ennovum / immutably-array

Non-mutating operations on arrays (immutably extension).

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Non-mutating operations on arrays (immutably extension).


immutably-array is an extension of immutably (peer dependency). immutably-array is available to download through NPM.

$ npm install immutably immutably-array


When being imported immutably-array embeds itself inside immutably in the array namespace.

import immutably from 'immutably';
import 'immutably-array';
immutably.array; // embedded immutably-array



Pushes the given values to the array in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.push(input, path, ...values);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to push the values to.
  • values (array[any]) a sequence of values that is to be pushed to the input array.


  • output (any) output data structure with the given new values pushed to the array on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: []}}};
const output = immutably.array.push(input, 'foo.bar.baz', 'a', 'b', 'c');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Pops a value from the array in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.pop(input, path);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to pop a values from.


  • output (any) output data structure without a value popped from the array on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.pop(input, 'foo.bar.baz');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Inserts the given values to the beginning of the array in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.unshift(input, path, ...values);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to push the values to.
  • values (array[any]) a sequence of values that is to be pushed to the input array.


  • output (any) output data structure with the given new values unshifted to the array on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a']}}};
const output = immutably.array.unshift(input, 'foo.bar.baz', 'b', 'c');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['b', 'c', 'a']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Removes a value from the beginning of the array in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.shift(input, path);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to remove a value from.


  • output (any) output data structure without a value shifted from the array on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.shift(input, 'foo.bar.baz');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['b', 'c']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Removes a given number of values from a given index of the array and replaces them with a given list of values in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.splice(input, path, index, deleteCount[, ...insertList]);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to splice.
  • index (number) index in the array of where to start removing and adding values.
  • deleteCount (number) number of how many values to remove from the array from the given index.
  • insertList (array[any]) (optional) list of values to insert to the array at the given index


  • output (any) output data structure with values removed from and added to the array on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.splice(input, 'foo.bar.baz', 0, 1, 'x', 'y');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['x', 'y', 'b', 'c']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Maps an array to another array with a function in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.map(input, path, mapper);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to map.
  • mapper (function) function that maps value from an array to a new value for the new array


  • output (any) output data structure with an array mapped to another array on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.map(input, 'foo.bar.baz', (value) => value + 'x');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['ax', 'bx', 'cx']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Reduces an array to a value with a function in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.reduce(input, path, reducer, seed);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to reduce.
  • reducer (function) function that value by value reduces array to a value
  • seed (any) seed value for the array reduction


  • output (any) output data structure with an array reduced a value on the given path.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.reduce(input, 'foo.bar.baz', (output, value) => output + value, '');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: 'abc'}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.


Move a value from one index in an array to another in the respective part of the input data structure.

output = immutably.array.move(input, path, from, to);


  • input (any) input data structure.
  • path (string) input data structure path to the array to move values in.
  • from (number|function) index / function to find index in the array of an value that should be moved
  • to (number|function) index / function to find index in the array of where a value should be moved


  • output (any) output data structure with a value moved in an array on the given path.

from call arguments

  • value (any) value from the input array
  • index (number) index of the value from the input array
  • array (array) input array

from call returns

  • isFrom (boolean) flag deciding whether the value/index from arguments are the right ones

to call arguments

  • value (any) value from the input array
  • index (number) index of the value from the input array
  • array (array) input array
  • fromValue (any) moving value from the input array
  • fromIndex (number) index of the moving value from the input array

to call returns

  • isTo (boolean) flag deciding whether the value/index from arguments are the right ones


  • Implementation of move relies heavily on native Array.prototype.splice which may be considered odd when working with indexes from outside the array. Please see the tests for examples.
  • from and to functions are used with Array.prototype.findIndex. If there is no support for it in your browser, you should take care of a polyfill.


Basic use:

const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.move(input, 'foo.bar.baz', 0, 1);
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['b', 'a', 'c']}}}
const input = {foo: {bar: {baz: ['a', 'b', 'c']}}};
const output = immutably.array.move(input, 'foo.bar.baz', (value) => value === 'a', (value) => value === 'c');
output; // {foo: {bar: {baz: ['c', 'b', 'a']}}}

You can find more examples in the test files.



  • module configuration removed


  • function expose bug fixed


  • immutably.array.move implemented & unit tested
  • immutably.array.reduce implemented & unit tested


  • immutably.array.map implemented & unit tested
  • immutably.array.splice implemented & unit tested


  • immutably.array.shift implemented & unit tested
  • immutably.array.unshift implemented & unit tested


  • immutably.array.push implemented & unit tested
  • immutably.array.pop implemented & unit tested


  • replace
  • filter
  • reverse
  • sort
  • fill


If you want to fork and develop immutably-array, these commands are for you:

$ npm run dev
$ npm run test-dev


immutably-array is equipped with a test suite. You can run it with:

$ npm run test




Non-mutating operations on arrays (immutably extension).


Language:JavaScript 100.0%