elygre / XmlToRdf

Fast and configurable XML to RDF converter for Java

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Java library to convert any XML file to RDF.

XmlToRdf offers incredibly fast conversion by using the built in Java SAX parser to stream convert your XML file to RDF. A vast selection of configurations (with sane defaults) makes it simple to adjust the conversion for your needs, including element renaming and advanced IRI generation with composite identifiers.

Output from the conversion can be written directly to file as RDF Turtle or added to a RDF4J Repository or Jena Dataset for further processing. With RDF4J and Jena it is possible to do further, SPARQL based, transformations on the data and outputting to formats such as RDF Turtle and JSON-LD.

Support forum


Post questions about how to use or configure XmlToRdf.

Benchmark results

Method File size Time
Fast convert 100 MB ~ 1.8 seconds
Advanced convert 100 MB ~ 3.1 seconds
Jena convert 100 MB ~ 11 seconds
RDF4J convert 100 MB ~ 10 seconds

Memory usage

Method File size Memory requirement
Fast convert 100 MB Min: 3 MB; Comfort: 20 MB
Advanced convert 100 MB Min: 15 MB; Comfort: 50MB
Jena convert 100 MB Min: 1600 MB; Comfort: Not measured yet
RDF4J convert 100 MB Min: 1100 MB; Comfort: Not measured yet

Min: Minimum required memory
Comfort: Amount of memory required to get close to benchmark speeds

Benchmark information

  • JDK: JDK 1.8.0_65, VM 25.65-b01
  • Machine: Macbook Pro 15" Mid 2015
  • CPU: 2.8 GHz (i7-4980HQ) with 6 MB on-chip L3 cache and 128 MB L4 cache (Crystalwell)
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • SSD: 512 GB


To use XmlToRdf in your project add the following dependency to your pom.xml file.


Looking for Sesame support? The last version to support Sesame is: 1.10.0


import no.acando.xmltordf.Builder;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import java.io.*;

public class Convert {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
        BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("data.xml"));
        BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("data.ttl"));

        Builder.getAdvancedBuilderStream().build().convertToStream(in, out);



With the following XML file:

<data xmlns="http://example.org">

You should get the equivalent (though not as pretty) output as follows:

@prefix :      <http://example.org#> .
@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .

[ a                  :data ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a       :item ;
                       :name   "Hello"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a       :item ;
                       :name   "Hello"
] .

If you want to keep working with the RDF data you can choose between Jena or RDF4J. Both of these methods are somewhat slower than using direct to stream, however they are faster than first outputting to stream and then parsing back in again.

For Jena you can do as follows:

BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("data.xml"));
Dataset dataset = Builder.getAdvancedBuilderJena().build().convertToDataset(in);

And for RDF4J you can do like this:

BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("data.xml"));
Repository repository = Builder.getAdvancedBuilderRDF4J().build().convertToRepository(in);

Mixed content

XML allows for mixed content where an element can contain both text and other elements. XmlToRdf detects and converts mixed content into a RDF list structure.

<document xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <paragraph>Hello <b>World</b>!</paragraph>

Will give the following turtle output by default:

[ a                   :document ;
  xmlTodRdf:hasChild  [ a                          :paragraph ;
                        xmlTodRdf:hasChild         _:b0 ;
                        xmlTodRdf:hasMixedContent  ( "Hello " _:b0 "!" ) ;
                        xmlTodRdf:hasValue         "Hello !"
] .

_:b0    a                   :b ;
        xmlTodRdf:hasValue  "World" .

Sometimes an element will contain mixed content in some XML documents, but not in others. In this case it is possible to force an element to always be evaluated as mixed content by adding .forceMixedContent("http://example.org/paragraph") with the appropriate element name to the builder.

Java docs

addComplexElementTransformAtEndOfElement(String element, ComplexClassTransform transform)

Do any transformation on an element will full access to information about its attributes and children. The transformation is applied when the convertor hits the end element tag.

XML example

<person xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <name>John Doe</name>
    <name>Other person</name>

Java code

   .addComplexElementTransformAtEndOfElement("http://example.org/name", element -> element.setType(element.getType().toUpperCase()))
   .addComplexElementTransformAtEndOfElement("http://example.org/person", element -> {
     if(element.hasChild.size() > 1){

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                          ex:person ;
                       <HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/NAME>  "Other person"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                          ex:person ;
                       <HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/NAME>  "John Doe"
] .

