emicklei / protobuf2map

Decoder for a ProtocolBuffers message that produces a Go map[string]interface{}

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


protobuf2map can decode a ProtocolBuffer marshaled message into a map[string]interface{} using its .proto definition.

This package was created to transform such messages directly to JSON without using the generated (Go) code to do the unmarshaling and marshaling. It can be used to inspect messages for quick view and debugging. Do not use this if performance is of importance.

package main

import (
		pd "github.com/emicklei/protobuf2map"

func main() {
	defs := pd.NewDefinitions()
	_ = defs.ReadFile("your.proto")
	protoBytes := []byte{} // your marshalled Protobuf message
	dec := pd.NewDecoder(defs, proto.NewBuffer(protoBytes))
	result, _ := dec.Decode("yours", "YourMessage")

how to compile the test

protoc --go_out=. *.proto


Decoder for a ProtocolBuffers message that produces a Go map[string]interface{}


Language:Go 100.0%