er-ri / selenium-wrapper-vba

A Selenium-WebDriver-based browser automation framework implemented for VBA.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Selenium-WebDriver-based browser automation framework implemented for VBA.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Requirements
  3. Getting Started
  4. Usage
  5. Roadmap
  6. License
  7. Contribution
  8. References

About The Project

The project implements the endpoint node command defined in W3C WebDriver specification through VBA. You can use the project to do browser automation without installing a programming language such as Python, Java, etc. An MS office app and a browser-specific driver are required.


  1. MS Office(Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc) 32bit or 64bit
  2. Browser's driver(Supported Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Internet Explorer)

Getting Started

  1. Download the browser-specific drivers, firefox, chrome, edge, or ie.
  2. In the office, by clicking the Developer tab(if you enabled) or through the shortcut key Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor, and then import WebDriverOptions.cls, WebDriver.cls, WebElement.cls and JsonConverter.bas into your project. (File > Import File)
    • where JsonConverter.bas, a JSON Parser for VBA created and maintained by @timhall. For more details, see here.
  3. Include a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime". (Tools > References Check "Microsoft Scripting Runtime")


  • Add browser's driver in the system PATH, or you can also specify the path when launching the corresponding browser's driver.
  • Some configurations are required before using iedriver, see here for more details about the configurations.


Sub Example()
    Dim driver As New WebDriver

    driver.Chrome "to/your/path/chromedriver.exe"
    driver.NavigateTo ""
    driver.FindElement(By.ID, "id-search-field").SendKeys "machine learning"
    driver.FindElement(By.ID, "submit").Click
    driver.TakeScreenshot ThisWorkbook.path + "./screenshot.png"
    Set driver = Nothing
End Sub


Element Retrieval

Find Element

    ' Locator Strategies:
    Dim e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8 As WebElement
    set e1 = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "id")
    set e2 = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName, "blue")
    set e3 = driver.FindElement(By.Name, "name")
    set e4 = driver.FindElement(By.LinkText, "")
    set e5 = driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText, "www.googl")
    set e6 = driver.FindElement(By.TagName, "div")
    set e7 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath, "/html/body/div[1]/div[3]")
    set e8 = driver.FindElement(By.CSS, ".search input[type='text']")

Find Elements

    Dim elements() As WebElement
    elements = driver.FindElements(By.TagName, "a")
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In elements
        ' Do your stuff
    Next element

Find Element From Element

    Dim elementRoot As WebElement
    Set elementRoot = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "root1")
    Dim elementChild As WebElement
    Set elementChild = driver.FindElementFromElement(elmentRoot, By.TagName, "div")

Find Elements From Element

    Dim elementRoot As WebElement
    Set elementRoot = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "root1")
    Dim elementChildren() As WebElement
    elementChildren() = driver.FindElementsFromElement(elmentRoot, By.TagName, "p")

Find Element From ShadowRoot

    Dim element as WebElement
    Dim elementShadowRoot As WebElement
    Set elementShadowRoot = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "shadow_id").GetShadowRoot()
    Set element = driver.FindElementFromShadowRoot(eleShadowRoot, By.CSS, "#shadow_css")

Find Elements From ShadowRoot

    Dim elements() As WebElement
    Dim elementShadowRoot As WebElement
    Set elementShadowRoot = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "shadow_id").GetShadowRoot()
    elements() = driver.FindElementsFromShadowRoot(elementShadowRoot, By.CSS, "#shadow_css")


Get Timeouts

    Dim timeoutsDict As Dictionary
    Set timeoutsDict = driver.GetTimeouts()
    Debug.Print timeoutsDict("script")    ' 30000
    Debug.Print timeoutsDict("pageLoad")  ' 300000
    Debug.Print timeoutsDict("implicit")  ' 0

Set Timeouts

    ' Set "script":40000,"pageLoad":500000,"implicit":15000
    driver.SetTimeouts 40000, 500000, 15000
  • Invoke the function before OpenBrowser.

Working with iframe

    Set iframe1 = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "iframe1")
    driver.SwitchToFrame iframe1
    ' Perform some operations...
    driver.SwitchToParentFrame    ' switch back

Working with multiple windows

    ' Get current windows's handle.
    Dim hWnd As String
    hWnd = driver.GetWindowHandle
    ' Get the handles of all the windows.
    Dim hWnds As New Collection
    Set hWnds = driver.GetWindowHandles
    ' Switch to another window.
    driver.SwitchToWindow (driver.GetWindowHandles(2))

Execute JavaScript

    ' No parameters, no return value.
    driver.ExecuteScript "alert('Hello world!');"
    ' Accept parameters, no return value.
    driver.ExecuteScript "alert('Proof: ' + arguments[0] + arguments[1]);", "1+1=", 2
    ' Accept parameters, return the result. 
    Dim result As Long
    result = driver.ExecuteScript("let result = arguments[0] + arguments[1];return result;", 1, 2)
    Debug.Print result  ' 3

Execute Async JavaScript

    ' No parameters, no return value.
    driver.ExecuteAsyncScript "alert('Hello world!');"
    ' Accept parameters, no return value.
    driver.ExecuteAsyncScript "alert('Proof: ' + arguments[0] + arguments[1]);", "1+1=", 2
    ' Accept parameters, return the result. 
    Dim result As Long
    result = driver.ExecuteAsyncScript("let result = arguments[0] + arguments[1];return result;", 1, 2)
    Debug.Print result  ' 3

