erick-martins / fastlane-plugin-jira_issues_release_notes

A plugin for fastlane that generates a release note based on the issues keys and descriptions found in the commits

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Jira Issues Release Notes - Fastlane Plugin

fastlane Plugin Badge License Gem Version

It generates a release note based on the issues keys and descriptions found in the commits and branch name

Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-jira_issues_release_notes, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin jira_issues_release_notes


All actions requires some parameters to access Jira API. These are the arguments the all share:

Argument Type Description Optional Default Env Name
username String The prefix for yours jira issues FL_JIRA_USERNAME
password String Jira user password FL_JIRA_PASSWORD
host String Jira location FL_JIRA_HOST
context_path String Jira context path Empty FL_JIRA_CONTEXT_PATH
disable_ssl_verification Boolean Jira SSL Verification mode false FL_JIRA_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION
api_version String Jira api version 2 FL_JIRA_API_VERSION


This action returns the list of jira issue keys extracted from your commits since the latest published tag.


Argument Type Description Optional Default Env Name
tag_prefix Regex Match prefix to find latest tag. Example: v*
ticket_prefix String or Regex The prefix for yours jira issues [A_Z]+ FL_FIND_TICKETS_MATCHING
tag_version_match String To parse version number from tag name /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/

Usage example:

platform :android do 
  lane :develop do 
    keys = jira_issues_keys_from_commits(
      tag_prefix: 'v*',
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
    puts keys


This action creates a release note based on the issue key extracted from your branch name. For example a branch called feature/ABC-1234-some-feature will extract the ABC-1234 issue key.

It should be used to generate version to validate you branch's feature before you merge it.


Argument Type Description Optional Default Env Name
ticket_prefix String or Regex The prefix for yours jira issues [A_Z]+ FL_FIND_TICKETS_MATCHING
extra_fields Hash A hash of extra Jira fields to display.
It should be a hash with key as the label for the key and value as the symbol representing the jira's key:
Example: { "My Custom Field" => :customfield_1 }
Empty Hash
format slack, markdown , html or plain Defines the result format markdown

Usage example:

# Branch: feature/ABC-1234-some-feature

platform :android do 
  lane :develop do 
    # Build a apk for development environment
    link_to_download = upload_to_s3	

    release_notes = jira_feature_validation(
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
      format: 'slack',
      extra_fields: {
        "What should we test?" => :customfield_1

      pretext: ":android: A new android build is available for feature validation\n#{release_notes}", 
      payload: {
          "Download it here" => link_to_download
      success: true


This action creates a changelog based on the issue keys extracted from your commits since the latest published tag.

It should be used to generate version to validate in QA stage.

Usage example:

platform :android do 
  lane :staging_validation do 
    # Build a apk for staging environment
    link_to_download = upload_to_s3	

		release_notes = jira_release_validation(
      tag_prefix: 'v*',
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
      validated_status: ['To Deploy', 'Done'],
      to_validate_status: ['To Test', 'To QA'],
      format: 'slack',

      pretext: ":android: A new android build is available for QA\n#{release_notes}", 
      payload: {
          "Download it here" => link_to_download
      success: true


Argument Type Description Optional Default Env Name
tag_prefix Regex Match prefix to find latest tag. Example: v*
ticket_prefix String or Regex The prefix for yours jira issues [A_Z]+ FL_FIND_TICKETS_MATCHING
tag_version_match String To parse version number from tag name /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
validated_status Array List of jira issues status already validated FL_JIRA_VALIDATED_STATUS
to_validate_status Array List of jira issues status to be validated FL_JIRA_TO_VALIDATE_STATUS
format slack, markdown , html or plain Defines the result format markdown


This action creates a changelog based on the issue keys extracted from your commits since the latest published tag.

It should be used to generate from a release version.

