erdivartanovich / pywal.nvim

pywal.nvim is a reimplementation of pywal.vim to support a few lua plugins like nvim-tree, telescope, bufferline, etc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pywal.nvim Enhanced

This project is a fork of the original pywal.nvim repository, which is now archived. It includes several enhancements in color mappings and integration with other plugins.

Pywal.nvim is a complete reimplementation of pywal.vim in Lua and is designed to work seamlessly with Neovim. It comes with built-in support for several Neovim Lua plugins.


  • A complete rewrite of the original pywal.vim in Lua.
  • Seamless integration with Neovim.
  • Built-in support for various Neovim Lua plugins.


  • Enhance Treesitter Syntax Highlights
  • Automatic colorscheme updating when using the pywal command.


01 02 03 04

External Plugin Support

  • Telescope
  • Nvim Tree
  • Tresitter
  • Lsp
  • Lsp saga
  • Coc
  • Bufferline
  • Illuminate
  • Diff
  • Git signs
  • Git gutter
  • Lualine
  • Feline
  • Ident-BlankLine


You can install this plugin with packer:

use { 'erdivartanovich/pywal.nvim', as = 'pywal' }

Or with vim-plug:

Plug 'erdivartanovich/pywal.nvim', { 'as': 'pywal' }

Active theme

To active the theme call this in your neovim config:

local pywal = require('pywal')


Or with vim script:

colorscheme pywal

It will set automatically the vim.opt.termguicolors to true

Activating lualine theme

Place this in your lualine config:

local lualine = require('lualine')

lualine.setup {
  options = {
    theme = 'pywal-nvim',

Or you can override lualine config and theme with your own configurations:

      local lualine = require('lualine')
      local pywal_core = require('pywal.core')
      local colors = pywal_core.get_colors()
      local custom_theme = {
        normal = {
          a = { bg = colors.color4, fg = colors.background }, -- asign color from pywal colors
          b = { bg = colors.color1, fg = colors.foreground },
          c = { bg = '#2b2637', fg = colors.foreground },     -- or you can asign static color

        insert = {
          a = { bg = colors.color4, fg = colors.background }

        command = {
          a = { bg = colors.color5, fg = colors.background },
          b = { bg = colors.background, fg = colors.color5 },

        visual = {
          a = { bg = colors.color6, fg = colors.background },
          b = { bg = colors.background, fg = colors.color6 },

        replace = {
          a = { bg = colors.color11, fg = colors.background },
          b = { bg = colors.background, fg = colors.color11 },

        inactive = {
          a = { bg = colors.background, fg = colors.foreground },
          b = { bg = colors.background, fg = colors.foreground, gui = "bold" },
          c = { bg = colors.background, fg = colors.foreground },

        options = {
          theme = custom_theme,
          section_separators = { left = '', right = '' },
        sections = {
          lualine_a = {
            { 'mode', separator = { left = '' }, right_padding = 2 },
          lualine_b = { 'branch' },
          lualine_c = { 'filename' },
          lualine_x = { 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' },
          lualine_y = { 'progress' },
          lualine_z = {
            { 'location', separator = { right = '' }, left_padding = 2 },
        inactive_sections = {
          lualine_a = {},
          lualine_b = {},
          lualine_c = { 'filename' },
          lualine_x = { 'location' },
          lualine_y = {},
          lualine_z = {},
        tabline = {},
        extensions = {},

Activating the feline theme

You can put this to your config to activate the feline config:

local present, feline = pcall(require, 'feline')

if not present then

local present, pywal_feline = pcall(require, 'pywal.feline')

if not present then

  components = pywal_feline,

Then you will see the feline bar working successfully

Using the core to get the colors

If you want to get the colors into a lua dictionary

local pywal_core = require('pywal.core')
local colors = pywal_core.get_colors()

How it works

Pywal automatically generate a file called colors-wal.vim in ~/.cache/wal/colors-wal.vim, it file contains all the colors that are necesary to works for vim, it files looks like this:

" Special
let wallpaper  = "/home/user/Pictures/winter-purple.jpg"
let background = "#110914"
let foreground = "#e3cfe2"
let cursor     = "#e3cfe2"

" Colors
let color0  = "#110914"
let color1  = "#A378B6"
let color2  = "#B687AD"
let color3  = "#D9A2AF"
let color4  = "#F8DDAD"
let color5  = "#AD90CF"
let color6  = "#D2ACD6"
let color7  = "#e3cfe2"
let color8  = "#9e909e"
let color9  = "#A378B6"
let color10 = "#B687AD"
let color11 = "#D9A2AF"
let color12 = "#F8DDAD"
let color13 = "#AD90CF"
let color14 = "#D2ACD6"
let color15 = "#e3cfe2"

The theme only reads it files variables and then create a colors dictionary to create a theme based in it's colors


If you like this and my work you can give me a star :)


pywal.nvim is a reimplementation of pywal.vim to support a few lua plugins like nvim-tree, telescope, bufferline, etc


Language:Lua 99.9%Language:Vim Script 0.1%