embray / tracext-redispub

Trac plugin providing Redis pub/sub channels for Trac events

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Trac Redis Pub

Trac plugin providing Redis pub/sub channels for Trac events, specifically ticket and wiki page creation/updates.

This can be used to implement services external to the Trac web server itself that react to events on a Trac project. For example, one can provide a stream of ticket events like:

>>> import redis
>>> client = redis.Redis()
>>> pubsub = client.pubsub()
>>> pubsub.psubscribe('trac.*')
>>> for event in pubsub.listen():
...     print(event)
{'pattern': None, 'type': 'psubscribe', 'channel': 'trac.*', 'data': 1L}
{'pattern': 'trac.*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': 'trac.test.wiki.created', 'data': '{"comment": "Change comment", "name": "NewWikiPage", "author": "anonymous", "text": "Page contents.", "readonly": 0, "version": 1, "time": "2018-03-02T14:10:22.844985+00:00"}'}
{'pattern': 'trac.*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': 'trac.test.wiki.changed.NewWikiPage', 'data': '{"comment": "Editing page.", "name": "NewWikiPage", "author": "anonymous", "text": "Page contents.\\r\\nAdditional contents.", "old_text": "Page contents.", "readonly": 0, "version": 2, "time": "2018-03-02T14:10:36.192988+00:00"}'}
{'pattern': 'trac.*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': 'trac.test.ticket.created', 'data': '{"status": "new", "changetime": "2018-03-02T14:15:01.401989+00:00", "reporter": "anonymous", "cc": "", "milestone": "", "component": "component1", "keywords": "", "owner": "somebody", "id": 17, "description": "Problem description.", "author": "", "summary": "Test ticket", "priority": "major", "version": "", "time": "2018-03-02T14:15:01.401989+00:00", "type": "defect"}'}
{'pattern': 'trac.*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': 'trac.test.ticket.changed.17', 'data': '{"comment": "Updated milestone.", "new_values": {"status": "new", "changetime": "2018-03-02T14:15:01.401989+00:00", "reporter": "anonymous", "cc": "", "milestone": "milestone1", "component": "component1", "keywords": "", "owner": "somebody", "id": 17, "description": "Problem description.", "author": "", "summary": "Test ticket", "priority": "major", "version": "", "time": "2018-03-02T14:15:01.401989+00:00", "type": "defect"}, "id": 17, "old_values": {"milestone": ""}, "author": "anonymous"}'}


Version 0.1 supports basic ticket and wiki-related events. However, there are many other types of events in Trac that could be monitored this way, for which support may be added in future versions in the remote chance there is any demand.

Installation and Configuration

The plugin can be installed in the standard way using pip:

$ pip install tracext-redispub

To enable the plugin in Trac, add the following to the [components] section of your trac.ini:

tracext.redispub.redis.redisclient = enabled
tracext.redispub.ticket.redisticketstream = enabled
tracext.redispub.wiki.rediswikistream = enabled

The tracext.redispub.redis.redisclient component must be enabled for the other components to work. The other components may be enabled or disabled as desired (e.g. to disable all wiki channels use tracext.redispub.wiki.* = disabled).

The plugin is further configured through two additional configuration sections. The first section is [redis_client] which is used for configuring how to connect to the Redis server. Currently this only takes a small number of options--later it will be expanded to the fuller range of options for configuring your Redis connection:

# hostname of the Redis server
host = localhost
# Redis server port
port = 6379
# Redis DB number (although this can be configured, it is irrelevant for
# pub/sub purposes)
db = 0
# Redis server password
password =
# Path to UNIX socket to connect over instead of through TCP
unix_socket_path =

One additional section configures the behavior of the plugin itself (and currently has only one option):

# This string is prefixed to the names of all channels published to by
# the plugin
channel_prefix = trac

Available Channels

The following channels can be subscribed to:

Ticket channels

  • Ticket creation events are published to the <prefix>.<env>.ticket.created channel, where <prefix> is the configurable channel name prefix (e.g. 'trac'), and <env> is the environment name.

    Messages on this channel consist of the field values of the created ticket (along with the ticket ID) as a JSON-encoded dictionary:

        "id": 1,
        "summary": "...",
        "description": "...",
  • Ticket change events are published to the <prefix>.<env>.ticket.changed.<id> channel, where <prefix> and <env> are as before, and <id> is the ticket ID. This allows subscribing just to the changes on a specific ticket, if desired. The message is a JSON-encoded dictionary with the following format:

        "id": 1,
        "new_values": { ... },
        "old_values": { ... },
        "author": "somebody",
        "comment": "A comment..."

    Where "id" is the ticket ID. "new_values" maps field names to their new values (including fields that did not change), and "old_values" maps field names to the previous values of fields that changed. "author" is the author of the change, and "comment" is the comment associated with the change (which may be blank).

  • Ticket deletion events are published to the <prefix>.<env>.ticket.deleted channel. These events have the same format as ticket creation events, and include the values of all the fields on the just-deleted ticket.

Wiki channels

  • Wiki page creation events are published to the <prefix>.<env>.wiki.created channel, where <prefix> is the configurable channel name prefix (e.g. 'trac'), and <env> is the environment name.

    Messages on this channel are JSON-encoded dictionaries representing the wiki page ("version" is always 1 for new pages):

        "name": "PageName",
        "version": 1,
        "time": "2018-03-02T12:31:28.184283",
        "author": "somebody",
        "text": "...full page text...",
        "comment": "edit comment, if any",
        "readonly": 0
  • Wiki change events are published to the <prefix>.<env>.wiki.changed.<name> channel, where <prefix> and <env> are as before, and <name> is the wiki page name. This allows subscribing just to the changes on a specific wiki page, if desired. The message is a JSON-encoded dictionary with the same format as the wiki created event, along with an additional "old_text" property containing the previous text of the wiki page before the change:

        "name": "PageName",
        "version": 2,
        "text": "the new text of the page",
        "old_text": "the old text of the page",
  • Wiki deletion events are published to the <prefix>.<env>.wiki.deleted channel. These events have the same format as wiki creation events, and include the properties of the just-deleted wiki page..


Trac plugin providing Redis pub/sub channels for Trac events


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