eoliphan / node-cqrs-domain

Node-cqrs-domain is a node.js module based on nodeEventStore that. It can be very useful as domain component if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventdenormalizer, host, etc.

Home Page:http://cqrs.js.org/pages/domain.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


travis npm

Node-cqrs-domain is a node.js module based on node-eventstore. It can be very useful as domain component if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventdenormalizer, host, etc.

Table of Contents


  ║ validation ║─────────> "rejected"
║ pre-conditions ║─────> "rejected"
  ║ handle cmd ║
  ║ apply evt ║
║ business rules ║─────> "rejected"
   ║ commit ║


npm install cqrs-domain


var domain = require('cqrs-domain')({
  // the path to the "working directory"
  // can be structured like
  // [set 1](https://github.com/adrai/node-cqrs-domain/tree/master/test/integration/fixture/set1) or
  // [set 2](https://github.com/adrai/node-cqrs-domain/tree/master/test/integration/fixture/set2)
  domainPath: '/path/to/my/files',

  // optional, default is 'commandRejected'
  // will be used if an error occurs and an event should be generated
  commandRejectedEventName: 'rejectedCommand',

  // optional, default is 800
  // if using in scaled systems and not guaranteeing that each command for an aggregate instance
  // dispatches to the same worker process, this module tries to catch the concurrency issues and
  // retries to handle the command after a timeout between 0 and the defined value
  retryOnConcurrencyTimeout: 1000,

  // optional, default is 100
  // global snapshot threshold value for all aggregates
  // defines the amount of loaded events, if there are more events to load, it will do a snapshot, so next loading is faster
  // an individual snapshot threshold defining algorithm can be defined per aggregate (scroll down)
  snapshotThreshold: 1000,

  // optional, default is in-memory
  // currently supports: mongodb, redis, tingodb, azuretable and inmemory
  // hint: [eventstore](https://github.com/adrai/node-eventstore#provide-implementation-for-storage)
  eventStore: {
    type: 'mongodb',
    host: 'localhost',                          // optional
    port: 27017,                                // optional
    dbName: 'domain',                           // optional
    eventsCollectionName: 'events',             // optional
    snapshotsCollectionName: 'snapshots',       // optional
    transactionsCollectionName: 'transactions', // optional
    timeout: 10000                              // optional
    // username: 'technicalDbUser',                // optional
    // password: 'secret'                          // optional

  // optional, default is in-memory
  // currently supports: mongodb, redis, tingodb, couchdb, azuretable and inmemory
  // hint settings like: [eventstore](https://github.com/adrai/node-eventstore#provide-implementation-for-storage)
  aggregateLock: {
    type: 'redis',
    host: 'localhost',                          // optional
    port: 6379,                                 // optional
    db: 0,                                      // optional
    prefix: 'domain_aggregate_lock',            // optional
    timeout: 10000                              // optional
    // password: 'secret'                          // optional

Using factory methods for event store or / and aggregate lock in domain definition

You can replace the framework-provided implementation of event store or / and aggregate lock with the one of your own. To do that, you need to include a factory method in the options object passed to the domain constructor. Using the factory methods, the example above might become:

var myGetEventStore = require('./getEventStore.js');
var myLock = require('./myLock.js');

var domain = require('cqrs-domain')({
  domainPath: '/path/to/my/files',
  commandRejectedEventName: 'rejectedCommand',
  retryOnConcurrencyTimeout: 1000,
  snapshotThreshold: 1000,

  eventStore: function () {
    return myGetEventStore({
      host: '',
      port: 2113,
      username: 'admin',
      password: 'changeit'

  aggregateLock: : function () {
    return myLock({
       // ....

