eminentcodex / dca_notes

Contents from docker training

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This repository serves the purpose of maintaining notes with examples for studying for Docker Certified Associate examination.

Core Docker Concepts

  • Docker Community Edition Installation and Configuration
  • Introduction to Docker Community Edition
  • Installing Docker on CentOS
  • Installing Docker on Ubuntu
  • Selecting a Storage Driver
  • Running a Container
  • Upgrading the Docker Engine
  • Configuring Logging Drivers (Splunk, Journald, etc.)
  • Introduction to Docker Swarm
  • Configuring a Swarm Manager
  • Configuring Swarm Nodes
  • Docker Swarm Backup and Restore
  • Namespaces and Cgroups

Image Creation, Management, and Registry

  • Introduction to Docker Images
  • The Components of a Dockerfile
  • More Dockerfile Directives
  • Building Efficient Images
  • Managing Images
  • Flattening a Docker Image to a Single Layer
  • Introduction to Docker Registries
  • Using Docker Registries


  • Locking and Unlocking a Swarm Cluster
  • High Availability in a Swarm Cluster
  • Introduction to Docker Services
  • Using docker inspect
  • Docker Compose
  • Introduction to Docker Stacks
  • Node Labels

Storage and Volumes

  • Docker Storage in Depth
  • Configuring DeviceMapper
  • Docker Volumes
  • Image Cleanup
  • Storage in a Cluster


  • Docker Networking
  • Built-In Network Drivers
  • Creating a Docker Bridge Network
  • Deploying a Service on a Docker Overlay Network
  • Exposing Containers Externally
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Configuring Docker to Use External DNS


  • Signing Images and Enabling Docker Content Trust
  • Default Docker Engine Security
  • Docker MTLS
  • Securing the Docker Daemon HTTP Socket

Docker Enterprise Edition

  • Installing Docker EE
  • Setting up Universal Control Plane (UCP)
  • Security in UCP
  • Setting Up Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
  • Sizing Requirements for Docker, UCP, and DTR
  • Configuring Backups for UCP and DTR
  • DTR Security Features
  • Managing Certificates with UCP and DTR


Contents from docker training