emranio / docker-wordpress-multisite

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

wordpress environment on docker with mariadb

  • clone this git repo git clone git@github.com:emranio/docker-wordpress-multisite.git. Run the following command to run the wordpress environment on docker

    'docker compose up -d'

  • to run all containers of the docker-compose.yml file perfectly, make available your computer 80 ports.

  • If you want to change the password of your database change it on environment section of wp services of docker-compose-yml file

      - WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=test
      - WORDPRESS_DB_USER=root
      - WORDPRESS_DEBUG=true
  • also on db environment section

      - MYSQL_DATABASE=test
      - MYSQL_USER=root
  • If you face Error establishing a database connection, delete your wp-config.php file and reload and install it again.

Multi site configuration

  • Go to setting->permalinks and set the permalink structure as Post name and save it.

  • Open wp-config.php file and paste the constants define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true ); after the WP-DEBUG section and save it.

  • Now reload your wp-admin.

  • Go to Tools->Network Setup choose sub directory options and fill the fields and click on install button.

  • Copy the following code and paste it on wp-config.php file after WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE constant.

    define( 'MULTISITE', true );
    define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false );
    define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'localhost' );
    define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' );
    define( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
    define( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
  • Copy the following code and select all and paste it on .htaccess file which is on your wordpress root directory.

 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
 RewriteBase /
 RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

 # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
 RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]

 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
 RewriteRule ^ - [L]
 RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $2 [L]
 RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
 RewriteRule . index.php [L]
  • Now reload your admin panel you will see multi site menu on your left top bar beside the wordpress home menu button.
  • to development purpose keep all your plugins within the wp-content/plugins directory or wordpress plugin directory.
  • Now reload and make your site as much as you wish.

Happy Coding.......


License:MIT License


Language:CSS 47.6%Language:PHP 37.8%Language:SCSS 8.5%Language:JavaScript 4.1%Language:HTML 1.3%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%