An external, networked cockpit panel for the X-Plane flight simulator.
License: GNU GPLv3
It is possible to run this panel on the same computer or another computer on the network to display cockpit instruments from remote X-Plane.
Almost all instruments are drawn using scalable vector graphics for perfect scaling and high resolutions.
The application also allows running hardware instruments with X-Plane datarefs. These are used to control servos using PWM. Other, more complex output devices can be implemented later. Currently Chroma is the most tested device but the others should also work.
The app is written using Qt and is platform independent - it runs on different Linux variants, Mac and Windows. X-Plane SDK is NOT required to build ExtPlane-Panel.
Target hardware is:
- Desktop PC's
- Android
- Nokia Maemo 4 & 5
- MeeGo (Harmattan / Mer / Sailfish)
- Raspberry Pi
- anything that will run Qt!
Ext-Plane Plugin + Panel
- Linux 32bit, 15MB
- Linux 64bit, 15MB
- Windows 32bit, 12MB
- Windows 64bit, 13MB
- OS-X 64bit, 15MB
There are currently a number of instruments available, including:
- Basic compass
- Direction indicator with the compass rose
- Airspeed indicator
- Altimeter
- Attitude indicator
- Variometer
- RPM gauge
- GPS/Radar map
- Light indicator
- Engine display
- Navigation display
Most instruments look like general aviation instruments and can be customized and adjusted. You can also add and customize covers for your instruments. In addition, there are also debugging tools which can help when developing with the X-Plane API.
Hardware Devices
Currently supported output devices:
- Chroma USB Servo controller (http://electronics.chroma.se/usbsb.php)
- Raspberry Pi's ServoBlaster module which allows RPi's GPIO pins to output PWM
- Pololu SSC04A (or compatible) serial servo controller
Profiles and Panels
You can save your work when setting up your ExtPlane-Panel through the use of profiles. A profile
is a file that can be saved to disk (ending with .ini
). At first launch, ExtPlane-Panel will
automatically create and load a profile in your documents folder called ExtPlane-Panel-Default.ini
Each profile may contain multiple panels, which can be switched using arrow keys, or through the panel manager, or automatically when changing aircraft (if enabled in app settings). Only a single panel is loaded at any time.
Command Line
Command line arguments override application settings. This can be useful when you wish to launch multiple panels on multiple monitors, each panel using a preset configuration.
- --fullscreen forces the app to launch in fullscreen mode
- --screen {number} sets the panel to a specific monitor/screen
- --width {number} set the width in pixels of the panel (if not fullscreen)
- --height {number} set the height in pixels of the panel (if not fullscreen)
- --profile {filepath} loads the panel profile specified by filepath
- --hidden-gui {true|false} when true, removes any visible extra UI (such as the yellow tab for opening menu)
- --simulate {true|false} when true, simulates the ExtPlane connection
- --panelrotation {0-360} sets the global panel rotation
- --serveraddress {host:port} sets the ExtPlane plugin host and port
- --interpolate {true|false} when true, enables value interpolation
- --antialias {true|false} when true, enables rendering antialias
- --autopanels {true|false} when true, a panel will automatically be loaded (or created) when the aircraft changes
- --adjustpower {true|false} when true, panel items will be dimmed or powered off when avionics or battery is off
- --fontsize {number} sets the default font size for all panel items
- --remembersizeandposition {true|false} when true, the panel window will always be positioned at the same place
- --panelupdateinterval {seconds} sets the update interval in seconds
User Interface
Click inside the yellow tab at top left to open the main menu.
Edit Panel makes the instruments become selectable with a click. It is then possible to move the instruments around. Double-click on an instrument to see or modify its properties or delete it. Edit mode can be also toggled with space key.
Add Item allows new instruments to be added.
Save Profile saves all the panel profile settings to a file.
Save Profile As... saves a panel profile to a different file or location.
Load Profile loads any given panel profile from disk.
New Profile creates an empty new profile with a single panel.
Manage Panels allows you to remove, add, rename and copy panels.
Hardware opens the hardware window where you can configure various physical devices.
App Settings has various settings for the application:
- IP address or hostname of the X-Plane machine
- Fullscreen
- Screen rotation
- Simulated connection - use for testing new instruments without real X-Plane connection
- Interpolate values - you can disable this on slow devices
- ExtPlane update interval - time (in seconds) how often X-Plane should send updates at maximum
- Panel update interval - time (in seconds) how often the panel should be redrawn
- Default font size - affects all instruments
- Automatically create and load panels - a panel will automatically be loaded (or created) when the aircraft changes
- Adjust panel brightness and power - panel items will be dimmed or powered off when avionics or battery is off
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Space toggles edit mode
- F sets fullscreen mode
- Delete deletes selected panel items
- Left selects the previous panel (if any)
- Right selects the next panel (if any)
Setting up hardware instruments
Currently servo-like devices are supported. ExtPlane-panel has concept of output devices which contain one or more outputs (usually servo outputs) and bindings which contain mapping between X-Plane dataref and one output on a output device.
