erhathaway / node-typescript-boilerplate

A typescript boilerplate for creating npm packages, npm binaries, and static ts to js files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Actions Status

A basic boilerplate for node projects

  • Typescript
  • Rollup
  • Jest
  • ESlint
  • Prettier


  • Continuous Integration (CI) is done via GitHub Actions
  • Testing supports Typescript
  • ESLint is configured to work with Typescript, Prettier, and Jest
  • Husky is added for git-hooks. The pre-commit hook checks similar things as the CI


  1. Edit the package.json file and specify project attributes. All of the following should be customized:

    • name
    • version
    • description
    • repository
    • author
    • license
    • bugs
    • homepage
  2. Edit the .github/CODEOWNERS file and add your github user name

  3. Edit the Continuous Integration badge in the See the github docs on action badges

  4. Edit (or delete) the Dependabot badge in the Use <username>/<reponame> syntax

  5. Install the dependencies npm install or yarn install

  6. Run a dev build of src/index.ts code with npm run dev

  7. Build the code npm run build


This template supports building a distributable, a binary, and static js files from typescript files.

Building is done with rollup.


Binaries are built from the code that lives in src/bin.ts. If you don't want binaries you can delete the src/bin.ts file and the entry in rollup.config.js

Note: you might want to change the line in package.json

"node-typescript-boilerplate": "./dist/bin.js"


"[NAME OF SCRIPT]": "./dist/bin.js"


The distributable is built from src/index.ts. If you don't want a distributable you can delete the src/index.ts file and the entry in rollup.config.js

If you are trying to publish a package for use by another codebase, you'll want to use this.


Sometimes you want to just transpile TS to JS. Files in src/static here will appear in dist/static. If you don't want static file transpilation that aren't binaries or distributables you can delete the files in src/static/ file and the entry in rollup.config.js


A typescript boilerplate for creating npm packages, npm binaries, and static ts to js files.


Language:JavaScript 99.0%Language:TypeScript 1.0%