eonie / ngx_proxy_store_file_mgr

this project is a solution to solve nginx proxy store without file manager.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Description: this project is a solution to solve nginx proxy store without file manager. Since nginx 's proxy_store directive is just responsible for saving files to disk and does not consider time to delete files. ngx_proxy_store_file_mgr is a process used to delete files on the disk using LRU .


  1. file access time saved in redis database, using sorted set;
  2. ngx_proxy_store_file_mgr uses json format config files, as follows : { "MaxFileLimit" : 100000, "CheckInterval" : 20, //check every 20s "ExpireDays" : 7, "ErrorLog": true, "AccessLog": false, "SortedSetName": "defset", "HashName": "defhash", "RedisAddr" : "", "RoutineCount" : 32 }

but currently the lru condition is just disk percentage(low than 20%), and later will implement the specified config parameter. 3. provides restful api to shutdown server: curl http://ip:10000/stop


this project is a solution to solve nginx proxy store without file manager.


Language:Go 86.7%Language:Lua 11.7%Language:Shell 1.6%