er-muyue / BeMapNet

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NEWS !!!

  • Sep. 01st, 2023: πŸ“Œ We upload our long-version paper of PivotNet on Arxiv. The code is being sorted out. Paper
  • Aug. 23rd, 2023: πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ The official implementation of our BeMapNet is released now. Enjoy it!
  • Jul. 14th, 2023: πŸ‘ Our PivotNet is accepted by ICCV 2023 ! The preprint paper is in progress.
  • Jun. 18th, 2023: πŸ’‘ The Innovation-Award of the AD-Challenge goes to our MachMap Solution ! Tech-Report
  • May. 26th, 2023: πŸ† Our team win the Championship of the CVPR23 Online HD Map Construction Challenge ! Leaderboard
  • May. 16th, 2023: πŸ“Œ We upload our long-version paper with detailed supplementary material on Arxiv. Paper
  • Feb. 28th, 2023: πŸ‘ Our BeMapNet is accepted by CVPR 2023 ! Refer to the Paper for more details.


Vectorized high-definition map (HD-map) construction, which focuses on the perception of centimeter-level environmental information, has attracted significant research interest in the autonomous driving community. In this paper, by delving into parameterization-based methods, we pioneer a concise and elegant scheme that adopts UNIFIED piecewise Bezier curve. In order to vectorize changeful map elements end-to-end, we elaborate a simple yet effective architecture, named Piecewise Bezier HD-map Network (BeMapNet), which is formulated as a direct set prediction paradigm and postprocessing-free. The overall architecture contains four primary components for extracting progressively richer-infos: image-level multi-scale features, semantic-level BEV feature, instance-level curve descriptors, and point-level Bezier control sequence.


Step-by-step Installation <\br>
  • a. Check Environment

    Python >= 3.8
    CUDA 11.1
    # other versions of python/cuda have not been fully tested, but I think they should work as well.
  • b. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it. (Optional)

    conda create -n bemapnet python=3.8 -y
    conda activate bemapnet
  • c. Install PyTorch and torchvision following the official instructions.

    pip3 install torch==1.10.1+cu111 torchvision==0.11.2+cu111 -f
  • d. Install MMCV following the official instructions. (need GPU)

    pip3 install -U openmim
    mim install mmcv==1.7.1
  • e. Install Detectron2 following the official instructions.

    python3 -m pip install detectron2 -f
  • f. Install BeMapNet.

    git clone -b bemapnet-release
    cd bemapnet
    pip3 install -r requirement.txt
Material Preparation <\br>
  • a. Data: NuScenes

    • Download&Unzip the NuScenes dataset into your server and link it to desirable path.
      cd /path/to/bemapnet
      mkdir data
      ln -s /any/path/to/your/nuscenes data/nuscenes
    • Generate Bezier-annotations from NuScenes's raw-annotations.
      cd /path/to/bemapnet
      python3 tools/bezier_converter/nuscenes/ -d ./data -n bemapnet
    • OR download from here and put it into /path/to/bemapnet/data/nuscenes
      cd /path/to/bemapnet
      mkdir data/nuscenes/customer
      cd data/nuscenes/customer
      wget .
      unzip bemapnet
  • b. Weights: Public-Pretrain-Models

    • Download public pretrain-weights as backbone initialization.
      cd /path/to/bemapnet
      cd assets/weights
      wget .
      wget .
      wget .
  • c. Check: Project-Structure

    • Your project directory should be,
          | -- weights (resnet, swin-t, efficient-b0, ...)
          | -- 
          | -- nuscenes
            | -- samples (CAM_FRONT, CAM_FRONT_LEFT, CAM_FRONT_RIGHT, ...)
            | -- annotations
            | -- v1.0-trainval
            | -- ...
            | -- customer
              | -- bemapnet
                | -- *.npz
Training and Evluation <\br>
  • a. Model Training

    bash train bemapnet_nuscenes_swint 30  # default: 8GPUs, bs=1, epochs=30
  • b. Model Evaluation

    bash test bemapnet_nuscenes_swint ${checkpoint-path}
  • c. Reproduce with one command

    bash reproduce bemapnet_nuscenes_swint

Models & Results

Results on NuScenes Val Set <\br>


If you find BeMapNet/MachMap is useful in your research or applications, please consider giving us a star ⭐ and citing them by the following BibTeX entries:

    author    = {Qiao, Limeng and Ding, Wenjie and Qiu, Xi and Zhang, Chi},
    title     = {End-to-End Vectorized HD-Map Construction With Piecewise Bezier Curve},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {13218-13228}

    author={Limeng Qiao and Yongchao Zheng and Peng Zhang and Wenjie Ding and Xi Qiu and Xing Wei and Chi Zhang},
    title={MachMap: End-to-End Vectorized Solution for Compact HD-Map Construction}, 
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10301},

      title={PivotNet: Vectorized Pivot Learning for End-to-end HD Map Construction}, 
      author={Wenjie Ding and Limeng Qiao and Xi Qiu and Chi Zhang},


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Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%