Working with alerts


    driver.ExecuteScript "prompt('question?')"
    driver.SendAlertText "answer"


Take Screenshot

    ' Take the current webpage screenshot and save it to the specific path.
    driver.TakeScreenshot ThisWorkbook.path + "./1.png"

Take Element Screenshot

    ' Take the element screenshot directly.
    driver.FindElement(By.ID, "selenium_logo").TakeScreenshot ThisWorkbook.path + "./logo.png"
    ' or
    Dim seleniumLogo As WebElement
    Set seleniumLogo = driver.FindElement(By.ID, "selenium_logo")
    seleniumLogo.TakeScreenshot ThisWorkbook.path + "./logo.png"

Enable Edge IE-mode

    Dim driver As New WebDriver
    Dim ieOptions As New WebDriverOptions
    ieOptions.BrowserType = InternetExplorer
    ieOptions.IntroduceFlakinessByIgnoringSecurityDomains = True    ' Optional
    ieOptions.IgnoreZoomSetting = True  ' Optional
    ieOptions.AttachToEdgeChrome = True
    ieOptions.EdgeExecutablePath = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe"
    driver.InternetExplorer "C:\WebDriver\IEDriverServer_Win32_4.0.0\IEDriverServer.exe"
    driver.OpenBrowser ieOptions

Headless mode

Start Chrome in headless mode

    Dim driver As New WebDriver
    Dim chromeOptions As New WebDriverOptions
    chromeOptions.BrowserType = Chrome
    chromeOptions.ChromeArguments.add "--headless"

    driver.Chrome "C:\WebDriver\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe"
    driver.OpenBrowser chromeOptions

Start Firefox in headless mode

    Dim driver As New WebDriver
    Dim firefoxOptions As New WebDriverOptions
    firefoxOptions.BrowserType = Firefox
    firefoxOptions.FirefoxArguments.Add "-headless"

    driver.Firefox "C:\WebDriver\Firefox\geckodriver.exe"
    driver.OpenBrowser firefoxOptions

Customize User-Agent

Customize User-Agent in Chrome

    Dim driver As New WebDriver
    Dim chromeOptions As New WebDriverOptions
    chromeOptions.BrowserType = Chrome
    chromeOptions.ChromeArguments.Add "--user-agent=my customized user-agent"
    driver.OpenBrowser chromeOptions
    driver.NavigateTo ""


Endpoint Node Command Function Name Element Function Name
New Session OpenBrowser
Delete Session CloseBrowser
Status GetStatus
Get Timeouts GetTimeouts
Set Timeouts SetTimeouts
Navigate To NavigateTo
Get Current URL GetCurrentURL
Back Back
Forward Forward
Refresh Refresh
Get Title GetTitle
Get Window Handle GetWindowHandle
Close Window CloseWindow
Switch To Window SwitchToWindow
Get Window Handles GetWindowHandles
New Window NewWindow
Switch To Frame SwitchToFrame
Switch To Parent Frame SwitchToParentFrame
Get Window Rect GetWindowRect
Set Window Rect SetWindowRect
Maximize Window MaximizeWindow
Minimize Window MinimizeWindow
Fullscreen Window FullscreenWindow
Get Active Element Not yet
Get Element Shadow Root Not yet
Find Element FindElement
Find Elements FindElements
Find Element From Element FindElementFromElement FindElement
Find Elements From Element FindElementsFromElement FindElements
Find Element From Shadow Root FindElementFromShadowRoot
Find Elements From Shadow Root FindElementsFromShadowRoot
Get Element Shadow Root GetElementShadowRoot GetShadowRoot
Is Element Selected Not yet
Get Element Attribute GetElementAttribute GetAttribute
Get Element Property GetElementProperty GetProperty
Get Element CSS Value Not yet
Get Element Text GetElementText GetText
Get Element Tag Name Not yet
Get Element Rect Not yet
Is Element Enabled Not yet
Get Computed Role Not yet
Get Computed Label Not yet
Element Click ElementClick Click
Element Clear ElementClear Clear
Element Send Keys ElementSendKeys SendKeys
Get Page Source GetPageSource
Execute Script ExecuteScript
Execute Async Script ExecuteAsyncScript
Get All Cookies Not yet
Get Named Cookie Not yet
Add Cookie Not yet
Delete Cookie Not yet
Delete All Cookies Not yet
Perform Actions Not yet
Release Actions Not yet
Dismiss Alert DismissAlert
Accept Alert AcceptAlert
Get Alert Text GetAlertText
Send Alert Text SendAlertText
Take Screenshot TakeScreenshot
Take Element Screenshot TakeElementScreenshot TakeScreenshot
Print Page Not yet
  • Browser Capabilities are not listed above.
  • Key action(Such as Enter, Shift, Control) has not been implemented.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Any suggestions for improvement or contribution to this project are appreciated! Creating an issue or pull request!


  1. W3C WebDriver Working Draft:
  2. The Selenium Browser Automation Project
  3. The W3C WebDriver Spec, A Simplified Guide:
  4. geckodriver, WebDriver Reference
  5. Capabilities & ChromeOptions
  6. Capabilities and EdgeOptions


A Selenium-WebDriver-based browser automation framework implemented for VBA.

License:MIT License


Language:VBA 100.0%