emqx / setup-beam

Set up your BEAM-based GitHub Actions workflow (Erlang, Elixir, Gleam, ...)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

setup-beam GitHub Actions GitHub Actions GitHub Actions

This action sets up an Erlang/OTP environment for use in a GitHub Actions workflow by:

  • installing Erlang/OTP
  • optionally, installing Elixir
  • optionally, installing Gleam
  • optionally, installing rebar3
  • optionally, installing hex
  • optionally, opting for strict or loose version matching
  • optionally, having problem matchers show warnings and errors on pull requests
  • optionally, using a version file (as explained in "Version file", below), to identify versions

Note: currently, this action only supports Actions' ubuntu- and windows- runtimes.


See action.yml for the action's specification.

Note: the Erlang/OTP release version specification is relatively complex. For best results, we recommend specifying exact versions, and setting option version-type to strict. However, values like 22.x, or even >22, are also accepted, and we attempt to resolve them according to semantic versioning rules. This implicitly means version-type is loose, which is also the default value for this option.

Additionally, it is recommended that one specifies versions using YAML strings, as these examples do, so that numbers like 23.0 don't end up being parsed as 23, which is not equivalent.

For pre-release versions, such as v1.11.0-rc.0, use the full version specifier (v1.11.0-rc.0) and set option version-type to strict. Pre-release versions are opt-in, so 1.11.x will not match a pre-release.

Compatibility between Operating System and Erlang/OTP

This list presents the known working version combos between the target operating system and Erlang/OTP.

Operating system Erlang/OTP Status
ubuntu-18.04 17 - 25
ubuntu-20.04 20 - 25
ubuntu-22.04 24.2 - 25
windows-2019 21* - 25
windows-2022 21* - 25

Note *: prior to 23, Windows builds are only available for minor versions, e.g. 21.0, 21.3, 22.0, etc.

Self-hosted runners

Self-hosted runners need to set env. variable ImageOS to one of the following, since the action uses that to download assets:

ImageOS Operating system
ubuntu18 ubuntu-18.04
ubuntu20 ubuntu-20.04
ubuntu22 ubuntu-22.04
win19 windows-2019
win22 windows-2022

as per the following example:


    runs-on: self-hosted
      ImageOS: ubuntu20 # equivalent to runs-on ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1

Version file

A version file is specified via input version-file (e.g..tool-versions). This allows not having to use YML input for versions, though the action does check (and will exit with error) if both inputs are set.

Note: if you're using a version file, option version-type is checked to be strict, and will make the action exit with error otherwise.

The following version file formats are supported:

Supported version elements are the same as the ones defined for the YML portion of the action, with the following correspondence.

.tool-versions format

YML .tool-versions
otp-version erlang
elixir-version elixir
gleam-version gleam
rebar3-version rebar

Example (Erlang/OTP + Elixir, on Ubuntu)

# create this in .github/workflows/ci.yml
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: OTP ${{matrix.otp}} / Elixir ${{matrix.elixir}}
        otp: ['20.3', '21.3', '22.2']
        elixir: ['1.8.2', '1.9.4']
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
          otp-version: ${{matrix.otp}}
          elixir-version: ${{matrix.elixir}}
      - run: mix deps.get
      - run: mix test

Example (Erlang/OTP + rebar3, on Ubuntu)

# create this in .github/workflows/ci.yml
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Erlang/OTP ${{matrix.otp}} / rebar3 ${{matrix.rebar3}}
        otp: ['20.3', '21.3', '22.2']
        rebar3: ['3.14.1', '3.14.3']
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
          otp-version: ${{matrix.otp}}
          rebar3-version: ${{matrix.rebar3}}
      - run: rebar3 ct

Example (Erlang/OTP + rebar3, on Windows)

# create this in .github/workflows/ci.yml
on: push

    runs-on: windows-2022
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
          otp-version: '24'
          rebar3-version: '3.16.1'
      - run: rebar3 ct

Example (Gleam on Ubuntu)

# create this in .github/workflows/ci.yml
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
          otp-version: '24'
          gleam-version: '0.23.0-rc1'
      - run: gleam test

Example (Gleam on Ubuntu without OTP)

# create this in .github/workflows/ci.yml
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
          otp-version: false
          gleam-version: '0.23.0-rc1'
      - run: gleam check

Note: the otp-version: false input is only applicable when installing Gleam.

Environment variables

Base installation folders (useful for e.g. fetching headers for NIFs) are available in the following environment variables:

  • INSTALL_DIR_FOR_OTP: base folder for Erlang/OTP
  • INSTALL_DIR_FOR_ELIXIR: base folder for Elixir
  • INSTALL_DIR_FOR_GLEAM: base folder for Gleam
  • INSTALL_DIR_FOR_REBAR3: base folder for rebar3

Elixir Problem Matchers

The Elixir Problem Matchers in this repository are adapted from here. See MATCHER_NOTICE for license details.

Action versioning

setup-beam has three version paths, described below, for example version 1.8.0:

  • @v1: the latest in the 1.y.z series (this tag is movable),
  • @v1.8: the latest in the 1.8.z series (this tag is movable),
  • @v1.8.0: release 1.8.0 (this tag is not movable).

We make a real effort to not introduce incompatibilities without changing the major version number. To be extra safe against changes causing issues in your CI you should specify an exact version with @vx.y.z.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT license.


Check out this doc.

Current Status

This action is in active development.


Set up your BEAM-based GitHub Actions workflow (Erlang, Elixir, Gleam, ...)



Language:JavaScript 71.9%Language:PowerShell 11.2%Language:Shell 6.5%Language:Erlang 4.0%Language:Elixir 4.0%Language:Rust 1.7%Language:Gleam 0.6%