No transforms

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:person ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:name  "Other person"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


addComplexElementTransformAtStartOfElement(String element, ComplexClassTransform transform)

Do any transformation on an element will full access to information about its attributes but not about it's children. The transformation is applied when the convertor finishes processing the attributes at the start of a tag.

Take careful note, as shown in the examples, that transforming an element at the start is simpler to reason about that at the end when you are using options such as insertPredicate. In the seconds java example the transform is run at the end of the element, after the insertPredicate() method has run.

```xml John Doe ```

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <name>John Doe</name>

All transforms run before insertPredicate

Java code

   .addComplexElementTransformAtStartOfElement("http://example.org/people", element -> element.setType(element.getType().toUpperCase()))
   .addComplexElementTransformAtStartOfElement("http://example.org/person", element -> element.setType(element.getType().toUpperCase()))
   .insertPredicate("http://example.org/hasPerson").between("HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PEOPLE", "HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PERSON")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a             <HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PEOPLE> ;
  ex:hasPerson  [ a        <HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PERSON> ;
                  ex:name  "John Doe"
] .

Transform on <people> runs after insertPredicate

Java code

   .addComplexElementTransformAtEndOfElement("http://example.org/people", element -> element.setType(element.getType().toUpperCase()))
   .addComplexElementTransformAtEndOfElement("http://example.org/person", element -> element.setType(element.getType().toUpperCase()))
   .insertPredicate("http://example.org/hasPerson").between("HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PEOPLE", "HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PERSON")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  <HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PEOPLE> ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        <HTTP://EXAMPLE.ORG/PERSON> ;
                       ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


addIndex(boolean enabled)

Add the index of the element as a predicate to the RDF. xmlToRdf:index is a global element counter (depth-first) that keeps track of which absolute element this is. xmlToRdf:elementIndex is a relative counter that keeps track of which index this element is for the given type relative to other elements of that type in within the same parent.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <name>person-zero : element-one</name>
    <name>person-one : element-three</name>
    <name>ZEBRA-zero  : element-five</name>
    <name>person-two  : element-seven</name>

Add index

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                      ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:elementIndex  "0"^^xsd:long ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild      [ a                      ex:person ;
                           xmlToRdf:elementIndex  "2"^^xsd:long ;
                           xmlToRdf:index         "7"^^xsd:long ;
                           ex:name                "person-two  : element-seven"
                         ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild      [ a                      ex:ZEBRA ;
                           xmlToRdf:elementIndex  "0"^^xsd:long ;
                           xmlToRdf:index         "5"^^xsd:long ;
                           ex:name                "ZEBRA-zero  : element-five"
                         ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild      [ a                      ex:person ;
                           xmlToRdf:elementIndex  "1"^^xsd:long ;
                           xmlToRdf:index         "3"^^xsd:long ;
                           ex:name                "person-one : element-three"
                         ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild      [ a                      ex:person ;
                           xmlToRdf:elementIndex  "0"^^xsd:long ;
                           xmlToRdf:index         "1"^^xsd:long ;
                           ex:name                "person-zero : element-one"
                         ] ;
  xmlToRdf:index         "0"^^xsd:long
] .

No index

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:name  "person-two  : element-seven"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:ZEBRA ;
                       ex:name  "ZEBRA-zero  : element-five"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:name  "person-one : element-three"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:name  "person-zero : element-one"
] .


autoAddSuffixToNamespace(String sign)

Namespaces in RDF typically end in either / or # unlike in XML where a namespace often has no specific suffix. By default a # is added to the namespace if it doesn't already end in either / or #.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org">
  <name>John Doe</name>

# suffix

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                          <http://example.org#people> ;
  <http://example.org#name>  "John Doe"
] .

Unaltered XML namespace

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                         <http://example.orgpeople> ;
  <http://example.orgname>  "John Doe"
] .


autoAttributeNamespace(boolean enabled)

Uses the namespace for the element as the namespace for any attributes that lack namespaces. Default: true.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name test="yay">John Doe</name>

autoAttributeNamespace enabled

Java code

   .setBaseNamespace("http://none/", Builder.AppliesTo.bothElementsAndAttributes)

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  ex:name ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue  "John Doe" ;
