equeim / tremotesf-debian

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Remote GUI for transmission-daemon. Supports GNU/Linux and Windows.

Table of Contents



  • C++ compiler with partial C++20 support. Minimum tested versions of GCC and Clang toolchains:
    1. GCC 10
    2. Clang 11 with libstdc++ 10
    3. Clang 13 with libc++ 13
  • CMake 3.16 or newer (3.21 on Windows)
  • Qt 5.15 (Core, Network, Concurrent, Gui, Widgets modules)
  • fmt 7.0 or newer
  • KWidgetsAddons
  • libpsl
  • cxxopts
  • Qt Test module (for tests only)
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer (for tests only)
  • cpp-httplib 0.11.0 or newer (for tests only, optional)

On GNU/Linux and BSD, also:

  • Gettext 0.19.7 or newer
  • Qt D-Bus module
  • KWindowSystem

On Windows, also:

  • Windows 11 SDK is needed to build
  • Minimum supported OS version to run Tremotesf is Windows 10 1809 (October 2018 Update)

On macOS, also:

  • Latest Xcode and macOS SDK versions supported by Qt (see here)
  • Minimum supported OS version to run Tremotesf is macOS 12


cmake -S /path/to/sources -B /path/to/build/directory --preset base-multi
cmake --build /path/to/build/directory --config Debug
cmake --install /path/to/build/directory --config Debug --prefix /path/to/install/directory

This example uses base-multi preset in CMakePresets.json and Ninja Multi-Config generator. You can invoke CMake in a different way if you want.


wget -qO - https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/equeim:/tremotesf/Debian_12/Release.key | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/tremotesf.asc
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/equeim:/tremotesf/Debian_12/ /"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tremotesf
sudo dnf copr enable equeim/tremotesf
sudo dnf install tremotesf
sudo dnf copr enable equeim/tremotesf
sudo dnf install tremotesf
  • openSUSE Tumbleweed - OBS
sudo zypper ar https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/equeim:/tremotesf/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/home:equeim:tremotesf.repo
sudo zypper in tremotesf
wget -qO - https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/equeim:/tremotesf/xUbuntu_23.10/Release.key | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/tremotesf.asc
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/equeim:/tremotesf/xUbuntu_23.10/ /"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tremotesf


Tremotesf is available in FreeBSD ports.


Windows builds are available at releases page. Minimum supported OS version to run Tremotesf is Windows 10 1809 (October 2018 Update).

Build instructions for MSVC toolchain with vcpkg:

  1. Install Visual Studio with 'Desktop development with C++' workload
  2. Install latest version of CMake (from cmake.org or Visual Studio installer)
  3. Install and setup vcpkg, and make sure that you have 15 GB of free space on disk where vcpkg is located
  4. Set VCPKG_ROOT environment variable to the location of vcpkg installation

When building from Visual Studio GUI, make sure to select 'Windows Debug' or 'Windows Release' configure preset. Otherwise: Launch x64 Command Prompt for Visual Studio, execute:

cmake -S path\to\sources -B path\to\build\directory --preset <windows-debug or windows-release>
# Initial compilation of dependencies will take a while
cmake --build path\to\build\directory
cmake --install path\to\build\directory --prefix path\to\install\directory
# Next command creates ZIP archive and MSI installer
cmake --build path\to\build\directory --target package


macOS builds are available at releases page. Minimum supported OS version to run Tremotesf is macOS 12.

Build instructions with vcpkg:

  1. Install Xcode
  2. Install CMake
  3. Install and setup vcpkg, and make sure that you have 15 GB of free space on disk where vcpkg is located
  4. Set VCPKG_ROOT environment variable to the location of vcpkg installation
  5. Launch terminal, execute:
cmake -S path/to/sources -B path/to/build/directory --preset <macos-arm64-vcpkg or macos-x86_64-vcpkg>
# Initial compilation of dependencies will take a while
cmake --build path/to/build/directory
cmake --install path/to/build/directory --prefix path/to/install/directory
# Next command creates DMG image
cmake --build path/to/build/directory --target package


Translations are managed on Transifex.




Language:C++ 95.8%Language:CMake 3.4%Language:Objective-C++ 0.3%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:HTML 0.2%