enjoyneering / MAX31855

Arduino library for 14-bit MAX31855 K-thermocouple to digital converter

Repository from Github https://github.comenjoyneering/MAX31855Repository from Github https://github.comenjoyneering/MAX31855

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This is an Arduino library for 14-bit MAX31855 K-thermocouple to digital converter with 12-bit cold junction compensation & maximum sampling rate about 10Hz. Supports all sensor features. Can work with hardware or software emulated 3-wire SPI.

  • Maximum power supply voltage is 3.6v
  • K-type thermocouples have an absolute accuracy of around ±2°C..±6°C.
  • Measurement tempereture range -200°C..+700°C ±2°C or -270°C..+1372°C ±6°C with 0.25°C resolution/increment.
  • Maximun SPI bus speed 5Mhz
  • Cold junction compensation range -40°C..+125° ±3°C with 0.062°C resolution/increment. Optimal performance of cold junction compensation happends when the thermocouple cold junction & the MAX31855 are at the same temperature. Avoid placing heat-generating devices or components near the converter because this may produce an errors.
  • It is STRONGLY recommended to add a 10nF/0.01mF capacitor, placed across the T+ and T- pins, to filter noise/false readings on the thermocouple lines.

**Library returns 2000, if thermocouple open/shorted or a communication error has occurred


  • Arduino AVR
  • Arduino ESP8266
  • Arduino ESP32
  • Arduino STM32

Beware of a fake MAX31855 K-Thermocouple Sensor Module


Arduino library for 14-bit MAX31855 K-thermocouple to digital converter


Language:C++ 100.0%