erazor83 / PenguPilot

GNU/Linux based Multi-Rotor UAV Autopilot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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| |_|   \___|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|   |_|_|\___/ \__| |
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|  GNU/Linux based |___/  Multi-Rotor UAV Autopilot |

Build Status


PenguPilot is a Free and Open Source Multi-Rotor UAV autopilot for Linux-capable computer modules like the Gumstix Overo, Raspberry Pi or the Odroid-U3. Sensor data acquisition, state estimation and feed-back control runs as a high-priority Linux user-space task, which is ideal for prototyping and experimentation. PenguPilot's architecture allows to distribute the control code among several processes (e.g. high-level control in Python and low-level control in C). Currently, components are implemented in C and Python, communicating efficiently via ZeroMQ and Protobuf/MessagePack.


Flight Infrastructure:

  • autopilot:
    • service: the autopilot service
    • tools: calibration and other useful utilities
  • blackbox: black box service for logging every sensor input of the autopilot to harddisk/sdcard
  • powerman: power management and monitoring service
  • gpsp: gps publisher, similar to gpsd but more efficient and much simpler using nmeablib
  • icarus: high-level control service for complex commands

Supporting Infrastructures:

  • scl: signaling and communication link (IPC framework), see config/system.yaml
  • opcd: online parameter configuration daemon, see config/params.yaml
  • svctrl: service management and control utility, see config/services.yaml
  • shared: shared Libraries for threading and other common tasks
  • config: configuration files
  • setup: config file creation scripts (EXPERIMENTAL)

Additional Features:

  • aircomm: encrypted aerial communication daemon, using NRF24L01+
  • display: shows battery, mem, cpu, sattelite status via I2C SSD1307 128x64 display from Adafruit
  • wifi_sensor: published wireless network data acquired via iwlist
  • wifi_loc: combines gps measurements and wifi scan results and publishes it

Build System and Environment:

  • site_scons: related to build system
  • SConstruct: scons build file
  • scripts: various scripts, e.g. bashrc

Library dependencies:

  • C: msgpack, protobuf-c, yaml, zeromq, glib
  • Python: psutil, pyyaml, protobuf, msgpack, pyzmq, swig, python-daemon, numpy
  • System recommended: sudo, git, i2c-tools, screen...

Example UAV System

Here's an example of a Gumstix Overo Air based PenguCopter with GPS receiver and I2C OLED display:


Flying Penguins from BBC :)


GNU/Linux based Multi-Rotor UAV Autopilot