enablebanking / OpenBankingPythonExamples

Sample Python code showing how to use Open banking APIs (PSD2 AISP & PISP) using enable:Banking Python library

Repository from Github https://github.comenablebanking/OpenBankingPythonExamplesRepository from Github https://github.comenablebanking/OpenBankingPythonExamples

⚠️ Deprecation Notice
This repository is deprecated and is no longer maintained.
Please refer to the documentation for the relevant information.
It is advised to use Enable Banking API for Open Banking integrations

Open Banking Python Examples

This repository contains sample Python code showing how to use Open banking APIs (PSD2 AISP & PISP) using Python library of Enable Banking aggregation core.


In order to run the example code you need to have Python 3.6+ and enablebanking library installed.

To run examples from your command line:

python3 aisp_example.py


Sample Python code showing how to use Open banking APIs (PSD2 AISP & PISP) using enable:Banking Python library

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%