Python tool which allows to generate different kind of networks and to do analysis on them.
Network generation models: <br>
- Random Graph [wiki] <br>
- Watts-Strogatz [wiki] <br>
- Prefential Attachment (Rich get Richer phenomen) [article] <br>
Centrality measures: <br>
- Eigenvector <br>
- Katz <br>
- Betweenness (Girvan-Newman algorithm) [article] <br>
Epidemics/Diffusion models: <br>
- Linear Threshold [explanation]
- data/ : contains different kinds of networks.
- Facebook.txt: facebook graph (Stanford dataset reference)
- Wiki_Vote: Wiki-Vote graph (Stanford dataset reference)
- random_graph.txt: a random graph (generated with this tool)
- watts_strogatz.txt: a 2d watts strogatz graph (generated with this tool)
- prefential_attachment.txt: a preferential attachment graph (genereted with this tool)
- docs/ : contains the documentation (open index.html)
- source/ : contains the python source <br>
##Author: Emanuele Pesce <br>
For each suggestion or contribution don't hesitate to contact me.