engagebay / restapi

Rest API Documentation

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EngageBay REST API

EngageBay is a simple, affordable all-in-one marketing and sales software built for growing businesses. Get the power of an enterprise software at a fraction of the cost.


EngageBay API is structured around REST, HTTPS, and JSON/XML. API endpoint URLs are organized around resources below listed. It uses HTTP methods for indicating the action to take on a resource, and HTTP status codes for expressing error states. Resources are represented in JSON

API is in active development. Currently it allows you to access:

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Deals
  • Tracks
  • Events
  • Tasks
  • Notes
  • Forms
  • Sequences
  • Owners
  • Custom Fields
  • User Profile
  • Tickets
  • Tags
  • Products


This is an HTTPS-only API. All requests to the API are authenticated by providing your REST API Key as a header value.

The REST API key should be provided as an HTTP header named Authorization.


You can find your API Key in the EngageBay Account Admin Settings -> API -> REST API Key.

End Points

All API requests should be made to: https://app.engagebay.com/

Note: All data is case-sensitive. Emails, names and other values are case sensitive. For example, "Test" and "test" are considered two different words.

System Fields

  • Contact

Following are the variable names and associations allowed in properties list of contact entity

Variable Mapped to Sub Type Data Type
name First Name - String
last_name Last Name - String
email Email primary, secondary String
role Role - String
phone Phone Number work, home, mobile, home_fax, work_fax, other String
website Website url, skype, twitter, linkedin, facebook, xing, feed, google-plus, flickr, github, youtube String
address Address - JSON String (Ex: {"address": "EngageBay Inc, 255 Verano Way", "city":"Mountain House", "state":"CA", "country": "USA", "zip": "95391"})

Following are the variable names and associations allowed in contact entity

Variable Mapped to Sub Type Data Type
tags Tags - Array Ex: [{tag: "Tag1"}]
score Score - Number
owner_id Owner of the Contact - Number (User Id)
  • Company

Following are the variable names and associations allowed in properties list of company entity

Variable Mapped to Sub Type Data Type
name Company Name - String
url Company Domain (URL) - String
email Company Email - String
phone Phone Number work, home, mobile, home_fax, work_fax, other String
website Website url, skype, twitter, linkedin, facebook, xing, feed, google-plus, flickr, github, youtube String
address Address - JSON String (Ex: {"address": "EngageBay Inc, 255 Verano Way", "city":"Mountain House", "state":"CA", "country": "USA", "zip": "95391"})

Following are the variable names and associations allowed in company entity

Variable Mapped to Sub Type Data Type
tags Tags - Array Ex: [{tag: "Tag1"}]
score Score - Number
owner_id Owner of the Contact - Number (User Id)
  • Deal

Following are the variable names and associations allowed in deal entity

Variable Mapped to Data Type
name Deal Name String
unique_id Deal ID Number
description Description String
track_id Deal Track Number
amount Amount Number
currency_type Currency Name Currency Code (Ex: USD-$)
closed_date Close Date Date (Should be in user selected format)
tags Tags Array Ex: [{tag: "Tag1"}]
owner_id Owner of the Contact Number (User Id)
  • Ticket

Following are the variable names and associations allowed in ticket entity

Variable Mapped to Data Type
subject Ticket Subject String
type Ticket Type Number
priority Ticket Priority Number
status Ticket Status Number
group_id Group ID Number
assignee_id User ID Number
html_body Ticket Body Message String
tags Tags Array Ex: [{tag: "Tag1"}]

Custom Fields

While requesting an API call, all custom fields should have field_type property. You can find/create custom fields in your EngageBay account Admin Settings -> Custom Fields ->Contact/Deal/Company.


Note: Custom fields will have subtypes. Only the above mentioned subtype for those respective properties should be specified by the user.

Field Type Data Type
TEXT String
DATE DATE (DD/MM/YYYY - Should be user selected format)
LIST String
CURRENCY Mathematical Expression witn field names
URL String
PHONE String
FILE String array

Below is an example properties JSON with all custom field types:

"properties": [{
		"name": "Number Field",
		"value": "1",
		"field_type": "NUMBER",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Dropdown Field",
		"value": "option_value",
		"field_type": "LIST",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Text Field",
		"value": "Text Value",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "DATE",
		"value": "22/07/2020",
		"field_type": "DATE",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Checkbox Field",
		"value": "true",
		"field_type": "CHECKBOX",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Textarea Field",
		"value": "Textarea Content Places Here",
		"field_type": "TEXTAREA",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Phone Number Field",
		"value": "(040)-2963213",
		"field_type": "PHONE",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Website Field",
		"value": "https://developers.google.com",
		"field_type": "URL",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Multiple Checkbox Field",
		"value": "box1,box2",
		"field_type": "MULTICHECKBOX",
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "Files",
		"value": "[\"https://drive.google.com/files/test.csv\",\"https://drive.google.com/files/test2.csv\"]",
		"field_type": "FILE",
		"type": "CUSTOM"

Date Format

Values for DATE should be like the date format selected by API key user. You can find the date format here - Preferences -> Dateformat Ex: DD/MM/YYYY -> 31/07/2019 12:00:00 Date will be saved in the timezone selected by user.


HTTP status codes are used by the API to indicate that an error has occurred while processing a request. There are four main error status codes used by the API:

Code Description
400 The request could not be processed, usually due to a missing or invalid parameter.
401 The request could not be authenticated or the authenticated user is not authorized to access the requested endpoint.
404 The requested endpoint does not exist.
429 The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("limit rate") - contact EngageBay support for more details.

Here is an example: 401 Unauthorized

  "error": "UnAuthenticated User",
  "status": "401"

400 Bad Request

"error": "Invalid input. Please provide all the required fields."

Getting Started


Company APIs











User Profile





1.1 Listing contacts:

  • Returns a list of your contacts

For the Response in JSON format, add the header 'Accept' as application/json. By default, the response will be in XML format. Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor query parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last contact of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of list.


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers

Optional parameters
  • page_size - Page size for paginated results (Max allowed is 100).
  • sort_key - Sort order for results. Set it to created_time/updated_time to sort list in ascending order. Prepened - to sort in descending.
  • cursor - To get next set of resultset. You will get it in the last record of previous resultset.
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json"  \
-d "page_size=10&sort_key=-created_time" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 4997280348241920,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"name": "Test Contact",
	"email": "testcontact@gmail.com",
	"score": 5
	"created_time": 1535538585,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"status": "CONFIRMED",
	"companyIds": [5278755324952576],
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "Test Contact",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "last_name",
		"value": "1",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "testcontact@gmail.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "phone",
		"value": "+91 9999999999",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"listIds": [],
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "United States",
		"assigned_time": 1535538585
	"emailBounceStatus": []
	"id": 4997280348241920,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"name": "Test Contact 2",
	"email": "testcontact2@gmail.com",
	"score": 5
	"created_time": 1535538585,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"status": "CONFIRMED",
	"companyIds": [5278755324952576],
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "Test Contact 2",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "last_name",
		"value": "1",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "testcontact2@gmail.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "phone",
		"value": "+91 9999999999",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"listIds": [],
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "United States",
		"assigned_time": 1535538585
	"emailBounceStatus": [],

1.2 Get contact by ID

Returns data for a single contact


GET /dev/api/panel/subscribers/{id}

Required parameters

id - Contact Id.