                       ex:test            "yay"
] .

autoAttributeNamespace disabled

Java code

   .setBaseNamespace("http://none/", Builder.AppliesTo.bothElementsAndAttributes)

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                   ex:name ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue   "John Doe" ;
                       <http://none/test>  "yay"
] .


autoTypeLiterals(boolean enabled)

Detects the datatype of simple elements by analyzing their content. Currently support for long, int, double, date and datetime.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <person idNumber="1234" married="true" weight="80.5">
    <name>John Doe</name>

Automatically detect literal types

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                      ex:person ;
                       ex:age                 99 ;
                       ex:dateAndTimeOfBirth  "1900-01-01T00:00:01+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
                       ex:dateOfBirth         "1900-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
                       ex:idNumber            1234 ;
                       ex:married             "true" ;
                       ex:name                "John Doe" ;
                       ex:weight              80.5
] .

Use untyped literals

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                      ex:person ;
                       ex:age                 "99" ;
                       ex:dateAndTimeOfBirth  "1900-01-01T00:00:01+01:00" ;
                       ex:dateOfBirth         "1900-01-01" ;
                       ex:idNumber            "1234" ;
                       ex:married             "true" ;
                       ex:name                "John Doe" ;
                       ex:weight              "80.5"
] .


compositeId(String elementName)

Use attributes and child elements to create a composite identifier for an element. compositeId("elementName") returns a builder to list your required elements and attributes followed by a mapping of those to a string which will be used as the IRI for the RDF resource.

XML example

<documents xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <document seqnr="1">
  <document seqnr="2">

Create composite id from organisation and seqnr

Java code

   .mappedTo((elementMap, attributeMap) -> "http://acme.com/"+elementMap.get("http://example.org/organisation") + attributeMap.get("http://example.org/seqnr"))

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

        a                ex:document ;
        ex:organisation  "Def" ;
        ex:seqnr         "2" ;
        ex:title         "Hi" .

        a                ex:document ;
        ex:organisation  "Abc" ;
        ex:seqnr         "1" ;
        ex:title         "Hello" .

[ a                  ex:documents ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  <http://acme.com/Def2> , <http://acme.com/Abc1>
] .

Use default blank nodes

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:documents ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                ex:document ;
                       ex:organisation  "Def" ;
                       ex:seqnr         "2" ;
                       ex:title         "Hi"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                ex:document ;
                       ex:organisation  "Abc" ;
                       ex:seqnr         "1" ;
                       ex:title         "Hello"
] .


convertComplexElementsWithOnlyAttributesAndSimpleTypeChildrenToPredicate(boolean enabled)

Use the element name as the predicate rather than the rdf:type of elements that are complex type, but only contain simple type elements and/or attributes

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <person age="89" name="John Doe">

Use person as the predicate

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a          ex:people ;
  ex:person  [ ex:age            "89" ;
               ex:maritalStatus  "unknown" ;
               ex:name           "John Doe"
] .

Use person as the rdf:type

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                 ex:person ;
                       ex:age            "89" ;
                       ex:maritalStatus  "unknown" ;
                       ex:name           "John Doe"
] .


convertComplexElementsWithOnlyAttributesToPredicate(boolean enabled)

Use element name as predicate instead of the rdf:type on complex elements that only contain attributes.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <person age="89" name="John Doe"/>

convertComplexElementsWithOnlyAttributesToPredicate enabled

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a          ex:people ;
  ex:person  [ ex:age   "89" ;
               ex:name  "John Doe"
] .

convertComplexElementsWithOnlyAttributesToPredicate disabled

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:age   "89" ;
                       ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


forceMixedContent(String elementName)

Force mixed content handling for elements, even when they do not contain mixed content.

XML example

<document xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <paragraph>Hello, World!</paragraph>

Use forced mixed content on paragraph.

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

_:b0    a                  ex:b ;
        xmlToRdf:hasValue  "World" .

[ a                  ex:document ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                         ex:paragraph ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasMixedContent  ( "Hello, World!" ) ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue         "Hello, World!"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                         ex:paragraph ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasChild         _:b0 , _:b1 ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasMixedContent  ( _:b1
                                                   " "
                                                 ) ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue         " !"
