eqmvii / mernp-auth-demo

demo for create react app, express, mongo, node, passport

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Heroku Deploy


Build steps on top of boilerplate

  • git init and create remote repo

  • Add .gitignore to base repo, ignore node_modules/

  • yarn install

  • update this readme

  • Check index.js for service worker stuff; remove or unregister it to prevent caching issue!

  • push to heroku: heroku create, git push heroku master, heroku open

CHECKPOINT: First heroku deploy worked!

  • yarn add mongoose and prepare seed file in scripts/seedDB.js.

  • Add an all users route, a models folder, run the seeds, and res.JSON all users. Be sure to run mongod locally to get mongo working if necessary.

  • Navigate to the heroku app, navigate to the app and its resources tab, then provision an mlab mongodb. That will set the MONGODB_URI environment variable on heroku, which the start code should aready be looking for in production.

  • IMPORTANT: heroku run yarn seed - send remote commands to your heroku server! Cool! You can use heroku logs and heroku logs --tail to check your work

CHECKPOINT: Locally http://localhost:3001/allusers should work, on heroku the main page and allusers should work

  • Incorporate passport; check out lessonplans/15-week/supplemental/sequelize-passport-example

Create React Express App

About This Boilerplate

This setup allows for a Node/Express/React app which can be easily deployed to Heroku.

The front-end React app will auto-reload as it's updated via webpack dev server, and the backend Express app will auto-reload independently with nodemon.

Starting the app locally

Start by installing front and backend dependencies. While in this directory, run the following command:

yarn install

This should install node modules within the server and the client folder.

After both installations complete, run the following command in your terminal:

yarn start

Your app should now be running on http://localhost:3000. The Express server should intercept any AJAX requests from the client.

Deployment (Heroku)

To deploy, simply add and commit your changes, and push to Heroku. As is, the NPM scripts should take care of the rest.


demo for create react app, express, mongo, node, passport


Language:JavaScript 86.1%Language:HTML 11.1%Language:CSS 2.8%