Forget Me Knot is a project I completed with an 11 hour time constraint. Server is likely no longer active, but I put this up anyway to demonstrate clean, iterative code written with a time constraint in mind. There are a few things that can be improved, but I thought I would leave it more or less the same since it shows what I can do with a deadline.
The app conforms to Apple's recommended MVC design pattern, allowing for a nice separation of concerns. It also has a networking layer that utilizes RESTful APIs to pull grocery items and post grocery lists. The UI is built using Auto Layout and Stack Views.
- Simply download or clone the project
- Open the Xcode project and navigate to the NetworkingConstants.swift file
- Inside the Constants struct, there is an Http struct with a static constant named "AuthHeaderValue." Customize the string found there while conforming to the following format: "lastName_fourDigitNumber"
- Run the application and add new grocery lists