eon01 / SaltStackCheatSheet

SaltStack Cheat Sheet

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SaltStack Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet was first published in "SaltStack For DevOps" course.

Installing SaltStack - Ubuntu 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20

Update your key base and source lists from this page according to your distribution.

Example: Ubuntu 18 - Python3

wget -O - https://repo.saltstack.com/py3/ubuntu/18.04/amd64/latest/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY.pub | sudo apt-key add -

echo 'http://repo.saltstack.com/py3/ubuntu/18.04/amd64/latest bionic main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo apt-get update

# Master installation
apt-get install salt-master

# Minion installation
apt-get install salt-minion

# Salt ssh installation
apt-get install salt-ssh

# Salt syndic installation
apt-get install salt-syndic

# Salt API installation
apt-get install salt-api

Multi-Platform Installation

Salt Master:

curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com -o install_salt.sh
sudo sh install_salt.sh -P -M

Salt Minion:

curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com -o install_salt.sh
sudo sh install_salt.sh -P

Salt Key Management

# Listing Salt requests
salt-key -L

# Accepting all requests
salt-key -A

# Accepting a single request (from myNode)
salt-key -a myNode

# Removing the key of a Salt 'myNode' Minion
salt-key -d minion_id

# Delete salt key and register it
salt-key -d 'minion' && yes | salt-key -a 'minion'


# Debugging the master
salt-master -l debug

# Debugging the minion
salt-minion -l debug

# Restarting the minion without cache
stop master/minion
rm -rf /var/cache/salt
start master/minion

Clearing Cache

# Clearing cache on the minion by removing the cache directory
salt '*' cmd.run 'rm -rf /var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/*'

# Clearing cache the Salt way (using saltutil module)
salt '*' saltutil.clear_cache

# Synchronizes custom modules, states, beacons, grains, returners, output modules, renderers, and utils.
salt '*' saltutil.sync_all

SaltStack Documentation

# Viewing all the documentation
salt '*' sys.doc

# Viewing a module documentation
salt '*' sys.doc module_name

salt '*' sys.doc status
salt '*' sys.doc pkg     
salt '*' sys.doc network
salt '*' sys.doc system
salt '*' sys.doc cloud

# Viewing a function documentation
salt '*' sys.doc module_name function_name

# Examples:
salt '*' sys.doc  auth django
salt '*' sys.doc sdb sqlite3

SaltStack Versions

# Salt components report
salt --versions-report
salt --versions

# Master version
salt-master --version

# Minion version
salt-minion --version

SaltStack Modules And Functions

# list modules
salt '*' sys.list_modules

# list functions
salt '*' sys.list_functions

# synchronising modules on the minion
salt-call saltutil.sync_modules

Compound Matchers

Letter Match Type Example Alt Delimiter?]
G Grains glob G@os:Ubuntu Yes
E PCRE Minion ID E@web\d+.(dev|qa|prod).loc No
P Grains PCRE P@os:(RedHat|Fedora|CentOS) Yes
L List of minions L@minion1.example.com,minion3.domain.com or bl*.domain.com No
I Pillar glob I@pdata:foobar Yes
J Pillar PCRE J@pdata:^(foo|bar)$ Yes
S Subnet/IP address S@ or S@ No
R Range cluster R@%foo.bar No

Other examples:

# Examples are taken from https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/targeting/compound.html

# Joining
salt -C 'webserv* and G@os:Debian or E@web-dc1-srv.*' test.ping
salt -C '( ms-1 or G@id:ms-3 ) and G@id:ms-3' test.ping

# Excluding
salt -C 'not web-dc1-srv' test.ping

Upgrades & Versions of System Packages

# Listing upgrades
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades

# Upgrading
salt '*' pkg.upgrade

# List the packages currently installed as a dict
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs versions_as_list=True

# Refresh the pkgutil repo database
salt '*' pkgutil.refresh_db

# Check the version of a package
salt '*' pkgutil.version mongodb


# Installation
salt '*' pkg.install apache2

# Latest version installation
salt '*' pkgutil.latest_version mysql-common

# Removing package(s)
salt '*' pkg.remove vim

# Purging package(s)
salt '*' pkg.purge apache2 mysql-server

Reboot & Uptime

# Reboot
salt '*' system.reboot

salt '*' status.uptime

Using Grains

# Syncing grains
salt '*' saltutil.sync_grains

# Available grains can be listed by using the ‘grains.ls’ module:
salt '*' grains.ls

# Grains data can be listed by using the ‘grains.items’ module:
salt '*' grains.items

# Grains have values that could be called via ‘grains.get <grain_name>’ (path is the name of a grain)
salt '*' grains.get path

Syncing Data

# Syncing grains
salt '*' saltutil.sync_grains

# Syncing everything from grains to modules, outputters, renderers, returners, states, and utils.
salt '*' saltutil.sync_all

Running System Commands

salt "*" cmd.run "ls -lrth /data"
salt "*" cmd.run "df -kh /data"
salt "*" cmd.run "du -sh /data"

Working With Services

# Apache example

# Checking if service is available
salt '*' service.available apache2

# Manipulating Apache2 service
salt '*' service.status apache2
salt '*' service.start apache2
salt '*' service.restart apache2
salt '*' service.stop apache2

