ericgj / cookiecutter-pypackage

A cookiecutter template for Python packages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a fork of cookiecutter-pypackage-minimal. For basic explanation of usage and design opinions, see the original.

This cookiecutter template adds the following, optimized for my use:

  • Better default values in cookiecutter.json
  • Simplified README structure
  • Distinguish between package name and top-level module name
  • Linting is run via tox (flake8)
  • Testing assumes use of hypothesis
  • Post-gen hook to install development environment, initial git commit
  • Run black as git pre-commit hook


A cookiecutter template for Python packages

License:MIT License


Language:Python 74.6%Language:Shell 25.4%