enmeng-liu / GRE-synonyms

For preparation of GRE verbal

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  • 不care词性
  • 基于要你命3000


  • 赞美,赞扬:panegyric, commend, accolade, chorale, tribute, eulogize, valorize, extol, acclaim, encomium, paean, hymn, salutation, plump, kudos, credit, exalt, compliment, tout, laudatory
  • 批评,指责,谴责,抨击:barb, upbraid, reprehend, denounce, chide, disparage, culpable, censure, stricture, debase, castigate, excoriate, fulminate, berate, vituperate, lambaste, reprove, reproof, admonish, bash, rail, assail, ream, pan, impugn, damn, condemn, belador, rant, blast
  • 贬低:depreciate, deprecate, demoralize, pejorative, diminish, distain, detract
  • 喜爱:enamored, adore, relish, predilection, penchant, affinity
  • 吸引,诱使,迷恋:mesmeric, entice, entrance, seduce, personable, allure, fascinate, infatuate, captivate, compulsive, bewitching, appealing, ravish, prepossessing, riveting, arresting, enthrall, obsess, glamorous, conspicuous, bait, penchant, arrest
  • 不喜欢,讨厌,厌恶,痛恨,反感:anathema, lurid, loathe/loath, noisome, despise, repulse, deprecate, nauseate, abominate, execrate, repel, odium, disinclination, abhor, invidious, noxious, scandalous, heinous, revolt, repugnant, reluctant, detest, antipathy, grisly
  • 狂热,热情:mania, fanatic, rabid, torrid, fervid, effervesce, rave, zeal/zealot(人), cordial, ardor, furor, ebullient, vehement, fervant, rapt, exuberrant, delicacy, frenzy
  • 麻木,冷漠,无感情,冷酷无情:numb, phlegmatic, anesthetic, thick-skinned, halfhearted, frigid, stolid, tepid, torpid, disregard, insensible, supine, obdurate, indurate, impassive, aloof, offish, annui, glacial, torpor, callous, nonchalant, inclement, indifferent, apathy, frosty
  • 冷静,淡定,镇定:stoic, placid, imperturbable, unflappable, compose, sedate, lullaby, tranquility
  • 轻视,蔑视,轻蔑:snub, deprecate, diminish, shrug, disdain, scorn, slight, contempt, downplay, defy
  • 赞同,支持,赞成,同意:uphold, countenance, accolade, accede, endorse, espouse, advocate, cleave, cling, check, champion, approbation, sanction, plump, concur, cachet, consent, assent
  • 反对,否认:remonstrance, dissaude, belie, controvene, averse, abnegate, repudiate, refute, disprove, antagonize, reproof, negation, demur, retract, contradict, disavow, gainsay, naysay, decry
  • 抱怨:remonstrance, grumble, repine, gripe, mutter, murmur, querulous
  • 嘲笑,恶搞,嘲弄,讽刺: gibe, deride, pastiche, ridicule, jape, caricature, burlesque, corrosive, satirize, scoff, spoof, sarcasm, lampoon, sneer, pungent, parody, mockery, pillory, travesty
  • 善意的打趣,玩笑:repartee, persiflage, badinage, chaff, gag, coltish, playful, banter
  • 满足,满意:slake, satiate, sate, quench, content, gratify
  • 不满,抗议:disaffected, disgruntle, inveigh, malcontent
  • 证实,支撑,证明: vindicate, substantiate, corrobrate, demostrate, document, attest, verify
  • 证伪:confound, disprove
  • 谄媚,奉承,拍马屁:hagiographic, adulate, ingratiating, fawn, flatter, obsequious, unctuous, sycophant, subservient, toady
  • 神圣:cannonize, sacrosanct, sanctify
  • 尖酸,刻薄:vitriolic, acerbic, caustic, acrid, scathing, acrimonious, mordant
  • 偏见,偏袒:jaundice, partial, favoritism, cronyism, partisan, predilection, tendentious, bigot(人)