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 4997280348241920,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"name": "Test Contact",
	"firstname": "Test Contact",
	"lastname": "1",
	"fullname": "Test Contact 1",
	"name_sort": "test contact",
	"email": "testcontact@gmail.com",
	"created_time": 1535538585,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"status": "CONFIRMED",
	"sources": [{
		"type": "DEFAULT",
		"subscribed_on": 1535538585,
		"status": "ACTIVE",
		"custom": 0
	"companyIds": [5278755324952576],
	"contactIds": [],
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "Test Contact",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "last_name",
		"value": "1",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "testcontact@gmail.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "phone",
		"value": "+91 9999999999",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "country",
		"value": "United States",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"listIds": [],
	"owner": {
		"id": 6192449487634432,
		"email": "test@test.com",
		"name": "test"
	"entiy_group_name": "subscriber",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "United States",
		"assigned_time": 1535538585
	"broadcastIds": [],
	"openedLinks": [],
	"emailProperties": [],
	"unsubscribeList": [],
	"emailBounceStatus": [],
	"importedEntity": false,
	"forceCreate": false,
	"forceUpdate": false,
	"score": 5

1.3 Creating a contact:

Accepts contact JSON as post data along with the credentials of domain User (User name and API Key).

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know value of field then either don't pass that field or pass empty data to a field.

POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/subscriber

Acceptable request representation:
	"score" : 10,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"type": "SYSTEM"
		"name": "email",
		"value": "samplecontact@engagebay.com",
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "phone",
		"value": "+91 9999999999",
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "custom",
		"value": "cutom",
		"type": "CUSTOM",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": true
	}, {
		"name": "custom field name 2",
		"value": "11/14/1988 03:31:11",
		"type": "CUSTOM",
		"field_type": "DATE",
		"is_searchable": true
	"tags" : ["sample", "sample1"]
Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"score" : 10,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "sample",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
		"name": "email",
		"value": "samplecontact@engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "phone",
		"value": "+91 9999999999",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "custom",
		"value": "cutom",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": true,
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	"tags" : [{"tag": "sample"}]
}' \

1.4 Update properties of a contact by ID (partial update):

  • Updates the properties for a single contact.

We can update the required property fields of the contact using this call. It is used to add a new property or update the existing property. It accepts property object of the contact with a valid parameter in it. Send the ContactId of the contact to identify it. This will not affect other fields.

Using this API you can not delete properties.If subtype is same for phone,website or email then value can be overridden. Lead score, star value and tags can not be updated using this API.


PUT dev/api/panel/subscribers/update-partial

Optional parameters
  • properties - Updated custom fields for your contact as object of key/value pairs.
Acceptable request representation
curl -i -X PUT  \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "id": 6218728647688192,
    "properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "test",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "last_name",
		"value": "testlast",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "sarah@engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
}' \

1.5 Delete single contact:

  • Delete the single contact from account

DELETE dev/api/panel/subscribers/{contact-id}

Example Request
curl -i -X DELETE \

1.15 Get contact based on email address:

Returns data for a single contact by contact email


GET /dev/api/panel/subscribers/contact-by-email/{email}

Required parameters

email - Email address of the contact.

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 4997280348241920,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"name": "Test Contact",
	"firstname": "Test Contact",
	"lastname": "1",
	"fullname": "Test Contact 1",
	"name_sort": "test contact",
	"email": "testcontact@gmail.com",
	"created_time": 1535538585,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"status": "CONFIRMED",
	"sources": [{
		"type": "DEFAULT",
		"subscribed_on": 1535538585,
		"status": "ACTIVE",
		"custom": 0
	"companyIds": [5278755324952576],
	"contactIds": [],
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "Test Contact",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "last_name",
		"value": "1",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "testcontact@gmail.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "phone",
		"value": "+91 9999999999",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "country",
		"value": "United States",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"listIds": [],
	"owner": {
		"id": 6192449487634432,
		"email": "test@test.com",
		"name": "test"
	"entiy_group_name": "subscriber",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "United States",
		"assigned_time": 1535538585
	"broadcastIds": [],
	"openedLinks": [],
	"emailProperties": [],
	"unsubscribeList": [],
	"emailBounceStatus": [],
	"importedEntity": false,
	"forceCreate": false,
	"forceUpdate": false,
	"score": 5

1.6 Adding tags to a contact based on email address:

Searches for the contact based on the given email address and adds the given tags to the contact. You can add multiple tags. Tags should be sent as an array. Email address (email) and tags (tags) array should be sent as a form parameter (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded).Tag name should start with an alphabet and cannot contain special characters other than underscore and space.


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/email/tags/add

Required parameters

Email - Email address of the contact tags - Tags to be added to the contact

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d 'email=samson@engagebay.com&tags=["testsample"]' \

1.7 Delete tags to a contact based on email address:

Searches for the contact based on the given email address and searches for the given tag in the contact's tag list. If there is a match, then it deletes that tag. You can delete multiple tags. Tags should be sent as an array. Email address (email) and tags (tags) array should be sent as a form parameter(Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded)


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/email/tags/delete

Required parameters

Email - Email address of the contact tags - Tags to be deleted for the contact

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d 'email=sample@engagebay.com&tags=["sampletest"]' \
"https://app.engagebay.com/dev/api/contacts/email/tags/delete "

1.8 List tags for a contact based on email address:

Lists all the tags for a contact


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/get-tags/{subscriber-email}

Required parameters

Email - Email address of the contact

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "{}" \
Example JSON response
	"tag": "sampletag1",
	"assigned_time": 1535709035
	"tag": "sampletag2",
	"assigned_time": 1535709035

1.9 Add score to a contact using email address:

Add or change the score of the contact using the contact's email address.


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/add-score

Required parameters

Email - Email address of the contact score - Score value

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d 'email=samson@walt.ltd&score=100' \

1.10 Search contacts:

  • Search using keyword.
Required parameters

q - Search keyword (all contact default fields will be searched). page_size - Number of results to fetch (Max allowed is 100) type - Should be 'Subscriber' for searching Contacts


GET dev/api/search?q=searchtext&type=Subscriber

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"count": 1,
	"id": 5604787936559104,
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"name": "test",
	"firstname": "test",
	"lastname": "",
	"fullname": "test ",
	"name_sort": "test",
	"email": "test@engagebay.com",
	"created_time": 1540474374,
	"updated_time": 1540962133,
	"status": "CONFIRMED",
	"sources": [{
		"type": "DEFAULT",
		"subscribed_on": 1540474374,
		"status": "ACTIVE",
		"custom": 0
	"companyIds": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "test",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "test@engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"listIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "subscriber",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "import",
		"assigned_time": 1540474374
	"score": 20

1.11 List tags for a contact by ID:

Lists all the tags for a contact by contact ID


GET dev/api/panel/subscribers/get-tags-by-id/{contactId}

Required parameters

contactId - ID of the contact

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "{}" \
Example JSON response
	"tag": "sampletag1",
	"assigned_time": 1535709035
	"tag": "sampletag2",
	"assigned_time": 1535709035

1.12 Adding tags to a contact by ID:

Searches for the contact based on the given contact ID and adds the given tags to the contact. You can add multiple tags. Tags should be sent as an array. tags (tags) array should be sent as a form parameter (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded).Tag name should start with an alphabet and cannot contain special characters other than underscore and space.