] .

_:b1    a                  ex:b ;
        xmlToRdf:hasValue  "Hello" .

With auto detection of mixed content.

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

_:b0    a                  ex:b ;
        xmlToRdf:hasValue  "Hello" .

_:b1    a                  ex:b ;
        xmlToRdf:hasValue  "World" .

[ a                  ex:document ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                         ex:paragraph ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasChild         _:b0 , _:b1 ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasMixedContent  ( _:b0
                                                   " !"
                     ] ;
  ex:paragraph       "Hello, World!"
] .


insertPredicate(String predicate)

Uses the specified predicate between the parent and the child. Order of application:

  • between("parent", "child")
  • betweenSpecificParentAndAnyChild("parent")
  • betweenAnyParentAndSpecificChild("child")
  • betweenAny()

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <person age="89" name="John Doe">

Insert hasPerson predicate

Java code

   .insertPredicate("http://example.org/hasPerson").between("http://example.org/people", "http://example.org/person")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a             ex:people ;
  ex:hasPerson  [ a                 ex:person ;
                  ex:age            "89" ;
                  ex:maritalStatus  "unknown" ;
                  ex:name           "John Doe"
] .

Use default hasChild perdicate

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                 ex:person ;
                       ex:age            "89" ;
                       ex:maritalStatus  "unknown" ;
                       ex:name           "John Doe"
] .


invertPredicate(String predicate)

Inverts an inserted predicate between two elements, so that the inherit parent -> child relationship is reversed. Remember to insert a predicate before trying to invert it.

XML example

<person name="John Doe" xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <dog name="Woof"/>

Insert and invert ownedBy

Java code

   .insertPredicate("http://example.org/ownedBy").between("http://example.org/person", "http://example.org/dog")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a           ex:dog ;
  ex:name     "Woof" ;
  ex:ownedBy  [ a        ex:person ;
                ex:name  "John Doe"
] .

Just insert ownedBy

Java code

   .insertPredicate("http://example.org/ownedBy").between("http://example.org/person", "http://example.org/dog")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a           ex:person ;
  ex:name     "John Doe" ;
  ex:ownedBy  [ a        ex:dog ;
                ex:name  "Woof"
] .


mapTextInAttributeToUri(String elementName, String attributeName, String from, Object to)

Map the text inside an element to an IRI.

XML example

<people maritalStatus="married" xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>

Map married to an IRI

Java code

   .mapTextInAttributeToUri("http://example.org/people", "http://example.org/maritalStatus", "married", "http://someReferenceData.org/married")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                 ex:people ;
  ex:maritalStatus  <http://someReferenceData.org/married> ;
  ex:name           "John Doe"
] .

No mapping

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                 ex:people ;
  ex:maritalStatus  "married" ;
  ex:name           "John Doe"
] .


mapTextInElementToUri(String elementName, String from, Object to)

Map the text inside an element to an IRI.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>

Map married to an IRI

Java code

   .mapTextInElementToUri("http://example.org/maritalStatus", "married", "http://someReferenceData.org/married")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                 ex:people ;
  ex:maritalStatus  <http://someReferenceData.org/married> ;
  ex:name           "John Doe"
] .

No mapping

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                 ex:people ;
  ex:maritalStatus  "married" ;
  ex:name           "John Doe"
] .


mapTextInElementToUri(String elementName, no.acando.xmltordf.StringTransformToT mapToT)

Map the text inside an element to an IRI (URI) by providing a function that takes a String as input and returns a String (for getAdvancedBuilderStream), a Node (for getAdvancedBuilderJena) or a Resource (for getAdvancedBuilderRDF4J).

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>

Map married to an IRI

Java code

   .mapTextInElementToUri("http://example.org/maritalStatus", value -> "http://someReferenceData.org/"+value)

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                 ex:people ;
  ex:maritalStatus  <http://someReferenceData.org/married> ;
  ex:name           "John Doe"
] .


overrideNamespace(String namespace)

Override all namespaces in the XML with a new namespace.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/" xmlns:a="http://A.com/">
  <name a:test="hello">John Doe</name>

Override all namespaces

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  <http://otherNamespace.com/people> ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  <http://otherNamespace.com/name> ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue  "John Doe" ;
] .

Use namespaces provided in XML

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                    ex:name ;
                       <http://A.com/test>  "hello" ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue    "John Doe"
] .


renameElement(Builder.XmlPath path, String to)

Change the name of an element at the end of a specific path. Useful for renaming elements that do not have a unique name, but have local names scoped to their parents. Can also be used to rename elements to more specific types based on their context as in the examples below.

XML example

<window xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <tittle>Main frame</tittle>
      <tittle>Sub frame</tittle>

Java code