  • 开心,快乐,愉快,高兴:euphoria, jocund, rejoice, blithe, agreeable, palatable, paradise, elate, exhilarate, elevate, mirth, jovial, gambol, jocular, bliss, vivacious, upbeat, exult, jubilant, exuberant, buoyant, crow, savory, ecstasy
  • 悲伤,忧郁,痛苦,沮丧:melodramatic, traumatic, wretched, depressed, bale, saturnine, lanchrymose, morose, grieve, agrieve, plaintive, mawkish, hangdog, mournful, crestfallen, dishearten, maudlin, chagrin, affliction, somber, lugubrious, dolorous, deject, poignant, plangent, gloomy
  • 愤怒,生气:apoplectic, rage, umbrage, bristle, irate, rave(怒吼), sulk, tantrum, spleen, furor, fury, frenzy
  • 激怒,惹恼:provoke, rile, rankle, disgruntle, nettle, incense, infuriate, exasperate, grate, irritate, peeve, antagonize, miff, roil, gall, vex, annoy
  • 后悔,忏悔,悔恨:penance, remorse, contrite, rue, chagarin, repentant, penitent


  • 和善,温和,友善,和蔼:affable, amicable, amiable, equable, genial, congenial, clement, amity
  • 易怒,暴躁,脾气差:choleric, dyspeptic, irasible, ticklish, fretful, cantankerous, petulant, surly, testy
  • 粗鲁,粗俗,无礼,没有教养:rustic, ill-bred, ribald, coarse, churlish, boorish, loutish, uncounth, vulgar, crass, impudent, insolent, impertinent, flippancy
  • 谨慎,小心,深思熟虑:measured, calculated, prudent, wary, fussy
  • 草率,鲁莽:headlong, rash, brash, daredevil, madcap, reckless, audacious, impetuous, giddy, termerity, hasty
  • 浮夸,夸张,做作,不自然,感情过分强烈:histrionic, melodramatic, mannered, contrived, turgid, florrid, hyperbole, saccharine, posture, grandiose, effusive, gush, theatrical, affectation, poseur, pompous, grandiloquent
  • 特立独行,不循规蹈矩:eccentric, maverick, bohemian, iconoclast
  • 固执,顽固,自以为是,死板,保守,倔强:dogmatic, wrongheaded, dogged, hidebound, diehard, implacable, inexorable, obstinate, obdurate, mulish, willful, secterianism, relentless, contumacious, tenacious, pertinacious, adamant, recalcitrant, intransigent, bigot(人), balky, refractory, wry
  • 老练,世故:sophisticated, worldly, savvy
  • 机智,智慧,明智,精明,聪明:diplomatic, politic, levelheaded, shrewd, resourceful, judicious, ingenious, tact, wit, prudent, sapientm, apt, canny, savy
  • 慷慨:largesse, liberal, munificent
  • 吝啬:tightfisted, mean, skimp, parsimonious, stingy, miserly, penury
  • 节俭,节约:husband, sparing, frugal, spartan, scrimp, abstemious, provident, stint, penury
  • 浪费,挥霍,败家:profligate, dissipate, lavish, prodigal, wastrel, squander, spendthrift, extravagant
  • 贪婪:avarice, acquisitive, rapacious, voracious, ravenous, covetous, mercenary
  • 顺从,服从:amenable, complaisance, tractable, humble, adhere, submissive, meek, defer, pliant, compliant, obedient
  • 调皮,淘气,不服管教:wayward, puckish, misbehaving, contumacious, fractious, obstreperous, mischievous, recalcitrant, balky, unruly
  • 善变,多变:caprice, labile, volatile, fickle, skittish, whimsical, mercurial, protean, motley
  • 吹毛求疵,挑剔:quibble, nitpick, cavil, carp, faultfinder, fastidious, captious, finicky, fussy
  • 好战,好斗:aggressive, warmonger, contentious, truculent, belligerent, scrappy, feisty
  • 狭隘:provincial, prochial, sectarian, insular


  • 活力,有活力:animate, invigorate, verve, bracing, refreshing, brisk, cordial, vim, vigorous, strenous, sinew, sprightly, vitality
  • 虚弱,疲惫,无活力:lethargic, anemic, pallid, languid, lassitude, feeble, desiccate, inanimate, prostrate, debilitate, enervate, effete, fatigue, lag, flag, languish, frail, infirm, deadpan, limp, languor, decrepit, wilt, spent, inert, groggy
  • 健康,强壮,有益健康:tonic, rubicund, sound, hale, wholesome, restorative, sap, salubrious, robust, sturdy, sanitary, salutary
  • 病态,生病:morbid, malaise, pathological, wan