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/contact/tags/add2/{contactId}

Required parameters

contactId - ID of the contact tags - Tags to be added to the contact

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
     -H "Accept:application/json" \
     -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxx" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
     -d '[
	   {"tag" : "sample1"},
	   {"tag" : "sample2"} 
	   ]' \

1.13 Delete tags value by ID:

  • Delete tag values by contact id.
Required parameters

contactId - ID of the contact. tags - List of tags to delete


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/contact/tags/delete/{contactId}

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d '[
   	{"tag" : "sample1"},
   	{"tag" : "sample2"} 
   	]' \

1.14 Change contact owner:

  • Change contact owner using owner email and contact Id.
Required parameters

subscriberId - ID of the contact. ownerEmail - Owner Email


POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/update-owner-by-email?subscriberId=5015780936646656&ownerEmail=test@engagebay.com

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:p5nlcfg7m89a8lb9gf1p1nf6bd" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \

	"id": 5015780936646656,
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"name": "homer8",
	"firstname": "homer8",
	"lastname": "",
	"fullname": "homer8 ",
	"name_sort": "homer8",
	"email": "homer@snpp8.com",
	"created_time": 1542786798,
	"updated_time": 1542793315,
	"status": "CONFIRMED",
	"sources": [{
		"type": "DEFAULT",
		"id": 0,
		"subscribed_on": 1542786798,
		"status": "ACTIVE",
		"custom": 0
	"companyIds": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "homer8",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
		"name": "email",
		"value": "homer@snpp8.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"listIds": [4893748567736320],
	"entiy_group_name": "subscriber",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "Zapier tag",
		"assigned_time": 1542788077
	}, {
		"tag": "Zapier",
		"assigned_time": 1542788077
	"score": 20

1.16 Creating a batch of contacts:

This endpoint is used to create a group of contacts. Performance is optimal when the batch size is limited to 100 contacts or fewer. It accepts JSON with an array of contacts and a callback URL to notify you after completion. The Callback URL field is optional here.

Note: Please note that changes made through this endpoint are processed asynchronously, so it may take several minutes for the changes to be applied to contact records. The callback URL is used to track the completion of contact synchronization, including successful and failed records.

Ensure that the batch size does not exceed 100 contacts per request. Multiple batch requests are not supported, and attempting to do so will result in an error if a batch request is already running.

When using this endpoint, please keep in mind the following:

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Do not pass null values.
  • If you don't have a value for a field, either omit the field or provide empty data.

POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/subscriber-batch

Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "callbackURL": "https://domainname.com/notify-me",
  "contacts": [
      "score": 1,
      "properties": [
          "name": "name",
          "value": "name1"
          "name": "email",
          "value": "name1@domain.com"
      "tags": [
     "score": 2,
      "properties": [
          "name": "name",
          "value": "name2"
          "name": "email",
          "value": "name2@domain.com"
      "tags": [
}' \
Example JSON response

1.17 Get contact notes:

This endpoint is used to retrieve notes of contact by contactID. Page_size, sort_key and cursor should be sent as a query parameter. Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor form parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last note of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of the list.


GET dev/api/panel/notes/

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d "{}" \
Example JSON response
        "id": 5696837256740864,
        "parentId": 5106855652098048,
        "subject": "Test note subject2",
        "content": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div>Test note content2</div>\n</body>\n</html>",
        "force": false,
        "syncIds": [],
        "owner_id": 5769015641243648,
        "type": "PUBLIC",
        "created_time": 1652857810,
        "updated_time": 1652857810,
        "source": "SUBSCRIBER",
        "createFollowUpTask": false
        "id": 5958896380805120,
        "parentId": 5106855652098048,
        "subject": "Test note subject",
        "content": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div>Test note content</div>\n</body>\n</html>",
        "force": false,
        "syncIds": [],
        "owner_id": 5769015641243648,
        "type": "PUBLIC",
        "created_time": 1652857798,
        "updated_time": 1652857798,
        "source": "SUBSCRIBER",
        "createFollowUpTask": false

1.18 Get contact call logs:

This endpoint is used to retrieve call logs of contact by contactID. Contact_id, page_size, sort_key and cursor should be sent as a query parameter. Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor form parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last call log of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of the list.


GET dev/api/panel/call-logs?contact_id={contactID}

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d "{}" \
Example JSON response
        "id": 5016633388040192,
        "created_time": 1613497668,
        "contact_id": 5106855652098048,
        "call_id": "CAb740cf69cef35dc2ef9838024e939251",
        "duration": 0,
        "status": "NOT_ANSWERED",
        "status_legacy": "no-answer",
        "to_number": "+441743562350",
        "from_number": "+447593532685",
        "account_id": "AC532b020f926f9a512989da92105ff462",
        "caller_type": "twilio",
        "started_at": 1613497666,
        "recording_url": "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC532b020f926f9a512989da92105ff462/Recordings/RE75bfd472d35dbafac8c98a8447c4fed0",
        "isManualEntry": false,
        "owner_id": 5675802922319872,
        "notes": [],
        "note": {
            "force": false,
            "syncIds": [],
            "type": "PUBLIC",
            "createFollowUpTask": false
        "addNote": false,
        "forceUpdate": false,
        "sendNotificationsTo": [],
        "isVoicemail": false,
        "callType": "INBOUND",
        "reflectStatus": false,
        "call_cost": 0,
        "inActive": false
        "id": 5962822467977216,
        "created_time": 1613497645,
        "contact_id": 5106855652098048,
        "call_id": "CAd335cc0e31d708572d3c9e5b0a1d152e",
        "duration": 0,
        "status": "NOT_ANSWERED",
        "status_legacy": "no-answer",
        "to_number": "+441743562350",
        "from_number": "+447593532685",
        "account_id": "AC532b020f926f9a512989da92105ff462",
        "caller_type": "twilio",
        "started_at": 1613497642,
        "recording_url": "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC532b020f926f9a512989da92105ff462/Recordings/RE7f36bd88fd1b096750f41aa3de71bcbf",
        "isManualEntry": false,
        "owner_id": 5675802922319872,
        "notes": [],
        "note": {
            "force": false,
            "syncIds": [],
            "type": "PUBLIC",
            "createFollowUpTask": false
        "addNote": false,
        "forceUpdate": false,
        "sendNotificationsTo": [],
        "isVoicemail": false,
        "callType": "INBOUND",
        "reflectStatus": false,
        "call_cost": 0,
        "inActive": false

2.1 Creating a company:

  • Accepts company JSON as post data along with the credentials of domain User (User name and API Key).
  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know the value of field then don't pass that field at all or pass empty data for the field.

POST dev/api/panel/companies/company

Acceptable request representation:
	"name": "www.engagebay.com",
	"name_sort": "www.engagebay.com",
	"url": "www.engagebay.com",
	"created_time": 1535620529,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "url",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "name",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "company",
	"companyIds": []
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"name": "www.engagebay.com",
	"name_sort": "www.engagebay.com",
	"url": "www.engagebay.com",
	"created_time": 1535620529,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "url",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "name",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "company",
	"companyIds": []
} ' \

2.2 Update properties of a company by ID (partial update):

  • Updates the properties for a single company.

We can update required property fields of the company using this call. It is used to add a new property or update the existing property. It accepts property object of company with valid parameter in it. Send the Company-Id of the company to identify it. This will not affect other fields.

Using this API you can not delete properties.If subtype is same for phone or email then value can be overridden.


PUT dev/api/panel/companies/update-partial

Optional parameters
  • properties - Updated custom fields for your company as object of key/value pairs.
Example request
curl -i -X PUT \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"id": 5141586283331584,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "name",
		"value": "EngageBay",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "url",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": []
} ' \

2.3 Get list of companies:

  • Get list of companies

Fetches the list of companies. Page_size, sort_key and cursor should be sent as a form parameter (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded). Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor form parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last company of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of the list.


