emrgcl / SQLQueryAutomation

PowerShell solution to run multiple SQL queries from an inventory of queries

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Specify the full path to the SQL Query file. Spaces are not allowed in the file path or file name.
  • SQLServer Module

How to Setup

Highlevel Steps;

  • Create Configuration files - .psd1 (powershell data file) incuding query configuraiton (db, instance port etc)
  • Crete RootFolder Structure and cpy the psd1 file cretaed above along with the query files set in this psd1 file
  • Run the script

Create Configuration files

    RootFolder = 'C:\Repos\SQLQueryAutomation\QueryInventory\AdobeGecisleri'
    Queries = @(
        @{QueryFile = 'Query3.sql';SQLServer='emreg-sql.contoso.com';SQLInstance ='MSSQLSERVER';DBName ='OperationsManager';Port=1433},
        @{QueryFile = 'Query4.sql';SQLServer='emreg-sql.contoso.com';SQLInstance ='MSSQLSERVER';DBName ='OperationsManagerDW';Port=50295}

Crete RootFolder Structure

Create folders per .psd1 file and put query files in these root folders. The hastable files including the configuration (query inventory) should exist in a folder along with the query files like below.

│   ├───AdobeGecisleri
│   │       AdobeGecisleri.psd1
│   │       Query3.sql
│   │       Query4.sql
│   │
│   └───FileServerGecisleri
│           FileServerGecisleri.psd1
│           Query1.sql
│           Query2.sql

Run the script

 .\Invoke-SQLQueries.ps1 -QueryInventoryPath 'C:\Repos\SQLQueryAutomation\QueryInventory\FileServerGecisleri\FileServerGecisleri.psd1','C:\Repos\SQLQueryAutomation\QueryInventory\AdobeGecisleri\AdobeGecisleri.psd1' -LogFilePath C:\Temp\Log11.txt -Verbose


PowerShell solution to run multiple SQL queries from an inventory of queries


Language:PowerShell 94.8%Language:TSQL 5.2%