Disclaimer: Service Fabric integration was added to Træfik in version 1.5 - please use this version or later.
Warning: Work is currently underway in Træfik to standardize label names between providers. In future releases labels will change, for example:
. See PR16 to follow the work.
Træfik (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Rancher, Amazon ECS, and a lot more) to manage its configuration automatically and dynamically. For more information, visit the Træfik homepage
Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers. For more information, visit the Service Fabric homepage
Integrating Træfik and Service Fabric allows you to configure much more advanced, yet flexible, ingress routing scenarios for your Service Fabric hosted services and applications. You get all the benefits of using Træfik to configure your routing whilst also getting the benefits of Service Fabric's packaging model.
Service Fabric supports many different methods of deploying applications. Please select the most appropriate from the list below.
- Windows using Visual Studio
- Windows, MacOS and Linux using sfctl
- Windows, MacOS and Linux using docker [Not recommended currently]
The Service Fabric integration ships as part of Træfik v1.5 or greater, so for stable builds please use the official Træfik releases page. The releases on this repository are for experimental features that may or may not be included in the upstream Træfik tree at a later date.
Træfik uses the concept of labels to configure how services are exposed.
Labels allow you to define additional metadata for your services which Træfik can use to configure itself dynamically.
In order to assign labels for your service, you can add Extensions
to your service's ServiceManifest.xml
. Træfik will select any labels prefixed with traefik
. Here is an example of using extensions to add Træfik labels:
<StatelessServiceType ServiceTypeName="WebServiceType">
<Extension Name="Traefik">
<Labels xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2015/03/fabact-no-schema">
<Label Key="traefik.frontend.rule.example">PathPrefixStrip: /a/path/to/strip</Label>
<Label Key="traefik.expose">true</Label>
<Label Key="traefik.frontend.passHostHeader">true</Label>
Once you've deployed your service with some default labels, you may need to change the way Træfik is routing requests without redeploying. You can overwrite and add new labels to a named service using Service Fabric's Property Management API. Træfik will then pick up these new/updated labels and reconfigure itself.
curl -X PUT \
'http://localhost:19080/Names/GettingStartedApplication2/WebService/$/GetProperty?api-version=6.0&IncludeValues=true' \
-d '{
"PropertyName": "traefik.frontend.rule.default",
"Value": {
"Kind": "String",
"Data": "PathPrefixStrip: /a/path/to/strip"
"CustomTypeId": "LabelType"
WARNING: The json provided in the body is case sensitive
A future release of sfctl will allow you to operate with properties without make raw HTTP requests. There is an outstanding PR here if you wish to try this right away.
sfctl property put --name "GettingStartedApplication/WebService" --property-description "{\"PropertyName\":\"traefik.frontend.rule.default\",\"Value\":{\"Kind\":\"String\",\"Data\":\"PathPrefixStrip: /a/path/to/strip\"}}"
The current list of available labels is documented here. This is subject to change as we expand our capabilities.
Both services will output logs to stdout
and stderr
. To enable these logs uncomment the ConsoleRedirection
line in both ServiceManifest.xml
<Arguments>--appinsightskey=__YOUKEYHERE__ --watchdogtestserverport=29001 --pollintervalsec=60 --debug=true</Arguments>
<!-- <ConsoleRedirection FileRetentionCount="5" FileMaxSizeInKb="2048" /> -->
Once deployed, logs will be stored in the nodes Service Fabric folder. This will be similar to D:\SvcFab\_App\TraefikType_App1\log
but may vary depending on your configuration.
- Service Fabric Provider not shown in Traefik Dashboard: Check you have correctly configured the certificates and clustermanagementurl
- No events showing in App Insights for Traefik: Check you have uncommented the default services section and double check your instrumentation key is correct
For advanced users only
If the default configuration the Service Fabric Træfik provider builds is not sufficient for your needs, you can write a custom template that the provider will use instead. Documentation on how to write a custom template is available here. Your custom template will need to be added to either your application's Code
or Config
folders and the relative URL provided in the traefik.toml configuration.
The functions available for you to use in your custom template are documented here
Træfik is hosted as a Service Fabric Guest Executable. Træfik has a built-in Service Fabric provider which will query the Service Fabric management API to discover what services are currently being hosted in the cluster (referred to as backends
). The provider then maps routing rules (known as frontends
) to these service instances (referred to as backends
). Ingress flows in via entrypoints
(http, https, etc.), frontends
are then applied to match and modify each requests before load balancing across the associated backends
. The provider will take into account the Health
and Status
of each of the services to ensure requests are only routed to healthy service instances.
To learn more about how Træfik works and how you can configure is, please see their documentation.
If you would like to update the Træfik binary, certs or traefik.toml file. You can use Service Fabric's built in 'rolling updates' as you would with any other application package.
See our Contributing guide
- Traefik Service Fabric provider development: https://github.com/containous/traefik-extra-service-fabric
- Go SF Management SDK: https://github.com/jjcollinge/servicefabric
- sfctl for property management: microsoft/service-fabric-cli#53
- Application Insights Watchdog: https://github.com/lawrencegripper/traefik-appinsights-watchdog