POST dev/api/panel/companies

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d "{}" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5670864666230784,
	"name": "www.github.com",
	"name_sort": "www.github.com",
	"url": "www.github.com",
	"created_time": 1535622004,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "url",
		"value": "www.github.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "name",
		"value": "www.github.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "company",
	"owner_id": 5636470266134528,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5636470266134528,
		"email": "sarah@engagehub.io",
		"name": "sarah"
	"importedEntity": false,
	"forceCreate": false,
	"companyIds": []
}, {
	"id": 5141586283331584,
	"name": "www.engagebay.com",
	"name_sort": "www.engagebay.com",
	"url": "www.engagebay.com",
	"created_time": 1535620529,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "url",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "name",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "company",
	"owner_id": 5636470266134528,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5636470266134528,
		"email": "sarah@engagehub.io",
		"name": "sarah"
	"importedEntity": false,
	"forceCreate": false,
	"companyIds": []

2.4 Get company by ID:

  • Returns company object which is associated with given company id

GET dev/api/panel/companies/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept :application/json" 
Example JSON response
	"id": 5141586283331584,
	"name": "www.engagebay.com",
	"name_sort": "www.engagebay.com",
	"url": "www.engagebay.com",
	"created_time": 1535620529,
	"updated_time": 1535622374,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "url",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "name",
		"value": "www.engagebay.com",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "company",
	"owner_id": 5636470266134528,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5636470266134528,
		"email": "sarah@engagehub.io",
		"name": "sarah"
	"importedEntity": false,
	"forceCreate": false,
	"companyIds": []

2.5 Delete single company:

  • Deletes company based on the id of the company, which is sent in the request URL path.

DELETE dev/api/panel/companies/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE  \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \

2.6 Search companies:

  • Search using keyword.
Required parameters

q - Search keyword (all company default fields will be searched). page_size - Number of results to fetch (Max allowed is 100) type - Should be 'Company' for searching companies


GET dev/api/search?q=searchtext&type=Company

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"count": 1,
	"id": 5737773445152768,
	"name": "samplecompany.in",
	"name_sort": "samplecompany.in",
	"url": "samplecompany.in",
	"created_time": 1536909642,
	"updated_time": 1542103938,
	"properties": [{
		"name": "url",
		"value": "samplecompany.in",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "name",
		"value": "samplecompany.in",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	}, {
		"name": "email",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
	"tags": [],
	"contactIds": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "company",
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"importedEntity": false,
	"forceCreate": false,
	"companyIds": []

2.7 Add contact to company by contact Id:

Add contact to company using the contact's Id.


POST dev/api/panel/companies/{companyId}/add-contact-by-contactId

Required parameters

companyId - Company Id contactId - ContactId of the contact

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d 'companyId=567436789433&contactId=65654657678' \

2.8 Add contact to company using email address:

Add contact to company using the contact's email address.


POST dev/api/panel/companies/{companyId}/add-contact-by-contactEmail

Required parameters

companyId - Company Id contactEmail - Email Address of the contact

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d 'companyId=567436789433&contactEmail=samson@walt.ltd' \

3.1 Listing deals:

Returns list of all "Deals" in the domain in JSON format, which are ordered by created time. Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor query parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last deal of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of the list.


POST dev/api/panel/deals

Optional Parameters
  • page_size : Pagesize for paginated results.
  • sort_key : Sort order for results. Set it to created_time/updated_time to sort list in ascending order. Prepened - to sort in descending.
  • cursor : To get next set of resultset. It will be provided in the last record of previous resultset.
  • track_id : Track ID to list results on specific Track. If No track specified Defaul track results will return. You can find Track ID in Account Settings -> Deal Tracks
Example request
curl  -i -X POST\
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H  "Accept:application/json" \
-d "page_size=10&track_id=xxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 6267486190174208,
	"name": "sample deal",
	"amount": 100,
	"closed_date": 1533126840,
	"track_id": 5151135505580032,
	"milestoneLabelName": "New",
	"tags": [],
	"properties": [],
	"probability": 0.1,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5154169597984768,
		"email": "sample@engagebay.com",
		"name": "sample"

3.2 Get deal by its ID:

Gets the deal with the given ID.


GET dev/api/panel/deals/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
 -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxx" \
 -H "Accept:application/json" \
 -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 1234,
	"name": "sample deal",
	"amount": 100,
	"closed_date": 1533126840,
	"track_id": 5151135505580032,
	"milestoneLabelName": "New",
	"tags": [],
	"properties": [],
	"probability": 0.1,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5154169597984768,
		"email": "harry123@yopmail.com",
		"name": "checkharry"

3.3 Create a deal:

  • Accepts deal JSON as data in Post request to the URL specified below. The call returns the deal JSON with id field generated when a new deal is created. If Post data includes valid deal id, the respective deal is updated with the data sent in the request. Milestone name should be same as the one in your account. Please note that it is case sensitive too. (If the milestone name is given incorrectly, it will not be shown in the milestone view.)
  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know the value of field then don't pass that field at all or pass empty data for the field.

POST dev/api/panel/deals/deal

Acceptable request representation
    "name": "sample deal",
    "amount": 100,
Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "name": "sample deal",
    "amount": 100,
}' \
Example JSON response

	"id": 5088020441071616,
	"name": "sample deal",
	"name_sort": "sample deal",
	"amount": 100.0,
	"track_id": 5697266736168960,
	"contact_ids": [],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "deal",
	"milestoneLabelName": "New",
	"milestoneActualName": "New_Actual",
	"tags": [],
	"properties": [],
	"created_time": 1546938598,
	"probability": 0.1,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5676618345349120,
		"email": "sahith@engagebay.com",
		"name": "sahith",
		"profile_img_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ebuploads2/uploads/1544714031211-sample_png_360p_480x360.png"
	"currency_type": "USD-$",
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": []

3.4 Delete a deal:

  • Deletes the deal based on the id specified in the url.

DELETE dev/api/panel/deals/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-d "{}" \

3.5 Create deal to a contact using email address:

  • Create deal to contact using contact email address.
Required parameters

email - Email of contact


POST dev/api/panel/deals/create-deal/{email}

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d '{
		"name": "sample deal",
		"amount": 100,
	}' \
Example JSON response

	"id": 5758313757147136,
	"name": "sample deal",
	"name_sort": "sample deal",
	"amount": 100,
	"track_id": 5697266736168960,
	"contact_ids": [5015780936646656],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "deal",
	"milestoneLabelName": "New",
	"milestoneActualName": "New_Actual",
	"tags": [],
	"properties": [],
	"created_time": 1542796719,
	"probability": 0.1,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5676618345349120,
		"email": "test12@engagebay.com",
		"name": "tes12"
	"subscribers": [{
		"id": 5015780936646656,
		"email": "test@engagebay.com",
		"name": "test"
	"companies": []

3.6 Search deals:

  • Search using keyword.
Required parameters

q - Search keyword (Deal name,amount fields will be searched). page_size - Number of results to fetch (Max allowed is 100) type - Should be 'Deal' for searching deals


GET dev/api/search?q=sampledeal&type=Deal

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"count": 11,
	"id": 5883207295696896,
	"name": "test deal",
	"name_sort": "test deal",
	"amount": 52222,
	"closed_date": 1542883560,
	"track_id": 5697266736168960,
	"contact_ids": [5386679414161408],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "deal",
	"milestoneLabelName": "New",
	"milestoneActualName": "New_Actual",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "hi",
		"assigned_time": 1541766966
	"properties": [{
		"name": "Mobile",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "NUMBER",
		"is_searchable": true,
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "comments",
		"value": "dfb fgge rhigihrhe bgjer",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": true,
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"created_time": 1541674023,
	"probability": 0.1,
	"updated_time": 1542697277,

3.7 Update deal track:

Updates the deal with a given track id and milestone name.