When using factory methods, the objects they return are required to implement the following public interfaces:

Event Store:

  f:  init(function(err));
  f:  getNewId(function (err, id));
  f:  on(evtName, function (err));
  f:  getFromSnapshot(query, revMax, function(err, snapshot, stream));
  f:  createSnapshot(obj, function (err));
  f:  setEventToDispatched(evt, function (err));

Event Stream (returned by getFromSnapshot through the callback):

  p:  events
  p:  lastRevision
  p:  eventsToDispatch
  f:  addEvents(evts)
  f:  commit(function (err, stream));

Aggregate Lock:

  f: connect(function(err, lock))
  f:  disconnect(function(err))
  f:  getNewId(function(err, id))
  f:  reserve(workerId, aggregateId, function(err))
  f:  getAll(aggregateId, function(err, workerIds))
  f:  resolve(aggregateId, function(err))


  f:  function
  p:  property

Exposed errors

You can use this for example in you custom command handlers.


Catch connect ad disconnect events

// eventStore
domain.eventStore.on('connect', function() {
  console.log('eventStore connected');

domain.eventStore.on('disconnect', function() {
  console.log('eventStore disconnected');

// aggregateLock
domain.aggregateLock.on('connect', function() {
  console.log('aggregateLock connected');

domain.aggregateLock.on('disconnect', function() {
  console.log('aggregateLock disconnected');

// anything (eventStore or aggregateLock)
domain.on('connect', function() {
  console.log('something connected');

domain.on('disconnect', function() {
  console.log('something disconnected');

Define the command structure

The values describes the path to that property in the command message.

  // optional, default is 'id'
  id: 'id',

  // optional, default is 'name'
  name: 'name',

  // optional, default is 'aggregate.id'
  // if an aggregate id is not defined in the command, the command handler will create a new aggregate instance
  aggregateId: 'aggregate.id',

  // optional, only makes sense if contexts are defined in the 'domainPath' structure
  context: 'context.name',

  // optional, only makes sense if aggregates with names are defined in the 'domainPath' structure
  aggregate: 'aggregate.name',

  // optional, but recommended
  payload: 'payload',

  // optional, if defined the command handler will check if the command can be handled
  // if you want the command to be handled in a secure/transactional way pass a revision value that matches the current aggregate revision
  revision: 'revision',

  // optional, if defined the command handler will search for a handle that matches command name and version number
  version: 'version',

  // optional, if defined theses values will be copied to the event (can be used to transport information like userId, etc..)
  meta: 'meta'

Define the event structure

The values describes the path to that property in the event message.

  // optional, default is 'correlationId'
  // will use the command id as correlationId, so you can match it in the sender
  correlationId: 'correlationId',

  // optional, default is 'id'
  id: 'id',

  // optional, default is 'name'
  name: 'name',

  // optional, default is 'aggregate.id'
  aggregateId: 'aggregate.id',

  // optional, only makes sense if contexts are defined in the 'domainPath' structure
  context: 'context.name',

  // optional, only makes sense if aggregates with names are defined in the 'domainPath' structure
  aggregate: 'aggregate.name',

  // optional, default is 'payload'
  payload: 'payload',

  // optional, default is 'revision'
  // will represent the aggregate revision, can be used in next command
  revision: 'revision',

  // optional
  version: 'version',

  // optional, if defined the values of the command will be copied to the event (can be used to transport information like userId, etc..)
  meta: 'meta',

  // optional, if defined the commit date of the eventstore will be saved in this value
  commitStamp: 'commitStamp'

Define the id generator function [optional]

you can define a synchronous function

domain.idGenerator(function () {
  var id = require('node-uuid').v4().toString();
  return id;

or you can define an asynchronous function

domain.idGenerator(function (callback) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    var id = require('node-uuid').v4().toString();
    callback(null, id);
  }, 50);

Define the aggregate id generator function [optional]

you can define a synchronous function

domain.aggregateIdGenerator(function () {
  var id = require('node-uuid').v4().toString();
  return id;

or you can define an asynchronous function

domain.aggregateIdGenerator(function (callback) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    var id = require('node-uuid').v4().toString();
    callback(null, id);
  }, 50);

Wire up events [optional]

you can define a synchronous function

// pass events to bus
domain.onEvent(function (evt) {
  bus.emit('event', evt);

or you can define an asynchronous function

// pass events to bus
domain.onEvent(function (evt, callback) {
  bus.emit('event', evt, function ack () {


domain.init(function (err) {
  // this callback is called when all is ready...

