endeavouros-team / EndeavourOS-ISO

EndeavourOS ISO framework based on Arch-ISO

Repository from Github https://github.comendeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISORepository from Github https://github.comendeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO



main branch is development latest (unstable)



..and our beloved community

This ISO is based on hugely modified Arch-ISO to provide Installation Environment for EndeavourOS.
More info at EndeavourOS-GitHub-Development


Installer LiveSession

Our journey wouldn't be made possible without the generosity of our Open Collective community!

Development source

Base source

Boot options

Systemd-boot for UEFI systems:

Bios-boot (syslinux) for legacy systems:

How to build ISO

You need to use an installed EndeavourOS system or any archbased system with EndeavourOS repository enabled.

As the installer packages and needed dependencies will get installed from EndeavourOS repository.

General information:


Read the changelog before starting to learn about latest changes:


Install build dependencies

sudo pacman -S archiso git squashfs-tools --needed

It is recommended to reboot after these changes.


1. Prepare

If you want the last release state to rebuild the ISO, you need to use a specifically tagged tarball from here: https://github.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO/tags

If not, it will default to using the latest "unstable" development state.

example using latest stable release ( Galileo KDE Release)

Warning: do not use the zip tarball, in case this causes issues with symlinks.

wget https://github.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO/archive/refs/tags/
tar -xvf
cd "EndeavourOS-ISO-"

Or use latest unstable development branch using by cloning this repo using git:

git clone https://github.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO.git
cd EndeavourOS-ISO

In case you want to build pre Galileo Releases:

If that you can use older tags like:

wget https://github.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO/archive/refs/tags/22.12.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf 22.12.2.tar.gz
cd "EndeavourOS-ISO-22.12.2"

But caused by the change to KDE these iso will use XFCE4 LiveSession and you will need to build calamares manually to get old style theming that is setup for the XFCE4 LiveSession:

using this PKGBUILD: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endeavouros-team/PKGBUILDS/18e3f580abb68486091492168956619bb0f32abe/calamares/PKGBUILD

And put the resulting package into ISO structure to get installed with the ISO build procedure:


To get this working you need to remove calamares from packages.x86_64 before starting ISO build.

2. Build
sudo ./mkarchiso -v "."

or with log:

sudo ./mkarchiso -v "." 2>&1 | tee "eosiso_$(date -u +'%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M').log"
3. The .iso file appears in the out directory...


To install locally built packages on ISO, put the packages inside the following directory:


Packages will be installed and the directory will be cleaned up after that.

General ISO naming:




  • YYYY.MM.DD: of the release
  • REBUILD: (empty), -Neo, -Nova


EndeavourOS ISO framework based on Arch-ISO

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 84.7%Language:CSS 13.0%Language:JavaScript 2.2%