enigmatic / kicad-winbuilder

Windows builder for the KiCad project based on the MSYS2 MinGW system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KiCad-Winbuilder provides the means to build up-to-date KiCad binaries


  1. Download (and install) CMake from here: https://cmake.org/download/
  2. Git clone this repository to a location on your machine.
  3. Run make_all.bat from the freshly cloned git repository

Possible issues (and workarounds):

MSYS2 issue with Windows 10 TH2, doesn't allow proper fork behaviour. Newly released version of MSYS2 contains a fix. However must be manually updated at this time (20160103).

EDIT: This might now be fixed https://lists.launchpad.net/kicad-developers/msg22944.html (20160208).


  1. Launch msy2_shell.bat
  2. run command 'update-core'
  3. exit shell, now the rest of the Winbuilder process will work (although the pacman_initial log file should be removed to re-run the pacman updates)

Windows username has space in it, which will cause issues with build process (related to windres.exe not accepting spaces)


  1. Launch msy2_shell.bat
  2. run command '/usr/bin/mkpasswd > /etc/passwd'
  3. exit msy2_shell.bat
  4. open /etc/passwd in text editor and remove spaces from the username and the home directory locations (columns 1 and 5 from memory.. but it should be obvious)
  5. save file and close
  6. rename user home directory to remove space character


Windows builder for the KiCad project based on the MSYS2 MinGW system


Language:NSIS 60.0%Language:CMake 21.4%Language:Shell 18.3%Language:Batchfile 0.2%