PUT dev/api/panel/deals/change-track

Example JSON response:
	"id": 5192239399567360,
	"name": "Latest Deal 4",
	"name_sort": "Latest Deal 4",
	"amount": 3000.0,
	"closed_date": 1545436800,
	"track_id": 5697266736168960,
	"contact_ids": [],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "deal",
	"milestoneLabelName": "New",
	"milestoneActualName": "New_Actual",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "combine tag3",
		"assigned_time": 1544706319
	"properties": [{
		"name": "Mobile",
		"value": "",
		"field_type": "NUMBER",
		"is_searchable": true,
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"created_time": 1544188022,
	"probability": 0.1,
	"updated_time": 1544711756,
	"owner": {
		"id": 5676618345349120,
		"email": "sahith@engagebay.com",
		"name": "sahith"
	"currency_type": "USD-$",
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": []
Example request
curl -i -X PUT \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"id": 5141586283331584,
	"milestoneLabelName" : "New",
	"track_id" : "234412341234"
} ' \

3.8 Update properties of a deal by ID (partial update):

  • Updates the properties for a single deal.

We can update the required property fields of the deal using this call. It is used to add a new property or update the existing property. It accepts property object of the deal with a valid parameter in it. Send the ID of the deal to identify it. This will not affect other fields.

Using this API you can not delete properties.


PUT dev/api/panel/deals/update-partial

Optional parameters
  • properties - Updated custom fields for your deal as object of key/value pairs.
Acceptable request representation
curl -i -X PUT  \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "id": 6218728647688192,
    "properties": [{
		"name": "custom field 1",
		"value": "test",
		"field_type": "TEXT",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "SYSTEM"
}' \

4.1 Get all tracks:

  • Gets all the tracks.

GET dev/api/panel/tracks

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5697266736168960,
	"name": "Default",
	"milestones": [{
		"labelName": "New",
		"labelActualName": "New_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#e2e0e0",
		"probability": 0.1
	}, {
		"labelName": "Prospect",
		"labelActualName": "Prospect_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#c5dec3",
		"probability": 0.2
	}, {
		"labelName": "Proposal",
		"labelActualName": "Proposal_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#c9dde4",
		"probability": 0.3
	}, {
		"labelName": "Won",
		"labelActualName": "Won_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#a6dca2",
		"probability": 1.0
	}, {
		"labelName": "Lost",
		"labelActualName": "Lost_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#e4b5b6",
		"probability": 0.0
	"isDefault": true,
	"created_time": 1531995775,
	"updated_time": 1540792886

4.2 Create track:

  • Creates a track.

POST dev/api/panel/tracks/track

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
  "name" : "sampletrack",
  "milestones" : [{"labelName": "New", "labelActualName": "New_Actual", "probability": "0.1", "color": "#e2e0e0"}]
}' \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5697266736168960,
	"name": "sampletrack",
	"milestones": [{
		"labelName": "New",
		"labelActualName": "New_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#e2e0e0",
		"probability": 0.1
	"isDefault": false,
    "created_time": 1542786809

4.3 Update track:

  • Updates a track.

PUT dev/api/panel/tracks/track

Example request
curl -i -X PUT \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
  "id": "5729175541383168",
  "name" : "sample track update",
  "milestones" : [{"labelName": "New", "labelActualName": "New_Actual", "probability": "0.1", "color": "#e2e0e0"}],
}' \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5729175541383168,
	"name": "sample track update",
	"milestones": [{
		"labelName": "New",
		"labelActualName": "New_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#e2e0e0",
		"probability": 0.1
	"isDefault": false,
	"created_time": 1542786809,
	"updated_time": 1542788052

4.4 Get track by ID:

  • Get track by ID.

GET dev/api/panel/tracks/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \

Example JSON response

	"id": 5676424065187840,
	"name": "Default",
	"milestones": [{
		"labelName": "New",
		"labelActualName": "New_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#e2e0e0",
		"probability": 0.1
	}, {
		"labelName": "Prospect",
		"labelActualName": "Prospect_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#c5dec3",
		"probability": 0.2
	}, {
		"labelName": "Proposal",
		"labelActualName": "Proposal_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#c9dde4",
		"probability": 0.3
	}, {
		"labelName": "Won",
		"labelActualName": "Won_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#a6dca2",
		"probability": 1.0
	}, {
		"labelName": "Lost",
		"labelActualName": "Lost_Actual",
		"isWon": false,
		"isLost": false,
		"color": "#e4b5b6",
		"probability": 0.0
	"isDefault": true,
	"created_time": 1542604315

4.5 Delete track by ID:

  • Delete track by ID.

DELETE dev/api/panel/tracks/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \

5.1 Get list of events:

  • Fetches the list of events happened in particular time. The start time and end time have to be sent in epoch format as query parameters.
Required parameters

start_time - Start time end_time - End time source_type - API


GET dev/api/panel/calendar/event/list?start_time=xxxxx&end_time=xxxxx&source_type=API

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5288460441092096,
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"created_time": 1538996150,
	"start_time": 1538998200000,
	"end_time": 1539001799999,
	"user_data": "{\"firstname\":\"sample\",\"lastname\":\"contact\",\"email\":\"samplecontact@gmail.com\"}",
	"color": "#46d6db",
	"name": "60 min",
	"user_time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
	"subscriber_id": 4991310645690368,
	"source_type": "WEB",
	"contact_ids": [4991310645690368],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"event_ids": [],
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": [],
	"deals": [],
	"owner": {
		"id": 5676618345349120,
		"email": "samplecontact@gmail.com",
		"name": "sample"
	"entiy_group_name": "event"

5.2 Get events related to contact:

  • Retrieves the events related to contact sorted by date.
Required parameters

contact_id - Contact ID


POST dev/api/panel/calendar/event/contact/{contact_id}/events

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
   }' \
Example JSON response
	"id": 6596436544192512,
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"created_time": 1542265607,
	"start_time": 1542267000000,
	"end_time": 1542268799999,
	"user_data": "{\"firstname\":\"contactfirst\",\"lastname\":\"lastname\",\"email\":\"samplecontact@engagebay.com\"}",
	"color": "#7ae7bf",
	"name": "30 Minute Meeting",
	"user_time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
	"subscriber_id": 5134228568145920,
	"source_type": "WEB",
	"contact_ids": [5134228568145920],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"event_ids": [],
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": [],
	"deals": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "event"

5.3 Create event:

  • Creates an event.
Required parameters

contact_id - Contact ID


POST dev/api/panel/calendar/event/normal

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
  "name" : "sampleEvent",
}' \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5270109991993344,
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"created_time": 1542782746,
	"start_time": 1542868560000,
	"end_time": 1542868560000,
	"name": "sampleEvent",
	"source_type": "API",
	"contact_ids": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "event"

5.4 Update event:

  • Updates an event.

PUT dev/api/panel/calendar/event/normal

Example request
curl -i -X PUT \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
  "id" :"5270109991993344",
  "name" : "sampleEvent",
}' \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5270109991993344,
	"owner_id": 5676618345349120,
	"created_time": 1542782746,
	"start_time": 1542868560000,
	"end_time": 1542868560000,
	"name": "sampleEventtest",
	"source_type": "API",
	"contact_ids": [],
	"entiy_group_name": "event"

6.1 Get the list of tasks based on given filters:

  • Returns a list of your tasks based on given filters
- Retrives the list of tasks based on the given filters. The filters available are ‘type’,‘status’, and ‘page_size’. These should be sent as a query parameters in the URL.
- taskStatus = one of these values ('not_started','in_progress','waiting','completed','deferred')
- taskType = one of these values ('TODO','EMAIL','CALL')

POST dev/api/panel/tasks

Optional parameters
  • page_size - Pagesize for paginated results.
  • sort_key - Sort order for results. Set it to created_time/updated_time to sort list in ascending order. Prepened - to sort in descending.
  • cursor - To get next set of resultset. You will get this in the last record of previous resultset.
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -d "taskStatus=not_started" \
   -d "taskType=ALL" \
   -d "page_size=10" \
   -d "sort_key=created_time" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 4512395720392704,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "qqqq",
	"description": "",
	"name_sort": "qqqq",
	"type": "TODO",
	"created_time": 1534757461,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1534757400,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"owner": {
		"id": 6192449487634432,
		"email": "sample@engagebay.com",
		"name": "sample"

6.2 Get the task based on ID:

  • Gets the task with the given ID.