  • 战胜,超越,征服,镇压:transcend, subjugate, subordinate, subdue, vanquish,squeltch, quash, surpass, repress, suppress, surmount, overshadow
  • 屈服,投降:succumb, budge, capitulate, surrender, subservient
  • 压制,抑制:chokehold, withhold, stiffle, tame, quell, dampen/damper, rein, smother, stultify
  • 限制:circumscribe, manacle, briddle, shackle, confine, constrain
  • 平息,抚慰,减轻,缓和,安慰:solace, assauge, soothe, defuse, abate, placate, mitigate, console, conciliate, palliate, propitiate, alleviate, moderate, salve, dissarm, placebo, sop, balm, emollient, allay, pacify, mollify
  • 改善,促进,有益:favorablew, incubate, refine, initiate, facilitate, cultivate, elevate, conducive, behoovem nourish, foster, beneficent, salutary
  • 恶化,加剧,变坏:retrograde, backslide, inflame, exacerbate, vitiate, emaciate, aggravate, deterioration, regress, intensify
  • 有害,损害:tamper, compound, scourge, bane, lethal, baleful, pernicious, deleterious, noxious, blight
  • 阻碍,妨碍,阻止:barricade, impede, preclude, sabotage, stymie, hobble, manacle, stiffle, shackle, snag, check, buck, balk, clog, quash, stonewall, forestall, encumber, hamper, repress, obstruct, discomfit, stunt, thwart
  • 激起,煽动,促使,导致,刺激:goad, prod, induce, spike, evoke, invoke, provoke, rouse, instigate, agitate, precipitate, motivate, incite, ignite, intrige, pique, incentive/incendiary, tantalize, galvanize, catalyze, jog, entail, engender, spur, elicit, foment, gadfly
  • 鼓励,激励:spur, embolden, abet, fortify
  • 诱骗,哄骗,欺骗:wheedle, swindle, inveigle, beguile, cajole, dupe, victimize, bluff, hoodwink, gull, cozen, entrap, palter, specious, fraudulent, coax, hoax, skullduggery, chicanery
  • 解放:enfranchise, emancipate, extricate, manumit
  • 折磨,**:abrade, excruciate, lacerate, persecute, plague, agonize, affliction, harrow
  • 羞辱,耻辱,侮辱:stigma, humiliate, invective, reproach, slur, discredit, dart, ignominy, obloquy
  • 重要,关键: apocalyptic, full-bodied, consequence, magnitude, considerable, reasonate, substantive, crucial, substantial, cardinal, principal, pivotal, fateful, luminous, momentous, pregnant, relevant, preeminent, paramount
  • 不重要,微不足道:immaterial, inconsequential, piddling, trifling, trivial, marginal, nominal, extraneous, slight, impertinent, nugatory, paltry, petty
  • 撤销,废除,取消:rescind, renounce, cede, renege, forsake, revoke, abjure, abdicate, abrogate, relinquish, repeal, annul, nullification(记得把这里面的放弃搞出来)
  • 放弃,辞职:resign, abandon, surrender, recant
  • 伪造,伪装,假装,掩饰:forge, masquerade, ostensible, dissemble, pretense, hypocritical, sham, feign, affectation, bogus, mendacious, spurious, counterfeit, smarmy


  • 大:epic, gigantic, elephantine, imperial, colossal, gargantuan, tremendous, orodigious
  • 小:cramped, minuscule, minutiate, mite, minute, dimunitive, puny
  • 多:cornucopia, myriad, cascade, rife, deluge, spate, replete, undue, lavish, lush, flush, peck, teeming, throng, legion, profusion, scads, copious, voluminous, superfluous, abundant, redundant, affluent, slew
  • 少:shred, mite, dearth, speck, smattering, wanting, modicum, privation, deprivation, nip, skimp, meager, scant, measly, paucity
  • 变多,增加,提升:stoke, accumulate, proliferate, accrete, aggrandize, valorize, burgeon, balloon, wax
  • 变少,减小,下降:descend, abridge, plunge, subside, dwindle, wane, abase, abate, truncate, attenuate, minize, diminish, shrink, soft-pedal, curtail, slump, taper, plummet, dent
  • 过量,过剩:plethora


