emacs-evil / evil-ediff

Make ediff a little more evil

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gx goto X's point?

biocyberman opened this issue · comments

I came to this repo because I can't type ga in Ediff control panel to go to the diff point of buffer A. The same for buffer B. I find myself frequently want to use goto to make fine changes to buffer A or B because I don't just take the whole diff point of A or B by typing b or a.

Currently I have to use mouse or other keybindings (i.e. in spacemacs: C-z SPC <n>, where n is number label of the window) to jump to the buffer I want. It's not convenient this way. So would you add this feature?

That's the way the command works in ediff. It doesn't select the buffer. The command is ediff-jump-to-difference-at-point See here

@biocyberman While justbur's note on what you're requesting not being part of the functionality of ediff is totally fair, I found it's easy to make us comfortable with the commands we already have: M-m in spacemacs is the leader key(just like SPC in evil-state) in both evil and emacs state: see chapter 8.1.2 in doc. So upon entering ediff, change the file buffers to evil-state, and use M-m 1 to jump between buffers. Feels nice enough for me. (Or maybe you already know all these after this few months :-) )