// or

domain.init(); // callback is optional

Handling a command

  id: 'b80ade36-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e286f',
  name: 'enterNewPerson',
  aggregate: {
    id: '3b4d44b0-34fb-4ceb-b212-68fe7a7c2f70',
    name: 'person'
  context: {
    name: 'hr'
  payload: {
    firstname: 'Jack',
    lastname: 'Huston'
  revision: 0,
  version: 1,
  meta: {
    userId: 'ccd65819-4da4-4df9-9f24-5b10bf89ef89'
}); // callback is optional


  id: 'b80ade36-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e286f',
  name: 'renamePerson',
  aggregate: {
    id: '3b4d44b0-34fb-4ceb-b212-68fe7a7c2f70',
    name: 'person'
  context: {
    name: 'hr'
  payload: {
    firstname: 'Jack',
    lastname: 'Huston'
  revision: 0,
  version: 1,
  meta: {
    userId: 'ccd65819-4da4-4df9-9f24-5b10bf89ef89'
}, function (err) {
  // this callback is called when command is handled successfully or unsuccessfully
  // err can be of type:
  // - null
  // - Error
  //   {
  //     name: 'Error',
  //     message: 'optional message'
  //   }
  // - ValidationError
  //   {
  //     name: 'ValidationError',
  //     message: 'some message',
  //     more: { /* more infos */ }
  //   }
  // - BusinessRuleError
  //   {
  //     name: 'BusinessRuleError',
  //     message: 'some message',
  //     more: { /* more infos */ }
  //   }
  // - AggregateDestroyedError
  //   {
  //     name: 'AggregateDestroyedError',
  //     message: 'Aggregate has already been destroyed!',
  //     more: {
  //       aggregateId: 'ad10d2c0-6509-4cb0-86d2-76312d930001',
  //       aggregateRevision: 6
  //     }
  //   }
  // - AggregateConcurrencyError
  //   {
  //     name: 'AggregateConcurrencyError',
  //     message: 'Actual revision in command is "3", but expected is "2"!',
  //     more: {
  //       aggregateId: 'ad10d2c0-6509-4cb0-86d2-76312d930001',
  //       aggregateRevision: 2,
  //       commandRevision: 3
  //     }
  //   }

more infos, can be useful if testing

  id: 'b80ade36-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e286f',
  name: 'renamePerson',
  aggregate: {
    id: '3b4d44b0-34fb-4ceb-b212-68fe7a7c2f70',
    name: 'person'
  context: {
    name: 'hr'
  payload: {
    firstname: 'Jack',
    lastname: 'Huston'
  revision: 0,
  version: 1,
  meta: {
    userId: 'ccd65819-4da4-4df9-9f24-5b10bf89ef89'
}, function (err, events, aggregateData, metaInfos) {
  // this callback is called when command is handled successfully or unsuccessfully
  // err: is the same as described before

  // events: same as passed in 'onEvent' function
  // events: in case of no error here is the array of all events that should be published
  // events: in case of error are the one of these Errors (ValidationError, BusinessRuleError, AggregateDestroyedError, AggregateConcurrencyError)
  // converted in an event with the event name defined in the options (default is 'commandRejected')

  // aggregateData: represents the aggregateData after applying the resulting events

  // metaInfos: { aggregateId: '3b4d44b0-34fb-4ceb-b212-68fe7a7c2f70', aggregate: 'person', context: 'context' }

Request domain information

After the initialization you can request the domain information:

domain.init(function (err) {
  // ==>
  // { contexts: [
  //   {
  //      "name": "hr",
  //      "aggregates": [
  //        {
  //          "name": "person",
  //          "version": 3,
  //          "commands": [
  //            {
  //              "name": "enterNewPerson",
  //              "version": 0,
  //							"preconditions": [...]
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "unregisterAllContactInformation",
  //              "version": 2,
  //							"preconditions": [...]
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "unregisterAllContactInformation",
  //              "version": 1,
  //							"preconditions": [...]
  //            }
  //          ],
  //          "events": [
  //            {
  //              "name": "enteredNewPerson",
  //              "version": 3
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "enteredNewPerson",
  //              "version": 0
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "enteredNewPerson",
  //              "version": 2
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "unregisteredEMailAddress",
  //              "version": 0
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "unregisteredPhoneNumber",
  //              "version": 0
  //            }
  //          ],
  //          "businessRules": [
  //            {
  //              "name": "atLeast1EMail",
  //              "description": "at least one character should be in email address"
  //            },
  //            {
  //              "name": "nameEquality",
  //              "description": "firstname should never be equal lastname"
  //            }
  //          ]
  //        }
  //      ]
  //   }

