emlazzarin / mev-inspect-py

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


illuminating the dark forest 🌲🔦

mev-inspect-py is an MEV inspector for Ethereum

Given a block, mev-inspect finds:

  • miner payments (gas + coinbase)
  • tokens transfers and profit
  • swaps and arbitrages
  • ...and more

Data is stored in Postgres for analysis

Running locally

mev-inspect-py is built to run on kubernetes locally and in production

Install dependencies

  1. Setup a local kubernetes deployment (we use kind)

  2. Setup Tilt which manages the local deployment

Start up

Set an environment variable RPC_URL to an RPC for fetching blocks Example:

export RPC_URL=""

Note: mev-inspect-py currently requires and RPC with support for parity traces

Next, start all servcies with:

tilt up

Press "space" to see a browser of the services starting up

On first startup, you'll need to apply database migrations. Apply with:

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- alembic upgrade head


Inspect a single block

Inspecting block 12914944

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- poetry run inspect-block 12914944

Inspect many blocks

Inspecting blocks 12914944 to 12914954

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- poetry run inspect-many-blocks 12914944 12914954

Inspect all incoming blocks

Start a block listener with

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- /app/listener start

By default, it will pick up wherever you left off. If running for the first time, listener starts at the latest block

See logs for the listener with

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- tail -f listener.log

And stop the listener with

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- /app/listener stop



Coming soon


We use pre-commit to maintain a consistent style, prevent errors, and ensure test coverage.

To set up, install dependencies through poetry

poetry install

Then install pre-commit hooks with

poetry run pre-commit install


Run tests with

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- poetry run pytest --cov=mev_inspect tests


How do I delete / reset my local postgres data?

Stop the system if running

tilt down

Delete it with

kubectl delete pvc data-postgresql-postgresql-0

Start back up again

tilt up

And rerun migrations to create the tables again

kubectl exec deploy/mev-inspect-deployment -- alembic upgrade head

I was using the docker-compose setup and want to switch to kube, now what?

Re-add the old docker-compose.yml file to your mev-inspect-py directory

A copy can be found here

Tear down docker-compose resources

docker compose down

Then go through the steps in the current README for kube setup



Language:Python 82.7%Language:Starlark 12.5%Language:Go 2.0%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%Language:Mako 0.3%