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Governance model and working group process

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ROS 2 Tooling Working Group

The Tooling Working Group's mission is to provide ROS 2 users with simple, robust and easy to use tools for recording, debugging, visualization and introspection.

This document defines the scope and governance of the ROS 2 Tooling Working Group.


  • Regular WG Meeting: Every other Friday at 9:00 AM Pacific Time (biweekly)
    • The meeting reminder will be posted on discourse.ros.org in the week leading up to the meeting
    • After the meeting we will post:
      • Video recording
      • Notes from the meeting


The following subprojects are owned by Tooling WG:

Adding new subprojects

To request introduction of a new subproject, use the "Add Project Request" issue template in this repository.

To resolve the created ticket, a PR must be merged by a working group admin, which edits the "Subprojects" section of this document. The PR will be merged on WG approval.

Standards for subprojects

When adopting a subproject, the WG agrees that a specific set of criteria will be maintained by the WG.

These criteria are:

  • Build passes against ROS 2 master
  • The ROS 2 standard linter set is enabled and adhered to
  • Builds have 0 warnings
  • Quality builds are green (address sanitizer, thread sanitizer, clang thread safety analysis)
  • Test suite passes
  • Code coverage is measured, and non-decreasing level is enforced in PRs
  • Issues are responded to promptly
  • Releases go out regularly when bugfixes or new features are introduced

Deprecating subprojects

Sometimes, project may cease to be useful, or their maintainers may leave. We do not want to commit to maintaining every project that has ever been added here forever. To request removal of a subproject, use the "Remove Project Request" issue template in this repository.

To resolve the created ticket, a PR must be merged by a working group admin, which edits the "Subprojects" section of this document. Additionally, if the repository lives in the ros-tooling organization, it will be transferred or deleted out of the organization. The PR will be merged on WG approval.


WG Tooling’s mission is to provide ROS 2 users with simple, robust and easy to use tools for recording, debugging, visualization and introspection purposes.

In scope

  • Subprojects owned by the WG

Out of scope

  • Middleware/communications

Membership, Roles and Organization Management

Working Group members may act in one or more of the following roles:

  • Member
    • Attend at least one out of the last three Working Group meetings
    • Responsible for triaging issues
  • Reviewer
    • All reviewers are members
    • Responsible for reviewing pull requests
  • Approver
    • All approvers are reviewers
    • Responsible for approving and merging pull requests
    • Responsible for vetting and accepting new projects into the Working Group
  • Subproject Owner
    • Admin for repositories for their subproject
    • Responsible for backlog maintenance and high level direction for their subproject
  • Lead
    • Leader of the working group
    • Responsible for reviewing membership applications
    • Responsible for breaking ties

To become a member or change role, use the "Organization Membership Request" issue template on this repository.

  • Member will be granted automatically on request
  • Reviewer will be granted with approval of Subproject Owner for the relevant project
  • Approver will be granted with approval of Subproject Owner for the relevant project
  • Subproject Owner requests will be granted on adding a subproject (see "Adding New Subprojects")
    • Transfer of ownership of a subproject will be granted on approval of the existing Subproject Owner, it uses the same membership issue template.

WG Approval / Voting

This Working Group aims to operate by consensus. Issues needing a group decision will be discussed at the recurring meeting. When consensus cannot be reached, decisions should in most cases be made by resource commitment: e.g. if a member wants to dedicate their resources to the completion of a goal, then they may do so. In cases where consensus cannot be reached and resource commitment is insufficient or inappropriate, simple majority voting is used, with each member having one vote.

Modifying this governance document

Changes to this document will be made via Pull Request. The PR will be merged on WG approval.


Governance model and working group process