epomatti / aws-s2s-vpn

AWS VPN connection with Netgate pfSense

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS Site-to-Site VPN

IPSec connection between AWS VPN and Netgate pfSense from the Azure Marketplace.


1. Create the Azure resources

Copy the .auto.tfvars template:

cp azure/config/template.tfvars azure/.auto.tfvars

Set your IP CIDR address for management of the Azure resources:

local_administrator_cidr = ""


Watch out for the enable_acmpca variable. AWS ACM Private Certificate Authority is an expensive service with monthly fees. Do not set it to true unless you intend to do so.

Create a key pair to use for the Virtual Machines configuration:

mkdir azure/keys
ssh-keygen -f azure/keys/temp_key
chmod 600 azure/keys/temp_key

Apply and create the resources:

terraform -chdir="azure" init
terraform -chdir="azure" apply -auto-approve

Connect with SSH and check VM startup script:

cloud-init status

Connect to pfSense and setup the initial WAN configuration:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: pfsense

Now, create the AWS infrastructure and continue the Azure configuration in the next section.

2. Create the AWS resources

Copy the .auto.tfvars template:

cp aws/config/template.tfvars aws/.auto.tfvars

Get the pfSense public IP running on Azure and set in the configuration:

customer_gateway_ip_address = ""

Init and apply the Terraform configuration:

terraform -chdir="aws" init
terraform -chdir="aws" apply -auto-approve

In the VPC console, open the VPN Connection and download the configuration:

  • Vendor: Generic
  • Platform: Generic
  • Software: Vendor Agnostic
  • IKE version: ikev2

Connect using SSM Session Manager and check the instance startup script:

cloud-init status

3. Set the AWS tunnel IPs into the Azure configuration

While in the AWS VPN section, get the Outside IP address for the IPSec tunnels.

Go back to the Azure configuration, and set the IP addresses for each tunnel:

aws_remote_gateway_ip_address_tunnel_1 = ""
aws_remote_gateway_ip_address_tunnel_2 = ""

Reapply the configuration:

terraform -chdir="azure" apply -auto-approve

4. Configure pfSense IPSec


Follow the steps detailed in the instructions downloaded from AWS for a Generic provider, add Phase 1 and Phase 2 configuration in pfSense.

Firewall rules

Add the firewall rules to allow traffic within the tunnels:

  • IPSec
  • WAN

5. Testing

At this point, everything should be working and traffic flowing from both sides.

Run ping commands and calling NGINX from each side for testing.

Let's Encrypt certificates

To protect pfSense with TLS, here're some guidelines to do that with Let's Encrypt.

Installation (WSL)

Considering usage with WSL:

sudo -e /etc/wsl.conf

Add the configuration for systemd:


Restart WSL:

wsl --shutdown

Follow the instructions to install Certbot into your box.

Issue certificates

Issuing a certificate manually:

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns \
    -d <your domain> \
    -m <your email>

Location where the certifications will be available:

Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/vpn-azure.example.com/fullchain.pem
Key is saved at:         /etc/letsencrypt/live/vpn-azure.example.com/privkey.pem

Finding Azure images

Command used to find the pfSense marketplace image:

az vm image list --location eastus2 --publisher netgate --offer pfsense-plus-public-cloud-fw-vpn-router --sku pfsense-plus-public-tac-lite --all

Additional search commands:

az vm image list-publishers --location eastus2 --query [].name --output table | grep netgate
az vm image list-offers --location eastus2 --publisher netgate --output table
az vm image list-skus --location eastus2 --publisher netgate --offer pfsense-plus-public-cloud-fw-vpn-router --query [].name --output table


Destroy both Azure and AWS resources:

terraform -chdir="azure" destroy -auto-approve
terraform -chdir="aws" destroy -auto-approve



AWS VPN connection with Netgate pfSense

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%