Components definition


module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').defineContext({
  // optional, default is the directory name
  name: 'hr'


module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').defineAggregate({
  // optional, default is last part of path name
  name: 'person',

  // optional, default 0
  version: 3,

  // optional, default ''
  defaultCommandPayload: 'payload',

  // optional, default ''
  defaultEventPayload: 'payload',

  // optional, default ''
  defaultPreConditionPayload: 'payload'

// optionally, define some initialization data...
  emails: ['default@mycomp.org'],
  phoneNumbers: []

// optionally, define snapshot need algorithm...
.defineSnapshotNeed(function (loadingTime, events, aggregateData) {
  // loadingTime is the loading time in ms of the eventstore data
  // events are all loaded events in an array
  // aggregateData represents the aggregateData after applying the resulting events
  return events.length >= 200;

// optionally, define conversion algorithm for older snapshots
// always convert directly to newest version...
// when loaded a snapshot and it's an older snapshot, a new snapshot with same revision but with newer aggregate version will be created
  version: 1
}, function (data, aggregate) {
  // data is the snapshot data
  // aggregate is the aggregate object

  aggregate.set('emails', data.emails);
  aggregate.set('phoneNumbers', data.phoneNumbers);

  var names = data.name.split(' ');
  aggregate.set('firstname', names[0]);
  aggregate.set('lastname', names[1]);
// optionally, define idGenerator function for new aggregate ids
// sync
.defineAggregateIdGenerator(function () {
  return require('node-uuid').v4().toString();
// or async
.defineAggregateIdGenerator(function (callback) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    var id = require('node-uuid').v4().toString();
    callback(null, id);
  }, 50);

Command validation

All command schemas are json schemas. Hint http://jsonary.com/documentation/json-schema/

Internally the tv4 module is used for validation. Additionaly you can extend the tv4 instance with other functionality like tv4-formats, so you can easily use format constraints (i.e. 'email') for your 'string'-types. To extend tv4 just catch the tv4 instance after having initialized the domain:

domain.init(function (err) {

Each command schema title should match the command name. Example: enterNewPerson.json

To support mutliple verstion loo at: unregisterAllContactInformation.json

You can also have an hierarchical command extension look at:


Can be used to perform some business rules before handling the command.

A Command can have multiple pre-conditions.

module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').definePreCondition({
  // the command name
  // optional, default is file name without extension,
  // if name is '' it will handle all commands that matches the appropriate aggregate
  // if name is an array of strings it will handle all commands that matches the appropriate name
  name: 'unregisterAllContactInformation',

  // optional, default 0
  version: 2,

  // optional, if not defined it will use what is defined as default in aggregate or pass the whole command
  payload: 'payload',

  // optional
  description: 'firstname should always be set',

  // optional, default Infinity, all pre-conditions will be sorted by this value
  priority: 1
}, function (data, aggregate, callback) {
  // data is the command data
  // aggregate is the aggregate object
  // callback is optional, if not defined as function argument you can throw errors or return errors here (sync way)

  if (!agg.has('firstname')) {
    return callback('not personalized');
    // or
    // return callback(new Error('not personalized'));
    // or
    // return callback(new Error()); // if no error message is defined then the description will be taken
    // or
    // return callback(new require('cqrs-domain').BusinessRuleError('not personalized', { /* more infos */ }));

  // or if callback is not defined as function argument
  // if (!agg.has('firstname')) {
//   return 'not personalized';
//   // or
//   // return new Error('not personalized');
//   // or
//   // return new Error(); // if no error message is defined then the description will be taken
//   // or
//   // throw new Error(); // if no error message is defined then the description will be taken
//   // or
//   // throw new Error('not personalized');
//   // or
//   // throw new require('cqrs-domain').BusinessRuleError('not personalized', { /* more infos */ });
// }


Collect all needed infos from aggregate to generate your event(s).