Example: Making a servo that displays indicated airspeed with range of 0-200 knots.
- Press hardware button. Enable the output device you want to use on Devices tab.
- Open Bindings tab. Click "New".
- Enter following details:
- Name: ASI
- Input dataref: sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/airspeed_kts_pilot
- Dateref accuracy: 0.5 (or as high value as possible)
- Input min: 0
- Input max: 200 (this sets the range of ASI in knots)
- Output device: the device you enabled
- Output num: Number of output on your device. Usually 0=first servo, 1=second servo..
- Open the output curve dialog and set:
- Output min: 45 (device dependent; set this to the value that moves servo to zero position)
- Output max: 250 (device dependent; set this to the value that moves servo to 200kt position)
- Interpolation speed: 3 (Makes the movement less jerky. Set to 0 for no interpolation)
- Click Save changes. Servo should now start moving.
- If you modify values, click Save changes again. Remember to save the panel to save these settings!
ExtPlane-Panel uses the Qt Framework for graphics and cross-platform compatibility. Before building you'll need to setup Qt 4.5 or greater and Qt Mobility to compile. You'll also need to check out the ExtPlane plugin sources (https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane) to the directory next to the ExtPlane-Panel directory.
The requirements for ExtPlane-Panel are as follows:
- C++ Toolchain
- Qt Framework 4.5+ (Qt 5.x is recommended)
- ExtPlane (contains the reusable client Qt code)
# 1: (Debian/Ubuntu) Install required libraries and tools
sudo apt-get install git build-essential qtbase5-dev qt5-default qtmobility-dev debhelper cdbs devscripts
# 2: Download source code from GitHub and enter the ExtPlane directory
git clone https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane.git
git clone https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane-Panel.git
cd ExtPlane-Panel
# 3a: (Debian/Ubuntu) Build and install debian package
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b
sudo dpkg -i ../extplane-panel*.deb
# 3b: (NOT Debian/Ubuntu) Build binary
# 1: Install required libraries and tools
# Download and install X-Code and Developer Tools from http://developer.apple.com
# Download and install Qt5 from http://qt-project.org/downloads
# 2: Download source code from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane.git
git clone https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane-Panel.git
# 3: Build project
cd ExtPlane-Panel
# Note: If qmake is not on your command path, add the Qt bin directory to your path using
# export.
# 1: Install required libraries and tools
# Download and install Qt5 from http://qt-project.org/downloads
# Download and install Git from http://git-scm.com/downloads
# 2: Download source code from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane.git
git clone https://github.com/vranki/ExtPlane-Panel.git
# 3: Build project
cd ExtPlane-Panel
# Note: If you do not have a C++ compiler, you can install one of the following:
# MinGW version of Qt: http://qt-project.org/downloads
# Windows 7 SDK: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=8279
# Windows 8 SDK: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh852363.aspx
# Visual Studio Express: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads#d-2012-express
Creating new Panel Items
Adding items is really easy if you know some C++ programming. Subclass PanelItem class and implement painting and subscription to datarefs as needed. See Button class for a really simple example. If your instrument is round gauge with a needle, you might want to subclass NeedleInstrument class. See Airspeed or Variometer classes for example.
Code should be reasonably well documented. If something is not clear, please report it.
GPL licence does not require you to release any changes you do to this application if you only use them yourself. Despite this we ask you to release any new instruments you create or any other improvements you make into the application.
Preferred way is to create a fork in github and send a pull request when you are finished. If you don't want to do this, we're happy with any other way to deliver the changes.
Coding Guidelines
Always group headers in a meaningful format (ie all Qt headers should be grouped together,
and all ExtPlane headers grouped together). In addition, make sure that headers
are always fully relative (ie use ../util/header.h
instead of util/header.h
This is required to build across all platforms.
Platform-Dependent Code
When writing code which uses new features currently not implemented, always make
sure to first try to use Qt cross-platform classes and libraries. When using
platform dependent code, make sure to #ifdef
the sections of code which will
only work on a specific platform. You can use standard Qt defines, or additional
defines such as TERMIOS_AVAIALABLE
to help with this.
Contact / Feedback
Original Author:
- Ville Ranki ville.ranki@iki.fi
- Dan Krusi dan.krusi@nerves.ch
- Bob Gates