GET dev/api/panel/tasks/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 1234,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "qqqq",
	"description": "",
	"name_sort": "qqqq",
	"type": "TODO",
	"created_time": 1534757461,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1534757400,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"owner": {
		"id": 6192449487634432,
		"email": "sample@engagebay.com",
		"name": "sample"
``` : 
- Gets the task with the given ID.

###### Endpoint
GET dev/api/panel/tasks/{id}

###### Example request
curl https://app.engagebay.com/dev/api/panel/tasks/1234 \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H  "Accept: application/json" -v -u {email}:{API Key}
Example JSON response
	"id": 1234,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "qqqq",
	"description": "",
	"name_sort": "qqqq",
	"type": "TODO",
	"created_time": 1534757461,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1534757400,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"owner": {
		"id": 6192449487634432,
		"email": "sample@engagebay.com",
		"name": "sample"

6.3 Create task:

  • Creates a task

POST dev/api/panel/tasks

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "sss4",
	"description": "sss",
	"name_sort": "sss",
	"type": "TODO",
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1535696880,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"contact_ids": [],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"task_ids": [],
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": [],
	"deals": []
}' \
Example JSON response
	"id": 4539883511087104,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "sss",
	"description": "sss",
	"name_sort": "sss",
	"type": "TODO",
	"created_time": 1535696911,
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1535696880,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"contact_ids": [],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"task_ids": [],
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": [],
	"deals": []

6.4 Update task:

  • Updates task based on its ID

PUT dev/api/panel/tasks

Acceptable request Representation:
       "id": 5740495045132288,
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "sss4ssss",
	"description": "sssssss",
	"name_sort": "sss",
	"type": "TODO",
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1535696880,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"contact_ids": [],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"task_ids": [],
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": [],
	"deals": []
Example request
curl -i -X PUT \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
        "id": 5740495045132288,
	"entiy_group_name": "task",
	"is_due": true,
	"name": "sss4ssss",
	"description": "sssssss",
	"name_sort": "sss",
	"type": "TODO",
	"updated_time": 0,
	"closed_date": 1535696880,
	"task_milestone": "not_started",
	"queue_id": 0,
	"contact_ids": [],
	"company_ids": [],
	"deal_ids": [],
	"task_ids": [],
	"subscribers": [],
	"companies": [],
	"deals": []
}' \

6.5 Delete a task based on ID:

  • Delete a task based on its ID

DELETE dev/api/panel/tasks/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \

7.1 Create a note:

  • Add note to contacts,companies or deals
Required parameters

subject - Subject of the note parentId - Related contact/company/deal Id


POST dev/api/panel/notes

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxx" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d "{}"\
'{"subject": "Engagebay Note", "content": "Engagebay note", "parentId": "5359259403419648"}
' \
Example JSON response
"subject":"Engagebay Note",
"content":"Here you can see",

8.1 List of forms:

  • Get list of forms

GET dev/api/panel/forms

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
Example JSON response
"id": 5664313465372672,
"name": "\n\t\t\t\t\t Form-25-Jun-18-07:55:00 \n\t\t\t\t",
"alias_name": "\n\t\t\t\t\t form-25-jun-18-07:55:00 \n\t\t\t\t",
"owner_id": 5636470266134528,
"created_time": 1529936702,
"updated_time": 1529936706,
"formHtml": "\n<form class=\"form form-style-form1 \" onsubmit=\"window.parent.EhForm.submit_form(event,this)\" style=\"\n \n background-color:#00afe9;max-width:550px;background-position:0% 0%\">\n\n<fieldset>\n\n<!-- Form Name -->\n<h2 class=\"form-title\" style=\"\"><p>Start Today for Free</p></h2>\n<div class=\"form-description\"><p>consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna</p></div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<div class=\"form-group\" style=\"color:#333;\">\n \n <div class=\"controls\">\n <input id=\"Email-email\" title=\"\" name=\"email\" type=\"email\" style=\"color:#333;background-color:#fff;\" placeholder=\"Enter your email id\" class=\"form-control\" required=\"true\">\n \n </div>\n</div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<div class=\"form-group\">\n <div>\n <button type=\"submit\" class=\"submit-btn\" style=\"color:#ffffff;background-color:#dc542a;\n \">Get Started</button>\n <br><span id=\"error-msg\"></span>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n</fieldset>\n\n<div class=\"error-success-container\"></div>\n\n<div class=\"form-footer-message\"><p>Incididunt ut labore et dolore magna</p></div>\n\n\n <div class=\"branding-footer\">Powered By <a href=\"https://ehhub.org/openurl?lid=5749921122615296&nid=5726607939469312&c=5700641305395200&b=5677026937667584\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">EngageBay</a> </div>\n\n\n</form>\n",
"form_attributes": "{\"title_image\":\"\",\"background_image\":\"\",\"background_image_alignment\":\"0% 0%\",\"border_image\":\"\",\"form_background_color\":\"#00afe9\",\"form_size\":\"550px\",\"submit_button_color\":\"#dc542a\",\"submit_button_text_color\":\"#ffffff\",\"submit_button_text\":\"Get Started\",\"redirect_on_subscribe\":\"false\",\"success_message\":\"Success! Now check your email to confirm your submission.\",\"redirect_url\":\"\",\"show_title_image\":false,\"show_background_image\":false,\"show_border_image\":false,\"title\":\"<p>Start Today for Free</p>\",\"description\":\"<p>consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna</p>\",\"footer_text\":\"<p>Incididunt ut labore et dolore magna</p>\",\"form_fields\":[{\"type\":\"email\",\"name\":\"email\",\"title\":\"\",\"pattern\":\"\",\"label\":\"Email\",\"placeholder\":\"Enter your email id\",\"required\":\"true\",\"help_text\":\"\"}]}",
"enable_whitelabel": false,
"form_style": "form1",
"version": "V2",
"incentiveEmail":{"send_incentive": false, "incentive_email_subject": "Important: Confirm your subscription", "incentive_email_message_one": "Thanks for signing up. Click the link below to confirm your subscription and you'll be on your way.",},
"thumbnail": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/board-uploads/uploads/1529936704700-screenshot.png",
"formStats":{"id": 5734792670740480, "formId": 5664313465372672, "totalVisitors": 0, "uniqueVisitors": 0, "totalContacts": 0,}

8.2 Add contact to a form:

  • Add contact to a form

POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/add-subscriber-to-form/{subscriber-email}/{formId}

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -d \
'{}' \

9.1 Add contact to a sequence:

  • Add contact to a sequence

POST dev/api/panel/subscribers/add-subscriber-to-sequence/{subscriber-email}{sequenceId}

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
   -d "{}" \

10.1 List of lists:

  • List of lists

GET dev/api/panel/contactlist

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
Example JSON response
    "id": 5668574207148032,
    "owner_id": 5154169597984768,
    "name": "Default List",
    "created_time": 1527152195,
    "updated_time": 1527152195,
    "id": 5154169597984768,
    "email": "sample@engagebay.com",
    "name": "engagebay"

10.2 Add contact to list:

  • Add contact to list based on list id

POST dev/api/panel/contactlist/add-subscriber/{subscriber-email}/{listId}

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -d "{}" \

11.1 Get list of owners:

  • Get list of all owners.

GET dev/api/panel/users

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxxxx" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5676618345349120,
	"domain_id": 5641864006860800,
	"email": "engagebayowner@engagebay.com",
	"password_decrypted": "",
	"name": "sahith",
	"created_time": 1529331672,
	"updated_time": 1542787667,
	"is_admin": true,