  • 邪恶,恶意,恶毒:wicked, venom, malign/malignant, malicious, vicious, nefarious, malevolent, inquity
  • 过时,久远,陈腐:archaic, bathetic, outmoded, dated, antiquated, hackneyed, moribund, stale, threadbare, obsolete, trite, immemorial, banal, anachronism, antediluvian, moth-eaten, timeworn, shopworn, fusty
  • 无聊,单调,厌倦:drab,prosaic, jaded, vapid, insipid, arid, bland, stale, jejune, plodding, humdrum, pedestrian, deadpan, monotonous, innocuous, stodgy, dreary
  • 可以理解:scrutable, intelligible, accessible
  • 深奥,难懂:esoteric, hermetic, cryptic, convoluted, inpenetrable, arcane, abstruse, recondite, opaque, accult, muddy, murky
  • 困惑:elude, befuddle, baffle, obfuscate
  • 肮脏,不干净:sordid, squalid, dingy, seamy, grimy
  • 弄脏,玷污,亵渎,污染,感染:maculate, contaminate, desecrate, sacriledge, stigamize, blemish, tarnish, besmirch, taint, flaw
  • 柔软:lithe, pliable, supple, lissome, lank, limp, limber
  • 毋庸置疑,无懈可击:unimpeachable, unassailable, tenable, unexceptionable, incontrovertible, absolute
  • 明显,可感知:dramatic, appreciable, palpable, tangible, perceptible, telling, conspicuous, patent, overt, manifest
  • 易碎的:friable, fragile, brittle


  • 幻觉,幻想:chimera
  • 即兴:ad-lib, offhand, improvise, extemporize, impromptu
  • 断断续续:sporadic, episodic, disjointed, fitful, intermittent
  • 连续不断:unremitting, incessant
  • 争执,争吵,争论:polemic, wrangle, expotulate, tiff, fracas, contentious, spat, argument, row
  • 短暂:meteoric, fleeting, ephemeral, transitory, evanescent, transient
  • 预言,预示,预兆:prophetic, apocalyptic, herald, forbode, presage, presience, adumbrate, divination, harbinger, soothsayer, augur, prognosis, foreshadow
    • 吉兆,吉祥,好运,幸事:windfall,providental, auspicious, propitious, upbeat
    • 凶兆,厄运,不幸:mishap, ominous, infelicitous, portentous, minatory
  • 新手:novice, rookie, neophyte, fledgling, green, tyro (老司机:veteran, doyen)
  • 大杂烩,混合物:montage, hodgepodge, pastiche, patchwork, medley
  • 蹒跚,吃力地走,缓慢地走:trudge, lag, lurch, careen, creep, limp, dodder, teeter, falter, groggy
  • 说话含糊:babble, bumble, mumble
  • 喧闹,**,动荡,混乱:convulsion, commotion, welter, bluster, clamor, rambunctious, boisterous, tumult, turbulent, riot


