embray / RunNotebook

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Notebook sphinx extensions

Code snippets in documentation

This packages two useful Sphinx extensions: notebook and notebook-cell. These extensions are useful for embedding entire notebooks or single notebook cells, respectively, inside sphinx documentation.

In the past, it was relatively straightforward to include example scripts inside of version controlled documentation. For example, one could include code snippets inside of sphinx documentation using the rst code-block directive:

.. code-block:: python

   for i in range(5):
     print i

While this does produce a syntax highlighted python script embedded in the docs, it does not run the code, provide any facilities for checking whether the code is correct, and generally makes it difficult to verify that the code included in documentation is correct.

IPython notebooks offer a powerful environment for literate programming, with code input, output, and explanatary text embedded into a single document. It's tempting to include notebooks into documentation wholesale. However, there are some issues with this approach as well. Versioning notebooks is difficult - output can change and if the notebook output contains large amounts of data, the diffs can easily grow quickly, producing an inconveniently large repository. Versioning evluated notebooks also offers no guarantee that the code in the notebook is still functional.

Using Sphinx Extensions to Automate Notebook Running

The extension included in this package make it easy to include unevaluated notebooks or short python code snippets inside of documentation. The extension make use of runipy to script the evaluation of notebooks and nbconvert to conver the resulting evaluated notebooks into HTML suitable for embedding in a Sphinx document.


This extension has two required dependencies:

  • runipy
  • IPython

Note that all IPython dependencies (even the optional ones) must be installed. In particular, pandoc must be available since nbconvert uses pandoc heavily.


Suppose I want to include a notebook named example.ipynb inline in my documentation. To do so, add the following to any sphinx ReStructuredText document:

.. notebook:: example.ipynb

During preprocessing, sphinx will evaluate the notebok, convert it to html, and embed it into the document in the place where the notebook directive was used.

If a full notebook does not make sense or if you would like to more tightly link a script to the source of your documentation, you can use notebook-cell to embed a single-cell mini notebook:

.. notebook-cell::

   for i in range(5):
     print i

This will convert the code snippet into a notebook, evaluate the notebook, and then embed the result in the document. Note that notebook-cell does not currently accept a user namespace, so all imports necessary for the code to run must be included in the source.

Known issues

These extensions use a version of the 'full' HTML output from the nbconvert HTML output. This includes the full notebook CSS which will probably conflict with your documentation theme. There are some monkeypatches to reduce the impact of the notebook style sheet on the document, but it is like that The monkeypatching is fragile.

Images are embedded directly in the document HTML, just as they are in an IPython notebook. This can create a large search index since string representations of images are embedded in the search index.


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Python 100.0%