This implementation is based on ord 0.17.1, *use this as a reference only
- enchiper(encode)
- dechiper(decode)
function exampleEncode() {
const spacedRune = SpacedRune.fromString("RUNESTONE.COIN");
const runestone = new Runestone({
edicts: [
id: new RuneId(new U64(10n), new U32(1n)),
amount: new U128(23n),
output: new U32(23n),
id: new RuneId(new U64(10n), new U32(1n)),
amount: new U128(1111n),
output: new U32(2222n),
mint: new RuneId(new U64(232390482390843242n), new U32(19823742n)),
pointer: new U32(1212342342n),
etching: {
rune: spacedRune.rune,
spacers: spacedRune.spacers,
premine: new U128(232390482390843242n),
symbol: Symbol.fromString("R"),
terms: {
amount: new U128(232323232323232390482390843242n),
cap: new U128(532390482390843242n),
height: {
start: new U64(1n),
end: new U64(1n),
offset: {
start: new U64(2n),
end: new U64(2n),
const buffer = runestone.enchiper();
commitBuffer: runestone.etching?.rune?.commitBuffer(),
// *the script has no "OP_RETURN OP_13 [bytes_length]" preffix, please add it manually if you want to put it inside the tx
// - hex: 0x6a 0x5d [bytes_length] ...
// - bitcoinjs-lib: bitcoin.script.compile([bitcoin.opcodes.OP_RETURN, bitcoin.opcodes.OP_13, buffer])
// output:
// {
// buffer: Buffer(92) [ 2, 3, 4, 219, 230, 200, 158, 172, 179, 226, 247, 24, 3, 128, 2, 6, 234, 254, 217, 192, 153, 189, 231, 156, 3, 5, 1, 10, 234, 254, 137, 250, 190, 157, 153, 179, 175, 152, 152, 234, 234, 93, 8, 234, 254, 209, 133, 171, 202, 219, 177, 7, 12, 1, 14, 1, 16, 2, 18, 2, 22, 198, 192, 139, 194, 4, 20, 234, 254, 217, 192, 153, 189, 231, 156, 3, 20, 254, 248, 185, 9, 0, 10, 1, 23, 23, 0, 0, 215, 8, 174, 17 ],
// commitBuffer: Buffer(8) [ 91, 51, 210, 195, 154, 137, 239, 24 ],
// }
// output:
// {"edicts":[{"id":{"block":"10","tx":"1"},"amount":"23","output":"23"},{"id":{"block":"10","tx":"1"},"amount":"1111","output":"2222"}],"etching":{"rune":"RUNESTONECOIN","spacers":"256","premine":"232390482390843242","symbol":"R","terms":{"amount":"232323232323232390482390843242","cap":"532390482390843242","height":{"start":"1","end":"1"},"offset":{"start":"2","end":"2"}}},"mint":{"block":"232390482390843242","tx":"19823742"},"pointer":"1212342342"}
function exampleDecodeFromTxBuffer() {
const txBuffer = Buffer.from(
// this is the pure output buffer
console.log({ txBuffer });
const runestone = Runestone.dechiper(txBuffer);
const buffer = runestone.enchiper();
console.log({ buffer });
// output:
// {
// buffer: Buffer(37) [ 2, 3, 4, 213, 181, 157, 129, 207, 163, 160, 245, 32, 1, 38, 3, 160, 2, 6, 184, 156, 222, 147, 137, 142, 202, 1, 5, 88, 10, 232, 7, 8, 136, 164, 1, 22, 1 ],
// }
// output:
// {"edicts":[],"etching":{"divisibility":"38","premine":"888888888888888","rune":"XVERSEFORTEST","spacers":"288","symbol":"X","terms":{"amount":"1000","cap":"21000","height":{},"offset":{}}},"pointer":"1"}
const spacedRune = new SpacedRune(
// output: XVERSE•FOR•TEST
function main() {