  • 简洁:laconic
  • 天生,内在,固有:intrinsic
  • 不明智:half-baked, daft, imprudent
  • 可笑:antic, clownish
  • 肉体的,物质的:somatic, corporeal, carnal (精神的:ethereal)
  • 尘世,世俗:carnal, temporal, secular, worldly (非尘世:metaphysical)
  • 不寻常,非凡:preternatural, exceptional, phenominal, exotic, unwonted, anomalous, offbeat, offkey
  • 巡游,游历:peripatetic, itinerant
  • 催眠:hypnotic, sorporific
  • 宏伟,壮丽,壮观:majestic, imposing, grandeur, magnificent
  • 恐惧,害怕:apprehensive/apprehension, appall, trepidation, consternation, daunt, grisly
  • 恐怖,可怕:dread, lurid, macabre, dire, outrageous
  • 恶臭,难闻的气味:fetid, noisome, stench, effluvium, malodorous
  • 遮蔽,隐藏,掩饰:shroud, cache, belie, clandestine, secret, cloak, conceal
  • 一致,和谐,协调:accord, chord, concord, jibe, agreeable, compatible, opportune, accomodate, conform, unanimous, consensus, consonant, congruent, amenity, comity
  • 不一致:discord, variance, dissonance, schism, chasm, dissension, raft, inconsistent, incongruent, decrepenc
  • 复兴,复活,恢复,康复:renaissance, resurgence, resilience, convalesce, recuperate, resuscitate, rehebilitate, revive, resurrect
  • 混合,融合:consilience, confluence, coalesce, mingle, conflate, amalgamate, concatenate
  • 背叛:renegade, treacherous, turncoat, perfidy, apostasy
  • 陈词滥调:bromide, platitude, cliche, trope, trite, truism
  • 共谋,合谋,密谋:collude, connive, conspire
  • 怨恨,仇恨:grudge, spleen, rancor, resent
  • 报仇,报复,复仇:revenge, retaliate, requite, vindictive, retribution
  • 报答:reciprocate, requite, retribution
  • 诡计:subterfuge, ruse, machination, skullduggery
  • 尊敬,值得尊敬:redoutable, obeisence, estimable, homage, revere, venerate, esteem, compliment, hallow, deify
  • 犹豫:wobble, boggle, vacillate, oscillate, infirm, teeter, falter
  • 漫步,闲逛:amble, saunter, meander,
  • 搞砸,失败,弄糟:mangle, bungle, fiasco, founder
  • 易受影响:ductile
  • 无用,无效,徒劳,木大:futile, neutralize, unavailing, hamstring, barren, feckless, bootless, stultify
  • 恳求:importune, supplicate, beseech, entreat
  • 渴望,急切盼望,迫切:agape, repine, pine, dire, crave, imperative, wistful, hanker
  • 仔细浏览,仔细研究,仔细观察,细读:pore, peruse, scrutinize, canvass
  • 推测,揣测:conjecture, surmise, speculate, putative, supposition
  • 破坏,破裂,打破,摧毁:fracture, rupture, raze, pulverize, demolition, mar
  • 宣布,宣称:promulgate, enunciate, avowal, proclaim, trumpet
  • 诽谤,污蔑,诋毁:calumniate/calumny, denigrate, besmirch, malign, aspersion, libelous, vilify, obloquy
  • 不安,焦虑:discombobulate, agitate, balm, compunction, careworn, jitters, overwrought, disconcert, dismay
  • 完美:consummate, immaculate, absolute
  • 思考,思索:contemplate, ruminate, meditate, pensive
  • 合适,适当:opportune, apposite, meet, pertinent, apt, timely, propriety
  • 相关,有关:apposite, pertain, apropos, relevant, cogent, pertinent
  • 除去,撤离:evacuate
  • 华丽,过分雕琢:baroque, rhetorical, overwrought, flamboyant, replendent
  • 辩护,免罪,免责,无罪:reprieve, absolve, justify(有罪:conviction
  • 难看:grotesque, obtrusive
  • 敏锐,机敏,洞察力:astute, responsive, perceptive, acumen, perspicacious, sapient
  • 傲慢,自大:condescending, patronize, overweening, overbearing, smug, snobbish, cavalier, hauteur, hubris, supercilious, imperious, bumptious, pompous, presumptuous, peremtory, lofty
  • 大胆,勇敢,勇气:pluck, brazen, madcap, prowess, audacious, valiant, gallant
  • 拒绝:rebuff, balk, stonewall, spurn, naysay
  • 费力,费时间,花心思:exacting, grueling, demanding, taxing, laborious, onerous, arduous, strenous
  • 熄灭:extinguish, douse, quench
  • 退缩,畏缩:flinch, wince, quail, recoil, cower
  • 装饰,打扮:enamel, bedeck, preen, blazon, primp, emboss
  • 湿透:sodden, drench
  • 模糊:diaphanous
  • 声音洪亮,响亮:sonorous, resonant
  • 总结,概括,摘要:abstract, syllabus, synopsis
  • 僵化:calcify, petrify, ossify
  • 顶部,顶峰:cres


For preparation of GRE verbal