cooper.dgm collection).

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "53dd9abd1b1079fbb32b0eaa"
  "h": "22657",
  "name": "SV2KW",
  "unit": "kW"

This additional information is extracted from the data retrieved above.

Displaying Data

Querying for Data

The data displayed by this application is often a subset of the data stored in the database. This is achieved by adding constraints to our database queries. For example, if we want to query the past two hours of data, we start with the current time:

var currentTime = new Date();

then subtract "two hours" in milliseconds, or 2 × 60 minutes/hour × 60 seconds/hour × 1000 milliseconds/second and create a new Date object:

var twoHours = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // in milliseconds
var twoHoursAgo = new Date(currentTime - twoHours);

Then query for documents with time > twoHoursAgo

var cursor = collection.find({ time: { $gt: twoHoursAgo }})

where $gt represents the "greater than" operator. The retrieved documents are then massaged to meet the requirements of the desired output format.

Data Aggregation

When using the rickshaw output format, the data is aggregated to reduce the number of points.

Duration Aggregate
≤ 6 hours None
≤ 1 week Minute
≤ 1 month Hourly
≤ 6 months Daily
> 6 months Weekly

The aggregation performed is a simple average of the available data points. Note that "daily" aggregation is performed in the Eastern Time Zone, which is either EST or EDT depending on whether or not daylight savings time is being observed.

Data Formats

Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

The CSV format is a simple file format used for storing tabular data. It consists of a header, with each column separated by a comma, and the data, with each row separated by a newline character. For example the NTLM data above can be represented as

02-Apr-15 02:45:12,676701,630386,252,62,248,62,0,41,311,593

The time is formatted to suit Excel, but any program should be able to parse it.


Rickshaw is the library used to graph the data. It expects each series as a separate item, so it is necessary to break up each field into separate series. Here is an example of one series:

  "name": "Utility Service 1",
  "id": "SRV1KW",
  "unit": "kW",
  "data": [
      "x": 1427942712,
      "y": 252

name is converted from id using the mapping specified in humanize.json. This is the human-readable name. Inside data, x is the unix timestamp, and y is the value at that time.





Dashboard for energy consumption at 41 Cooper Square.


Language:JavaScript 88.4%Language:CSS 7.2%Language:Pug 4.3%Language:Procfile 0.0%