enslee / HitBtcApi

C# cover for HitBTC API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Converting JSON to Models


Market data RESTful API


returns a list of open orders for specified currency symbol: their prices and sizes. /api/1/public/:symbol/orderbook

Name Description
symbol HitBtcApi.Model.Symbol
is a currency symbol traded on HitBTC exchange



returns the actual data on exchange rates for all traded cryptocurrencies - all tickers. /api/1/public/ticker


M:HitBtcApi.GetRecentTrades(symbol, max_results)

returns recent trades for the specified currency symbol. /api/1/public/:symbol/trades/recent

Name Description
symbol HitBtcApi.Model.Symbol
is a currency symbol traded on HitBTC exchange
max_results System.Int32
Maximum quantity of returned results, at most 1000



Simbols returns the actual list of currency symbols traded on HitBTC exchange with their characteristics /api/1/public/symbols



returns the actual data on exchange rates of the specified cryptocurrency. /api/1/public/:symbol/ticker

Name Description
symbol HitBtcApi.Model.Symbol
is a currency symbol traded on HitBTC exchange



returns the server time in UNIX timestamp format /api/1/public/time



Payment RESTful API


returns the last created incoming cryptocurrency address that can be used to deposit cryptocurrency to your account. /api/1/payment/address/ (GET)

Name Description
currency System.String



returns the last created incoming cryptocurrency address that can be used to deposit cryptocurrency to your account. /api/1/payment/address/ (GET)

Name Description
currency System.String



returns multi-currency balance of the main account. /api/1/payment/balance


M:HitBtcApi.GetPyout(amount, currency_code, address, id)

withdraws money and creates an outgoing crypotocurrency transaction; returns a transaction ID on the exchange or an error. /api/1/payment/payout

Name Description
amount System.Decimal
Funds amount to withdraw, Required
currency_code System.String
Currency symbol, e.g.BTC, Required
address System.String
BTC/LTC address to withdraw to, Required
id System.String
payment id for cryptonote


M:HitBtcApi.GetTransactions(offset, limit, dir)

returns a list of payment transactions and their statuses(array of transactions). /api/1/payment/transactions

Name Description
offset System.Int32
Start index for the query, default = 0
limit System.String
Maximum results for the query, Required
dir System.Int32
Transactions are sorted ascending (ask) or descending (desc) (default)



returns payment transaction and its status. /api/1/payment/transactions/:id

Name Description
id System.String
Transaction Id, Required


M:HitBtcApi.TransferToMain(amount, currency_code)

transfers funds between main and trading accounts; returns a transaction ID or an error. /api/1/payment/transfer_to_main

Name Description
amount System.Decimal
Funds amount to transfer, Required
currency_code System.String
Currency symbol, e.g. BTC, Required


M:HitBtcApi.TransferToTrading(amount, currency_code)

transfers funds between main and trading accounts; returns a transaction ID or an error. /api/1/payment/transfer_to_trading

Name Description
amount System.Decimal
Funds amount to transfer, Required
currency_code System.String
Currency symbol, e.g. BTC, Required



Trading RESTful API

M:HitBtcApi.GetActiveOrders(symbols, clientOrderId)

returns all orders in status new or partiallyFilled. /api/1/trading/orders/active

Name Description
symbols System.String
Comma-separated list of symbols. Default - all symbols
clientOrderId System.String
Unique order ID



returns trading balance. /api/1/trading/balance


M:HitBtcApi.GetRecentOrders(start_index, max_results, sort, symbols, statuses)

returns an array of user’s recent orders (order objects) for last 24 hours, sorted by order update time. /api/1/trading/orders/recent

Name Description
start_index System.Int32
Zero-based index, 0 by default
max_results System.Int32
Maximum quantity of returned items, at most 1000, Required
sort System.String
Orders are sorted ascending (default) or descending
symbols System.String
Comma-separated list of currency symbols
statuses System.String
Comma-separated list of order statuses: new, partiallyFilled, filled, canceled, expired,rejected


M:HitBtcApi.HitBtcApi.Authorize(apiKey, secretKey)

Method for authorization

Name Description
apiKey System.String
API key from the Settings page.
secretKey System.String
Secret key from the Settings page.

M:HitBtcApi.HitBtcApi.Execute(request, requireAuthentication)

Method that allow to execute a request to api

Name Description
request RestSharp.RestRequest
requireAuthentication System.Boolean



Flag shows that user is authorized


BTC/LTC address to withdraw to


Funds amount


Currency symbol, e.g. BTC


Average price


Unique client-generated ID


Cumulative quantity


Last executed quantity, in lots


UTC timestamp of the last change, in milliseconds


Order ID on the exchange


Order price


Order quantity, in lots


Order status new, partiallyFilled, filled, canceled, expired, rejected


Remaining quantity, in lots


Side of a trade


Currency symbol


Time in force GTC - Good-Til-Canceled, IOC - Immediate-Or-Cancel, OK - Fill-Or-Kill, DAY - day


Type of an order


Second value of this symbol


Value of this symbol


Lot size parameter


Liquidity provider rebate


Price step parameter


Symbol name


Liquidity taker fee


Lowest sell order


Highest buy order


Highest trade price per last 24h + last incomplete minute


Last price


Lowest trade price per last 24h + last incomplete minute


Price in which instrument open


Server time in UNIX timestamp format


Volume per last 24h + last incomplete minute


Volume in second currency per last 24h + last incomplete minute


time in UNIX timestamp format


Unique order ID generated by client. From 8 to 32 characters


Trade price


Trade size, in lots


Fee for the trade, negative value means rebate


Order ID on the exchange


Side of a trade


Currency symbol


Timestamp, in milliseconds


Trade ID on the exchange



Currency symbol, e.g. BTC



C# cover for HitBTC API


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