Network Management

# Get IP of your minion
salt '*' network.ip_addrs          

# Ping a host from your minion
salt '*' network.ping localhost   

# Traceroute a host from your minion
salt '*' network.traceroute localhost   

# Get hostname
salt '*' network.get_hostname      

# Modify hostname to 'myNode'
salt '*' network.mod_hostname myNode

# Information on all of the running TCP connections
salt '*' network.active_tcp

# Return the arp table from the minion
salt '*' network.arp

# Test connectivity
salt '*' network.connect google-public-dns-a.google.com port=53 proto=udp timeout=3

# Get default route
salt '*' network.default_route

# Execute dig
salt '*' network.dig eon01.com

# Get the MAC address of eth0 interface
salt '*' network.hw_addr eth0

# Get the inet address of eth1 interface
salt '*' network.interface eth1

# Get the IP address of tun interface
salt '*' network.interface_ip tun

Working With HTTP Requests

# Get the HTML source code of a page
salt-run http.query https://faun.dev text=true

# Get the header of a page
salt-run http.query https://faun.dev headers=true

# Get the response code from a web server
salt-run http.query https://faun.dev status=true

# Sending a post request
salt '*' http.query http://domain.com/ method=POST params='key1=val1&key2=val2'

Job Management

# List active jobs
salt-run jobs.active

# List all jobs with the id and other information
salt-run jobs.list_jobs

# List multiple information about the job with the id:20151101225221651308 like the resulting output
salt-run jobs.lookup_jid 20151101225221651308

# Kill the job with the id:20151101225221651308
salt 'server' saltutil.kill_job 20151101225221651308

Scheduling Features

# Schedule a job called "scheduled_job"
salt '*' schedule.add scheduled_job function='cmd.run' job_args="['']" seconds=10

# Enable the job
salt '*' schedule.enable_job scheduled_job

# Disable the job
salt '*' schedule.disable_job scheduled_job

# List schedules
salt '*' schedule.list

Working With SLS

# Show SLS
salt '*' state.show_sls

# listing states modules on the minion
salt-call sys.list_state_modules

Testing States

# Test a highstate using the highstate module
salt '*' state.highstate test=True

# Test a highstate using the SLS module
salt '*' state.sls test=True

# Test a single state
salt '*' state.single test=True

Asynchronous execution

# Run the command in the async mode
salt '*' test.version --async

# List recent jobs
salt-run jobs.list_jobs
# or
salt-run jobs.active

# Get the returned result:
salt-run jobs.lookup_jid <job_id>

Load testing

# Starting 20 minions
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saltstack/salt/develop/tests/minionswarm.py; python minionswarm.py -m 20 --master salt-master;

State Declaration Structure

# Source: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/states/highstate.html#state-declaration

# Standard declaration
<ID Declaration>:
  <State Module>:
    - <Function>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Name>: <name>
    - <Requisite Declaration>:
      - <Requisite Reference>
      - <Requisite Reference>

# Inline function and names
<ID Declaration>:
  <State Module>.<Function>:
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Names>:
      - <name>
      - <name>
      - <name>
    - <Requisite Declaration>:
      - <Requisite Reference>
      - <Requisite Reference>

# Multiple states for single id
<ID Declaration>:
  <State Module>:
    - <Function>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Name>: <name>
    - <Requisite Declaration>:
      - <Requisite Reference>
  <State Module>:
    - <Function>
    - <Function Arg>
    - <Names>:
      - <name>
      - <name>
    - <Requisite Declaration>:
      - <Requisite Reference>


# Listening to Salt events on the master
salt-run state.event pretty=True

# Sending events from the minion
salt-call event.send 'my/custom/tag' '{success: True, message: "It works!"'

# run an event locally on the minion
salt-call event.fire '{"data": "my message"}' 'my/custom/tag'
# Instruct minions to sends events to the master when a state completes its execution.
cat << EOF >> /etc/salt/master
state_events: True

# Firing an event after state execution
cat << EOF > /srv/salt/webserver/init.sls
    - fire_event: apache2/installed


# map a event tag to a reactor
cat << EOF > /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf
  - 'salt/minion/minion01/start':
    - /srv/reactor/start.sls

# execute a state as a reaction to an event tag
cat << EOF > /srv/reactor/start.sls
    - tgt: <target>
    - tgt_type: <targeting_type>
    - args:
      - fun: <module.function>
      - name: <>

# targeting the minion which sent the event
cat << EOF > /srv/reactor/start.sls
    - tgt: {{ data['id'] }} 
    - args:
      - fun: <module.function>
      - name: <>

Salt beacons

# watching files using beacons
cat << EOF > /srv/pillar/beacons/init.sls
    - files:
            - modify

# using load.averages
cat << EOF > /srv/pillar/beacons/init.sls
    - averages:
          - 0.0
          - 2.0
          - 0.0
          - 1.0
          - 0.0
          - 1.0

# Using memusage
cat << EOF > /srv/pillar/beacons/init.sls  
    - percent: 50%        

Salt mine

# Using mine functions
cat << EOF >> /srv/pillar/miner.sls
  network.get_hostname: []

cat << EOF >> /srv/pillar/miner.sls
  network.ip_addrs: [eth1]

# refresh pillars if you configure mine as a pillar
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar

# updating mine
salt '*' mine.update
# get mine data
salt '*' mine.get '*' network.get_hostname

# Using alias
cat << EOF > /srv/pillar/mine.sls
    mine_function: network.get_hostname
    mine_function: network.ip_addrs
    interface: eth1


salt-run state.orchestrate orch.<SLS>
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.<SLS> test=<true|false>
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.<SLS> saltenv=<env>
# Orchestration without highstate:
    - tgt: <target>
    - sls: <sls>

# Orchestration with highstate:
    - tgt: <target>
    - sls: <sls>
    - highstate: True

# Orchestration with highstate and SLS requirements:
    - tgt: <target>
    - sls: <sls>
    - highstate: True
    - require:
      - salt: <>    

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