	"is_verified": true,
	"is_owner": true,
	"job_title": "sales_manager",
	"role": "vice-president-senior-management",
	"phone_number": "+91 88888 88886",
	"language": "en",
	"time_zone": "Asia/Kolkata",
	"time_zone_offset": 330,
	"loggedin_time": 1536128969,
	"misc_info": "{\"country\":\"India\",\"country_code\":\"IN\",\"city\":\"hyderabad\",\"latitude\":\"78.486671\",\"ip_address\":\"\",\"region\":\"ap\",\"longitude\":\"17.385044\"}",
	"is_signup_process_completed": true,
	"profile_img_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/board-uploads/uploads/1531997503373-28279403_116951275800796_612655445084212117_n.jpg",
	"category": "MARKETING",
	"signupSource": "DEFAULT",
	"domainId": 5641864006860800

12.1 Get list of custom fields:

  • Get list of custom fields.

GET /dev/api/panel/customfields/list/{type}

Required parameters

type - custom field type [CONTACT,DEAL,COMPANY,TICKET].

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5718248825815040,
	"field_type": "TEXT",
	"version": "v2",
	"field_label": "Sample Field",
	"field_label_case_sensitive": "Sample Field",
	"saveSilent": false,
	"field_description": "Sample Test Field",
	"field_data": "",
	"is_required": false,
	"is_searchable": true,
	"showInFilter": false,
	"created_time": 1540904183,
	"updated_time": 1549442098,
	"scope": "CONTACT",
	"position": 0,
	"field_name": "Sample_Field"

12.2 Create a custom field:

  • Accepts custom field JSON as data in Post request to the URL specified below. The call returns the custom field JSON with id field generated when a new custom field is created. If Post data includes valid custom field id, the respective custom field is updated with the data sent in the request.
  • Don't pass null value.
Required parameters

scope - custom field type must be one of (CONTACT/DEAL/COMPANY/TICKET) field_label - custom field name. field_description - custom field description. field_type - custom field type type must be one of the (TEXT/TEXTAREA/DATE/CHECKBOX/LIST/NUMBER/MULTICHECKBOX)

Optional parameters

is_required - To be filled while creating or updating true/false is_searchable - use while searching true/false


POST dev/api/panel/customfields/

Acceptable request representation
  "field_label" : "Test field",
  "scope" : "CONTACT",
  "field_description" : "This is Test Field",
  "field_type" : "TEXTAREA",
  "is_required" : "true",
  "is_searchable" : "true"
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:p5nlcfg7m89a8lb9gf1p1nf6bd" \
   -d \
  "field_label" : "Test field",
  "scope" : "CONTACT",
  "field_description" : "This is Test Field",
  "field_type" : "TEXTAREA",
  "is_required" : "true",
  "is_searchable" : "true"
}' \
Example JSON response

	"id": 6117160669675520,
	"field_type": "TEXTAREA",
	"version": "v2",
	"field_label": "Test field",
	"field_label_case_sensitive": "test field",
	"saveSilent": false,
	"field_description": "This is Test Field",
	"is_required": true,
	"is_searchable": true,
	"showInFilter": false,
	"created_time": 1551444903,
	"updated_time": 1551444903,
	"scope": "CONTACT",
	"position": 11

12.3 Delete a custom field :

  • Delete a custom field
Required parameters

scope - scope must be one of (CONTACT/DEAL/COMPANY/TICKET) custom-field-id - Id of the custom field


DELETE dev/api/panel/customfields/{scope}/{custom-field-id}

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:p5nlcfg7m89a8lb9gf1p1nf6bd" \

13.1 Get User Profile :

  • Get User Profile

GET /dev/api/panel/users/profile/user-info

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:p5nlcfg7m89a8lb9gf1p1nf6bd" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
Example JSON response

	"name": "test",
	"email": "test@engagebay.com"

14.1 Get list of tickets:

  • Get list of tickets.

POST dev/api/panel/tickets

Optional parameters
  • page_size - Page size for paginated results.
  • sort_key - Sort order for results. Set it to created_time/updated_time to sort list in ascending order. Prepened - to sort in descending.
  • cursor - To get next set of resultset. You will get it in the last record of previous resultset.
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json"  \
-d "{}" \
Example JSON response
        "id": 1,
        "requester_name": "peter",
        "requester_email": "peter@engagebay.com",
        "subscriber_id": 6179255348101120,
        "subject": "Ticket test subject",
        "source": "DASHBOARD",
        "created_by": "USER",
        "status": 1,
        "priority": 0,
        "type": 0,
        "assigned_to": "GROUP",
        "group_id": 6467327394578432,
        "created_time": 1586862421,
        "is_spam": false,
        "updated_time": 1586862427,
        "public_notes_count": 1,
        "private_notes_count": 0,
        "tags": [],
        "reopens_count": 0,
        "automationStatus": [],
        "html_body": "",
        "last_note_id": 6480521534111744,
        "subscriber": {
            "id": 6179255348101120,
            "email": "peter@engagebay.com",
            "name": "peter"
        "properties": []

14.2 Get list of tickets by filter:

  • Get list of tickets by filter.

POST dev/api/panel/tickets

Optional parameters
  • filter_id - Filter Id for selected view results.
  • page_size - Page size for paginated results.
  • sort_key - Sort order for results.
  • cursor - To get next set of resultset. You will get it in the last record of previous resultset.
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json"  \
-d "{filter_id: 6748802371289088}" \
Example JSON response
        "id": 1,
        "requester_name": "peter",
        "requester_email": "peter@engagebay.com",
        "subscriber_id": 6179255348101120,
        "subject": "Ticket test subject",
        "source": "DASHBOARD",
        "created_by": "USER",
        "status": 1,
        "priority": 0,
        "type": 0,
        "assigned_to": "GROUP",
        "group_id": 6467327394578432,
        "created_time": 1586862421,
        "is_spam": false,
        "updated_time": 1586862427,
        "public_notes_count": 1,
        "private_notes_count": 0,
        "tags": [],
        "reopens_count": 0,
        "automationStatus": [],
        "html_body": "",
        "last_note_id": 6480521534111744,
        "subscriber": {
            "id": 6179255348101120,
            "email": "peter@engagebay.com",
            "name": "peter"
        "properties": []

14.5 Get ticket by ID

Returns data for a single ticket


GET /dev/api/panel/tickets/{id}

Required parameters

id - Ticket Id.

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 5,
	"requester_name": "Jason Bates",
	"requester_email": "test@engagebay.com",
	"subscriber_id": 6697436372271104,
	"subject": "Test not working ??",
	"status": 1,
	"priority": 2,
	"type": 3,
	"assigned_to": "GROUP",
	"group_id": 5051874215460864,
	"created_time": 1604988043,
	"updated_time": 1604988044,
	"html_body": "",
	"references": [
	"properties": [],
	"forceUpdate": false

14.3 Create a ticket:

  • Accepts ticket JSON as data in Post request to the URL specified below. The call returns the ticket JSON with id field generated when a new ticket is created.
  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know the value of field then don't pass that field at all or pass empty data for the field.

POST dev/api/panel/tickets/ticket

Acceptable request representation
    "requester_name": "Sample Contact",
    "requester_email": "ross@gmail.com,
    "subject":"Test not working ??",
    "group_id": "6467327394578432"
    "html_body: "Hello I am testing your docs and find that Test is not working. Please help me"
    "assignee_id": "5358693205934080" // Owner ID of the ticket (Optional)
Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "requester_name": "Sample Contact",
    "requester_email": "ross@gmail.com",
    "subject":"Test not working ??",
    "group_id": "6467327394578432",
    "html_body": "Hello I am testing your docs and find that Test is not working. Please help me"
}' \
Example JSON response

    "id": 4,
    "requester_name": "Sample Contact",
    "requester_email": "ross@gmail.com",
    "subscriber_id": 5776834092335104,
    "subject": "Test not working ??",
    "source": "DASHBOARD",
    "created_by": "USER",
    "status": 1,
    "priority": 2,
    "type": 3,
    "assigned_to": "GROUP",
    "group_id": 6467327394578432,
    "created_time": 1586867348,
    "is_spam": false,
    "updated_time": 1586867348,
    "public_notes_count": 1,
    "private_notes_count": 0,
