epatpol / ss

easy screenshot sharing for X

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ss - easy screenshot sharing for X

This simple script does the following when executed:

  1. executes scrot to draw a rectangle on the screen and save a PNG image
  2. uploads this image to a custom server or to imgur.com
  3. copies the image URL on the server to the clipboard
  4. notifies the user that everything is done

If a keyboard shortcut is used to call this script, I call this easy screenshot sharing for X.


You need all the following:

  • eepp's version of scrot if you want to support the -r option, which makes it possible to resize/move the drawn rectangle; otherwise, the upstream version is fine, just remove the -r option in the script
  • curl package
  • libnotify package (for notify-send)
  • xsel package (for copying to clipboard)

using ss with a custom server

ss sources ~/.ssrc. This file must define two variables:

  • url: the endpoint curl will access
  • password: your password for uploading images

Here's an example:


The endpoint must accept a POST request with the following variables:

  • img: PNG image data
  • passwd: plain text password

The response body must be the full URL of the stored image.

using ss with imgur

ss sources ~/.ssrc. This file must define the API key variable:

  • imgur_api_key: a valid imgur API key

Here's an example:


When calling ss, use the --imgur option.

window manager integration


Add this to your ~/.fluxbox/keys:

180 :exec /path/to/ss

Replace 180 by the keycode or key combination of your choice.


Add this to your ~/.i3/config:

bindsym $mod+c exec sleep 0.2 && bash /path/to/ss

Replace $mod+c by the key combination of your choice.

(It seems that sleeping is necessary here in order to use scrot with rectangle selection from an i3 key binding. Any fix is welcome.)


easy screenshot sharing for X


Language:Shell 100.0%