Usage example:

platform :android do 
  lane :release do 
    # Build and release a new version
    # Hash with grouped types with names by issue type. Use de key work "ANY_TYPE" as fallback.
		# The ordenation will reflect to the final result.
    grouped_by_types = { 
      "Added/Changed" => ["ANY_TYPE"],
      "Fixed" => ["Bug"]

		release_notes = jira_release_changelog(
      tag_prefix: 'v*',
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
      grouped_by_types: grouped_by_types,
      format: 'slack',

      pretext: ":android: A new android version was released\n#{release_notes}", 
      success: true


Argument Type Description Optional Default Env Name
tag_prefix Regex Match prefix to find latest tag. Example: v*
ticket_prefix String or Regex The prefix for yours jira issues [A_Z]+ FL_FIND_TICKETS_MATCHING
tag_version_match String To parse version number from tag name /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
grouped_by_types Hash Hash with grouped types with names by issue type. Use de key work "ANY_TYPE" as fallback. FL_JIRA_RELESE_GROUPED_TYPES
format slack, markdown , html or plain Defines the result format markdown


This action adds comment to the issue keys extracted from your commits since the latest published tag or the issue extract from the name of the branch.

Usage example:

def generate_comment_block(version: url:)
      "type" => "doc",
      "version" => 1,
      "content" => [
          "type" => "paragraph",
          "content" => [
              "type" => "text",
              "text" => "A new Android build is available. (#{version})\n",
              "marks" => [
                  "type" => "strong"
              "type" => "text",
              "text" => "Download it here",
              "marks" => [
                  "type" => "link",
                  "attrs" => {
                    "href" => "#{url}",
                    "title" => "Download it here"

platform :android do 
  lane :develop do 
    # Build a apk for development environment
    link_to_download = upload_to_s3	
    # Comment on issues
    comment_block = generate_comment_block(
      version: "v2.5.0",
      url: ""
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      tag_prefix: "v*",
      comment_block: comment_block
  lane :staging_validation do 
    # Build a apk for staging environment
    # Build a apk for staging environment
    link_to_download = upload_to_s3	
    # Comment on issues
    comment_block = generate_comment_block(
      version: "v2.5.0",
      url: ""
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      extract_from_branch: true,
      comment_block: comment_block
  lane :release do 
    # Build a apk for staging environment
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
      ticket_prefix: 'ABC',
      extract_from_branch: true,
      comment: "Resolved on version #{version} published #{now_date}"


Argument Type Description Optional Default Env Name
tag_prefix Regex Match prefix to find latest tag. Example: v*
Conflicts with :extract_from_branch

If you set to extract keys from the branch, it should not be set
ticket_prefix String or Regex The prefix for yours jira issues [A_Z]+ FL_FIND_TICKETS_MATCHING
tag_version_match String To parse version number from tag name /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
extract_from_branch Boolean If true it will search for jira issue key in the current branch name. In this case do NOT set :tag_prefix
Conflicts with :tag_prefix

If you set :tag_prefix, it should not be set or set to false
comment String Comment to add to the ticket
Conflicts with :comment_block

If you set :comment_block, it should not be set.
comment_block Hash Comment block to add to the ticket
Conflicts with :comment

If you set :comment, it should not be set.


This action searches jira versions and returns the list


Argument Type Description Optional Env Name
project_id String The project ID or project key FL_JIRA_PROJECT_ID
query String Filter the results using a literal string. Versions with matching name or description are returned (case insensitive).
order_by String Order the results by a field.
Valid values: description, -description, +description, name, -name, +name, releaseDate, -releaseDate, +releaseDate, sequence, -sequence, +sequence, startDate, -startDate, +startDate
status String A list of status values used to filter the results by version status. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. The status values are released, unreleased, and archived.

Usage example:

platform :android do 
  lane :release do 
    versions = jira_versions(
      project_id: 'ABC',
      query: 'app_v2.5.0',
      status: 'released,archived',
      username: ENV["FL_JIRA_USERNAME"],
      password: ENV["FL_JIRA_PASSWORD"],
      host: ENV["FL_JIRA_HOST"],
    puts versions

Run tests for this plugin

To run both the tests, and code style validation, run


To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use

rubocop -a

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out


A plugin for fastlane that generates a release note based on the issues keys and descriptions found in the commits

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%