    "tags": [],
    "reopens_count": 0,
    "automationStatus": [],
    "html_body": "",
    "references": [],
    "properties": []

14.4 Delete a ticket:

  • Deletes the ticket based on the id specified in the url.

DELETE dev/api/panel/tickets/{id}

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-d "{}" \

15.1 List of Tags:

  • Get all tags in the account

GET dev/api/panel/tags

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"tag": "Test",
	"created_time": 1589903603
}, {
	"tag": "Test2",
	"created_time": 1591590201

15.2 Add tag:

  • Add new tag to the account. It wont add duplicates if already exists.

POST dev/api/panel/tags

Example request
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Authorization:xxxxxxx" \
   -H "Accept:application/json" \
   -d '{
      "tag": "Google"
 }' \

16.1 List of products:

  • Returns a list of your products

For the Response in JSON format, add the header 'Accept' as application/json. By default, the response will be in XML format. Paging can be applied using the page_size and cursor query parameters. Cursor for the next page will be in the last product of the list. If there is no cursor, it means that it is the end of list.


POST dev/api/panel/products

Optional parameters
  • page_size - Page size for paginated results.
  • sort_key - Sort order for results. Set it to created_time/updated_time to sort list in ascending order. Prepened - to sort in descending.
  • cursor - To get next set of resultset. You will get it in the last record of previous resultset.
Example request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json"  \
-d "page_size=10&sort_key=-created_time" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 6372906833543168,
	"name": "Product Name",
	"description": "Product Description",
	"image_url": "https://d2p078bqz5urf7.cloudfront.net/cloud/assets/img/CART.png",
	"created_time": 1609929740,
	"updated_time": 1609930080,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"price": 200,
	"discount_type": "PERCENTAGE",
	"discount": 5,
	"currency": "USD-$",
	"properties": [],

16.2 Get product by ID

Returns data for a single product


GET /dev/api/panel/products/{id}

Required parameters

id - Product Id.

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 6372906833543168,
	"name": "Product Name",
	"description": "Product Description",
	"image_url": "https://d2p078bqz5urf7.cloudfront.net/cloud/assets/img/CART.png",
	"created_time": 1609929740,
	"updated_time": 1609930080,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"price": 200,
	"discount_type": "PERCENTAGE",
	"discount": 5,
	"currency": "USD-$",
	"properties": []

16.3 Creating a product:

Accepts product JSON as post data along with the credentials of domain User (User name and API Key).

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know value of field then either don't pass that field or pass empty data to a field.

POST dev/api/panel/products/product

Acceptable request representation:
	"name": "Product2 Name",
	"description": "Product2 Description",
	"image_url": "https://d2p078bqz5urf7.cloudfront.net/cloud/assets/img/CART.png",
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"price": 100,
	"discount_type": "AMOUNT",
	"discount": 5,
	"currency": "USD-$"
Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"name": "Product2 Name",
	"description": "Product2 Description",
	"image_url": "https://d2p078bqz5urf7.cloudfront.net/cloud/assets/img/CART.png",
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"price": 100,
	"discount_type": "AMOUNT",
	"discount": 5,
	"currency": "USD-$"
}' \

16.4 Update a product by ID:

  • Updates the properties for a single product.

Accepts product JSON as post data along with the credentials of domain User (User name and API Key).

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know value of field then either don't pass that field or pass empty data to a field.

Not: It is entity update. If you miss existing properties, it reset to empty.


PUT dev/api/panel/products/product

Acceptable request representation
curl -i -X PUT  \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "id": 6372906833543168,
    "name": "Product2 Name",
	"description": "Product2 Description",
	"image_url": "https://d2p078bqz5urf7.cloudfront.net/cloud/assets/img/CART.png",
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"price": 150,
	"discount_type": "AMOUNT",
	"discount": 10,
	"currency": "USD-$"
}' \

16.5 Update properties of a product by ID (partial update):

  • Updates the properties for a single product.

We can update the required property fields of the product using this call. It is used to add a new property or update the existing property. It accepts property object of the product with a valid parameter in it. Send the ProductID of the product to identify it. This will not affect other fields.

Using this API you can not delete properties.If subtype is same for phone,website or email then value can be overridden. Lead score, star value and tags can not be updated using this API.


PUT dev/api/panel/products/update-partial

Optional parameters
  • properties - Updated custom fields for your product as object of key/value pairs.
Acceptable request representation
curl -i -X PUT  \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "id": 6218728647688192,
    "price": "100",
    "name": "name"
    "properties": [{
		"name": "expiry_date",
		"value": "time_in_millis",
		"field_type": "DATE",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "CUSTOM"
	}, {
		"name": "tax",
		"value": "1.0",
		"field_type": "TAX",
		"is_searchable": false,
		"type": "CUSTOM"
}' \

16.6 Get product by Name

Returns data for a single product


GET /dev/api/panel/products/getByName/{productName}

Required parameters

productName - Product Name.

Example request
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
Example JSON response
	"id": 6372906833543168,
	"name": "Product Name",
	"description": "Product Description",
	"image_url": "https://d2p078bqz5urf7.cloudfront.net/cloud/assets/img/CART.png",
	"created_time": 1609929740,
	"updated_time": 1609930080,
	"owner_id": 6192449487634432,
	"price": 200,
	"discount_type": "PERCENTAGE",
	"discount": 5,
	"currency": "USD-$",
	"properties": []

16.7 Delete single product:

  • Delete the single product from account

DELETE dev/api/panel/products/{productId}

Example Request
curl -i -X DELETE \

16.8 Add a product to contact:

Add a product to contact with productID.

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know value of field then either don't pass that field or pass empty data to a field.

POST dev/api/panel/products/add-product-to-contact/{contactId}

Required parameters

contactId - Contact ID. productID - Product ID.

Acceptable request representation:
	"productId": "12412123213",
	"isSubscribed": false,
	"subscribedOn": "12123213213",
	"interval": "Monthly"
Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"productId": "12412123213",
	"isSubscribed": false,
	"subscribedOn": "12123213213",
	"interval": "Monthly"
}' \

16.9 Delete a product from contact:

Delete a product from contact with productID.

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know value of field then either don't pass that field or pass empty data to a field.

DELETE dev/api/panel/products/delete-product-to-contact/{contactId}/{productId}

Required parameters

contactId - Contact ID. productID - Product ID.

Example request
curl -i -X DELETE \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \

17.1 Creating a Broadcast:

Accepts Broadcast JSON as post data along with the credentials of domain User (User name and API Key).

  • Each field is case sensitive.
  • Please don't pass null value.
  • If you don't know value of field then either don't pass that field or pass empty data to a field.
  • From Email Address should be a verified one in From Email address in Account Settings.
  • Template ID would be the ID in the URL when you open the Email template

POST dev/api/panel/bulk-actions/broadcast

Acceptable request representation:
	"emailIds": ["peter@email.com","john@domain.com"],
	"template_id": 12345678,
	"from_email": "from@email.com"
Example request
curl -i -X POST \ 
-H "Authorization: xxxxxxxxx" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
	"emailIds": ["peter@email.com","john@domain.com"],
	"template_id": 12345678,
	"from_email": "from@email.com"
}' \


Rest API Documentation