Move checks out of here, the correct places are "business rules" or "pre-conditions"!

Do NOT manipulate the aggregate here!

module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').defineCommand({
  // optional, default is file name without extension
  name: 'enterNewPerson',

  // optional, default 0
  version: 1,

  // optional, if not defined it will use what is defined as default in aggregate or pass the whole command
  payload: 'payload',

  // optional, default undefined
  // if true, ensures the aggregate to exists already before this command was handled
  // if false, ensures the aggregate to not exists already before this command was handled
  existing: true
}, function (data, aggregate) {
  // data is the command data
  // aggregate is the aggregate object

  // if (aggregate.get('someAttr') === 'someValue' && aggregate.has('special')) { ... }

  aggregate.apply('enteredNewPerson', data);
  // or
  // aggregate.apply('enteredNewPerson', data, version);
  // or
  // aggregate.apply({
  //   event: 'enteredNewPerson',
  //   payload: data
  // });


This is the place where you should manipulate your aggregate.

module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').defineEvent({
  // optional, default is file name without extension
  name: 'enteredNewPerson',

  // optional, default 0
  version: 3,

  // optional, if not defined it will use what is defined as default in aggregate or pass the whole event...
  payload: 'payload'
// passing a function is optional
function (data, aggregate) {
  // data is the event data
  // aggregate is the aggregate object

  aggregate.set('firstname', data.firstname);
  aggregate.set('lastname', data.lastname);
  // or
  // aggregate.set(data);

Business Rule

module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').defineBusinessRule({
  // optional, default is file name without extension
  name: 'nameEquality',

  // optional
  description: 'firstname should never be equal lastname',

  // optional, default Infinity, all business rules will be sorted by this value
  priority: 1
}, function (changed, previous, events, command, callback) {
  // changed is the new aggregate object
  // previous is the old aggregate object
  // events is the array with the resulting events
  // command the handling command
  // callback is optional, if not defined as function argument you can throw errors or return errors here (sync way)

  if (changed.get('firstname') === changed.get('lastname')) {
    return callback('names not valid');
    // or
    // return callback(new Error('names not valid'));
    // or
    // return callback(new Error()); // if no error message is defined then the description will be taken
    // or
    // return callback(new require('cqrs-domain').BusinessRuleError('names not valid', { /* more infos */ }));

  // or if callback is not defined as function argument
  // if (changed.get('firstname') === changed.get('lastname')) {
//   return 'names not valid';
//   // or
//   // return new Error('names not valid');
//   // or
//   // return new Error(); // if no error message is defined then the description will be taken
//   // or
//   // throw new Error(); // if no error message is defined then the description will be taken
//   // or
//   // throw new Error('names not valid');
//   // or
//   // throw new require('cqrs-domain').BusinessRuleError('names not valid', { /* more infos */ });
// }

Command Handler (Be careful!!!)

Is your use case not solvable without a custom command handling? Sagas? Micro-Services?

module.exports = require('cqrs-domain').defineCommandHandler({
  // optional, default is file name without extension
  name: 'enterNewSpecialPerson',

  // optional, default 0
  version: 1,

  // optional, if not defined it will pass the whole command...
  payload: 'payload'
}, function (aggId, cmd, commandHandler, callback) {
  // aggId is the aggregate id
  // cmd is the command data

  commandHandler.loadAggregate(aggId, function (err, aggregate, stream) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);

    callback(null, [{ my: 'special', ev: 'ent' }]);

//    // check if destroyed, check revision, validate command
//    var err = commandHandler.verifyAggregate(aggregate, cmd);
//    if (err) {
//      return callback(err);
//    }
//    // call api or emit a command or whatever...
//    // and at the end perhaps you call: commandHandler.handle(cmd, callback);

Release notes


Copyright (c) 2015 Adriano Raiano

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Node-cqrs-domain is a node.js module based on nodeEventStore that. It can be very useful as domain component if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventdenormalizer, host, etc.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%