Cronitor Ping API Client
Cronitor is a service for heartbeat-style monitoring of anything that can send an HTTP request. It's particularly well suited for monitoring cron jobs, Jenkins jobs, or any other scheduled task.
This bash script provides a simple abstraction for the pinging of a Cronitor monitor. For a better understanding of the API this library talks to, please see our Ping API docs. For a general introduction to Cronitor please read How Cronitor Works.
Download, add it to your PATH, and make sure that it is executable (chmod +x cronitor
Usage: CRONITOR_ID=<unique monitor id> cronitor [-...] '<command>'"
or: cronitor -i <your cronitor id> [-...] 'command'
-a: auth key to send for all monitor actions
-s: suppresses output to logger command
-S: suppresses stdout from command
-p: disable ssl in favor of plain-text
-e: do not sleep a few random seconds at start, reduce spikes locally and at Cronitor
-o: only try curl commands once, even on retryable failures (6, 7, 28, 35), default 3 times
-t: curl timeout in seconds; default 10
-E: environment flag to pass to Cronitor
CRONITOR_ID=83a8d6c0 cronitor /path/to/
If invoking using cron, your crontab entry may look something like
* * * * * CRONITOR_ID=83a8d6c0 cronitor /path/to/
- curl