ericalexanderorg / should-i-trust

OSINT tool to evaluate the trustworthiness of a company

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




should-i-trust is a tool to evaluate OSINT signals for a domain.


should-i-trust requires API keys from the following sources: - Free for for first 250/quries/month

VirusTotal - Free

GrayHatWarFare - Free with limited results

Use Case

You're part of a review board that's responsible for evaluating new vendors. You're specifically responsible for ensuring new vendors meet compliance and security requirements.

Standard operation procedure is to ask for one or all of the following: SOC report, VSAQ, CAIQ, SIG/SIG-Lite. All vendors will not have these reports and/or questionnaire answers. Maybe it's org process to deny vendor intake without this information, or maybe, this is a "special" engagement and you need to ascertain trustworthyness without the docs. Maybe you don't trust the response in the docs.

should-i-trust is a tool to go beyond standard responses and look for signals that the organization should not be trusted. Maybe they're exposing their CI/CD to the internet with no auth. Maybe they have an EC2 instance with prod code running and no directory restrictions.

should-i-trust doesn't provide all the information you will need to make a go/no-go decision but it will allow you to quickly gather OSINT data for further evaluation.

should-i-trust is also useful for red team or similar engagements. It can quickly identify targets to probe.


Either install the chrome extension through chrome or download and manually install in chrome using developer mode.


Open the extension

Enter your API keys (required once)

Enter a domain to query


  • If there's an indicator the domain participates in a bug bounty program
  • Domains found through VirusTotal,, and the Google Cert Transparency Report
  • IPs and open ports found through
  • Repositories found on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket
  • Misc data found on
  • AWS bucket files found exposed through GrayHatWarfare

Road Map



OSINT tool to evaluate the trustworthiness of a company


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