This terraform configuration will create Elastic Beanstalk WebServer Environment Amazon Linux 2 and PHP 8.0, ACM certificate and DNS validation for your domain, Cloudwatch alarms for Elastic Beanstalk Environment and finally it will create A record for your domain and point to Elastic Beanstalk Environment. I also redirected all HTTP traffic to HTTPS in this configuration. I set up dynamically the solution stack so you don't have to worry if a new platform version of PHP 8.0 is released.
Before deployment create key pair and use name of that key pair in variables file. Also you have to existing SNS Topic for your alarm notification and Route53 Public Hosted Zone for your domain.
Change these variables in the terraform.tfvars file with your own before the deployment.
region = "us-east-1"
domain_name = ""
app_tags = "Example"
application_name = "Example-App"
vpc_id = "vpc-ee2325320"
ec2_subnets = "subnet-d1c325ab"
elb_subnets = ["subnet-d1c325ab","subnet-d1c565ab"]
instance_type = "t3.micro"
disk_size = "20"
keypair = "example"
alarm_sns_topic = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456788900:TOPIC"
When everything is ready you can deploy with these 4 commands.
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply