emilianstoyanov / JavaScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


JavaScript Advanced

In the "JS Advanced" course, you will get a deep knowledge of the JavaScript language, such as the basics of syntax, working with arrays, matrices, objects, classes and writing functions. You will study more complex concepts like function context, explicit binding, event loop. The course will develop your algorithmic thinking. After successful completion of this course, you will be able to work with the DOM tree, do manipulations on it and work with "events". You'll explore functionality and OOP relevant to JavaScript programming, studying concepts such as inheritance, object composition, and prototype chaining.

JavaScript Fundamentals

With "Programming Fundamentals", students begin to study SoftUni's in-house program for the comprehensive training of software engineers. The course examines fundamental concepts in programming, which are the basis for effective and quality training in the professional modules. Learners build on the knowledge acquired in the Programming Basics course and begin to use more complex programming concepts and structures such as: arrays, lists, objects and classes, dictionaries, strings, and bitwise operations.

Basic software technologies, concepts and tools needed by every software developer are studied, such as HTML and CSS, HTTP, familiarization with databases and web technologies, working with Git and GitHub. The fundamentals of web development are covered, as one of the most widely practiced approaches to creating software applications and systems, with which the module successfully builds students' understanding of the upcoming professional modules and the skills they will gain from them to become successful software developers. developers.