emmerich / gitbook-gh-sync

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Supported methods
  • actions( options )
  • executeAsyncScript( script, ...args )
  • executeScript( script, ...args )
  • findElement( locator )
  • findElements( locator )
  • get( url )
  • getAllWindowHandles()
  • getCurrentUrl()
  • getPageSource()
  • getTitle()
  • getWindowHandle()
  • manage()
  • navigate()
  • sleep( ms )
  • switchTo()
  • wait( condition, timeout, message )

A set of methods for interacting with elements. Once the element is located and retrieved \(by using the `findElement()` function or similar\), it can be managed using the following methods.

Namespace selenium-webdriver
