emilyjanedennis / Dennis2017

data and scripts necessary to re-create plots for Dennis2017

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data and scripts necessary to re-create plots for Dennis2017

This folder Contains all data and scripts needed to replicate the plots presented in Dennis et al 2017.



	Dennis2017_imaginganalysis.pdf		output of Dennis2017_imaginganalysis.Rmd
	Dennis2017_imaginganalysis.Rmd	makes all plots and statistics for ADL imaging data used in the manuscript including a separate control experiment completed to demonstrate that ethanol solvent alone cannot explain the responses to C9 nor DEET.
	Dennis2017_plot-rawdata.pdf		output of Dennis2017_plot-rawdata.Rmd
	Dennis2017_plot-rawdata.Rmd		plots all ImageJ-generated .txt files (before bleach-correct or deltaF/Fmax calculation). 
	c9adl		Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single wild type animal given pulses of 100nM C9 (in 0.15% ethanol) at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	c9mut		Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single str-217-/- mutant animal given pulses of 100nM C9 (in 0.15% ethanol) at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	c9res		Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single str-217-/- mutant animal expressing str-217 under the ADL-specific srh-220 promoter, given pulses of 100nM C9 (in 0.15% ethanol) at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	pt0adl		Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single wild type animal given pulses of 0.15% ethanol solvent at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	pt0mut	Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single mutant animal given pulses of 0.15% ethanol solvent at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	pt0res	Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single str-217-/- mutant animal expressing str-217 under the ADL-specific srh-220 promoter, given pulses of 0.15% ethanol at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	pt15adl	Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single wild type animal given pulses of 0.15% DEET (in 0.15% ethanol solvent) at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	pt15mut	Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single wild type animal given pulses of 0.15% DEET (in 0.15% ethanol solvent) at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
	pt15res	Contains individual ImageJ-generated files reflecting fluorescence changes in a single ADL neuron over the course of a single experiment on a single wild type animal given pulses of 0.15% DEET (in 0.15% ethanol solvent) at 30-50s, 70-90s, and 110-130s
			Contains a .csv file for each genotype/treatment combination. Each file Contains MATLAB-generated deltaF/Fmax values for each animal. These files are used by Dennis2017_imaginganalysis.Rmd
			Contains two macros used to trim original tiff stacks (remove light pre-exposure) and to track neurons and calculate fluorescence changes over time.
			Contains all MATLAB scripts used to analyze ImageJ-generated txt files and generate bleach-corrected deltaF/Fmax values. The ‘master’ script is GCaMP_ADL and requires the rest of the scripts to run properly.

Fig3_Cell-identification performed by Xin Jin

	mutantstr-217_w1_L4_lv50ms.zvi		Contains the .zvi file used to generate the composite image in Figure 3a

Fig4_Tracking-and-Optogenetics Contains all .csv files needed to plot all tracking and optogenetics pausing behavior data in Figure 4

	figure4_reachr.pdf		Output of figure4_reachr.Rmd
	figure4_reachr.Rmd		Plots all ontogenetic data and statistics
	figure4_tracking.pdf		Output of figure4_tracking.Rmd
	figure4_tracking.Rmd	Plots all  tracking data and statistics


	Dennis_DEETandCelegans_behaviordata.csv	Actual data needed for plotting
	elegans_output.pdf		Output of the .Rmd script	
	elegans_output.Rmd	R markdown script

SuppFig1_AWCimaging performed by May Dobosiewicz

	AWC_response_mags	All response magnitudes used by .Rmd file, originally generated by the MATLAB script
	N2_forplot			Smoothed frame-by-frame values for plotting traces
	str217_forplot		Smoothed frame-by-frame values for plotting traces
					All files used by MATLAB script in one xlsx file
					Contains MATLAB script used to generate response magnitudes
	responsemags.pdf		Output of responsemags.Rmd	
	responsemags.Rmd		Plots all response magnitudes and smoothed traces

SuppFig1_HEKimaging performed by Laura Duvall

	hek_data.csv				Data used by .Rmd file, from the HEK mis-expression experiments
	Dennis2017_HEK_protocol.pdf	Detailed protocol used to generate these data
	hek_analysis_output.pdf		Output of hek_analysis_output.Rmd
	hek_analysis_output.Rmd		Plots HEK mis-expression data


	Contains all data necessary for plotting in a multi-sheet excel file
	Contains all strain data for any C. elegans strains generated for or used in this manuscript.
	Contains all strain data for any C. elegans strains generated for or used in this manuscript.


All R scripts were tested and run in RStudio, using R version 3.3.1 (2016-10-31), Sincere Pumpkin Patch on a x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

All MATLAB scripts were tested and run on Matlab version 2014b. Additional scripts for analysis of tracking information can be found in Cho et al. “Parallel encoding of sensory history and behavioral preference during Caenorhabditis elegans olfactory learning” eLife 2016. doi: 10.7554/eLife.14000

All ImageJ scripts were tested and run with ImageJ 1.48v, Java 1.6.0_65 (32-bit)


data and scripts necessary to re-create plots for Dennis2017