   .renameElement(Builder.createPath("http://example.org/frame","http://example.org/frame"), "http://example.org/subFrame")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:window ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  ex:frame ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a          ex:subFrame ;
                                            ex:tittle  "Sub frame"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a          ex:frame ;
                       ex:tittle  "Main frame"
] .


renameElement(String elementFrom, String to)

Change the name of an element.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>

Rename "people" to "PEOPLE"

Java code

   .renameElement("http://example.org/people", "http://example.org/PEOPLE")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:PEOPLE ;
  ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


renameElement(String elementFrom, StringTransformTwoValue transform)

Change the name on the fly using a function. Eg. for capitalizing element names.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>

Capitalize all element names

Java code

   .renameElement(null, (namespace, name) ->  namespace + name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1))

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:People ;
  ex:Name  "John Doe"
] .


resolveAsQnameInAttributeValue(boolean enabled)

Will resolve a qname inside an attribute by expanding it to a full IRI as a string.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/" xmlns:test="http://test.com/">
  <name age="test:old">John Doe</name>

Resolve all qnames

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  ex:name ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue  "John Doe" ;
                       ex:age             "http://test.com/old"
] .

Do not resolve qnames

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  ex:name ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue  "John Doe" ;
                       ex:age             "test:old"
] .


setBaseNamespace(String namespace, Builder.AppliesTo which)

Sets a namespace for elements and attributes that lack their own namespace. This is recommended to use in order to make sure everything has a namespace in your final RDF.

XML example

<people xmlns:other="http://other.org/">
  <name other:age="1">John Doe</name>
  <other:name age="2">Unknown</other:name>

Use example.org with elements and attributes

Java code

   .setBaseNamespace("http://example.org/", Builder.AppliesTo.bothElementsAndAttributes)

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  <http://other.org/name> ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue  "Unknown" ;
                       ex:age             "2"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                       ex:name ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue       "John Doe" ;
                       <http://other.org/age>  "1"
] .

Use empty namespace

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  <file:///Users/havardottestad/Documents/Programming/XmlToRdf2/people> ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                       <http://other.org/name> ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue       "Unknown" ;
                       <http://other.org/age>  "2"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                       <file:///Users/havardottestad/Documents/Programming/XmlToRdf2/name> ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue       "John Doe" ;
                       <http://other.org/age>  "1"
] .


setDatatype(String element, Object datatype)

Specify the datatype on a Simple Type element. Use a string with AdvancedBuilderStream as the datatype, and the respective RDF4J or Jena types with AdvancedBuilderRDF4J and AdvancedBuilderJena.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>

Make age an integer

Java code

   .setDatatype("http://example.org/age", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer")

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:people ;
  ex:age   1 ;
  ex:name  "John Doe"
] .

Leave untyped

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:people ;
  ex:age   "1" ;
  ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


simpleTypePolicy(SimpleTypePolicy policy)

XML elements with only text inside and no attributes (known as Simple Type elements) can be compacted to use the element name as the RDF predicate or be expanded to use the xmlToRdf:hasChild predicate

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>


Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:people ;
  ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  ex:name ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasValue  "John Doe"
] .


skipElement(String elementName)

Skip an element and all contained elements. Includes the element named, and continues skipping until the closing tag is reached.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <name>John Doe</name>

Skip person with subtree.

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a       ex:people ] .

Without skipping any elements

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:person ;
                       ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


transformAttributeValue(String elementName, String attributeName, StringTransform transform)

Run a function on the value of an attribute and use the returned string as the new value. Take careful note of the namespaces. Unless specified, attributes inherit the namespace of their element.

XML example

<person age="3" xmlns="http://example.org/"/>

Multiply age by 10

Java code

   .transformAttributeValue("http://example.org/person", "http://example.org/age", v -> String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(v)*10))

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a       ex:person ;
  ex:age  "30"
] .

Without any transformation

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a       ex:person ;
  ex:age  "3"
] .


transformElementValue(String elementName, StringTransform transform)

Run a function on the value of an element and use the returned string as the new value. Mixed content

XML example

<person xmlns="http://example.org/">

Convert name to uppercase

Java code

   .transformElementValue("http://example.org/name", v -> v.toUpperCase())

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:person ;
  ex:name  "PETER"
] .

Without any transformation

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:person ;
  ex:name  "Peter"
] .


useAttributeForId(String elementName, String attributeName, StringTransform stringTransform)

Use an attribute on an element to generate an identifier for the RDF node. Any single attribute can be used, and adding a namespace or a prefix to the ID is simple as part of the transform.

XML example

<archive xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <record nr="0000001">
    <title>Important record</title>
  <record nr="0000002">
    <title>Other record</title>

Use the record number (nr) as the node ID in the RDF.

Java code

   .useAttributeForId("http://example.org/record", "http://example.org/nr", v -> "http://acme.com/records/"+v)

RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

        a         ex:record ;
        ex:nr     "0000002" ;
        ex:title  "Other record" .

[ a                  ex:archive ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  <http://acme.com/records/0000002> , <http://acme.com/records/0000001>
] .

        a         ex:record ;
        ex:nr     "0000001" ;
        ex:title  "Important record" .

With default blank node

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:archive ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a         ex:record ;
                       ex:nr     "0000002" ;
                       ex:title  "Other record"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a         ex:record ;
                       ex:nr     "0000001" ;
                       ex:title  "Important record"
] .


useElementAsPredicate(String elementName)

Create a predicate between the parent and the children elements of an element instead of a node. The element name is used as the predicate IRI. Elements used as predicates should be complex elements without any attributes (the converter will skip any attributes). It is also recommended to only use elements as predicates where the child elements are all complex.

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
    <name>John Doe</name>
        <name>Jane Doe</name>
        <name>John Smith</name>

Use friends as a predicate between person and friend

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a           ex:person ;
                       ex:friends  [ a                  ex:numberOfFriends ;
                                     xmlToRdf:hasValue  "2"
                                   ] ;
                       ex:friends  [ a        ex:friend ;
                                     ex:name  "John Smith"
                                   ] ;
                       ex:friends  [ a        ex:friend ;
                                     ex:name  "Jane Doe"
                                   ] ;
                       ex:name     "John Doe"
] .

friends becomes a blank node by default

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:people ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                  ex:person ;
                       xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a                   ex:friends ;
                                            xmlToRdf:hasChild   [ a        ex:friend ;
                                                                  ex:name  "John Smith"
                                                                ] ;
                                            xmlToRdf:hasChild   [ a        ex:friend ;
                                                                  ex:name  "Jane Doe"
                                                                ] ;
                                            ex:numberOfFriends  "2"
                                          ] ;
                       ex:name            "John Doe"
] .


uuidBasedIdInsteadOfBlankNodes(String baseNamespace)

Generate IRIs for elements by using a UUID instead of using blank nodes. Blank nodes are locally unique, while UUIDs are globally unique. UUIDs take time to generate, depending on your system, and will make the conversion from XML to RDF considerably slower. UUID based identifiser require a namespace to be used for the final IRI, if the namespace is "http://data.example.org/" then the IRI of the resource would be http://data.example.org/94210b03-3000-4064-8675-0303ff9b3c27"

XML example

<people xmlns="http://example.org/">
  <name>John Doe</name>


Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

        a        ex:people ;
        ex:name  "John Doe" .

Use locally unique blank node

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a        ex:people ;
  ex:name  "John Doe"
] .


xsiTypeSupport(boolean enabled)

Detects and uses the value in xsi:type attributes as the rdf:type.

XML example

<animals xmlns="http://example.org/"
  xmlns:dbpedia="http://dbpedia.org/resource/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <human xsi:type="man">
    <name>John Doe</name>
  <bird xsi:type="dbpedia:Barn_swallow">
    <name>Big swallow</name>

Detect and use xsi:type references

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:animals ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Barn_swallow> ;
                       ex:name  "Big swallow"
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:man ;
                       ex:name  "John Doe"
] .

Ignore xsi:type references

Java code


RDF output

@prefix xmlToRdf: <http://acandonorway.github.com/XmlToRdf/ontology.ttl#> .
@prefix ex:    <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

[ a                  ex:animals ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:bird ;
                       ex:name  "Big swallow" ;
                     ] ;
  xmlToRdf:hasChild  [ a        ex:human ;
                       ex:name  "John Doe" ;
] .


Generate documentation

Run sh generateDocs.sh in the terminal.


Fast and configurable XML to RDF converter for Java

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%